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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='FlogYou' timestamp='1355851829' post='3065346'] Unlike TPF who have done...? [/quote] We. Did. Not. Die... [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1355852255' post='3065348'] Judge X should keep posting. I'm pretty sure he's the strongest FA tool we could ever have. [/quote] If that's true then your worse off than I thought. Truly the ineptitude must run deep if your counting on me to boost your ratings...
  2. [quote name='infinite citadel' timestamp='1355850506' post='3065342'] Or perhaps this game is a shell of its former self? I highly doubt any alliance would be able to get 50 pages during peace time these days. (You should try harder by the way) [/quote] You have done a good job of trying to kill it. Too bad you've grown so weak in your success that you couldn't hurt a fly. Enjoy your time in detention, weak and powerless to do anything.
  3. Congrats to good allies. Sorry I'm late to the party... o/ New Orders united
  4. [quote name='steodonn' timestamp='1355845451' post='3065324'] Its not a good thread unless it reaches it over 50 pages in a day and then gets locked [/quote] You guys lack that ability now. I mean 8 pages in a few days paints a bleak outlook for MK when one of the very few things you guys did good is rant, spin, and flip it. A few more threads like this and you'll be as lonely as that one nation in Umbrella's lower tier. Game Over...
  5. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1355024452' post='3062000'] Jack Tarr Moo-Cows [/quote] I was looking to see if someone had posted exactly this. I second it.
  6. hehhhh(resigned sigh). Slightly entertaining at best. MK truly is slipping in their weakness. Edit: Grammar
  7. All right. Settle down. It's being taken care of. You hens can go back to the coop. Nothing to see here but murder and intrigue. Thanks for everyone's participation I'll be getting with my allies and my friends as soon as I get the chance to work out woodshed time. Edit for public school education(ie spelling).
  8. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355425079' post='3063430'] I believe Caparo quoted your post to show how this situation could have easily been resolved if there wasn't hostility right off the bat from some people, hence his 'don't treat us as enemies' bit. But I can't speak for him. I quoted your post to emphasize the largest issue here, in my mind.. NSO believes that Kaskus put me in govt just to piss them off, but its actually based on my track record in IA (merits as you said), while there are some that don't agree with my FA abilities (or lack there of) as far as I know there has been no detraction of my IA work -- of which my previous alliances, including NSO, can attest to. That said I would like to apologize to you if the reason for your message being posted here was misconstrued. It was not meant to 'spin' what you were trying to say or detract from your character at all. From what I gather, Kaskus as a whole is very appreciative of your help in this situation. I recently went to NSO boards as a kaskus diplomat to resolve this once and for all and would like you to mediate if you are okay with that. [/quote] Yeah I used "apology" rather than to use Rayvon's stance of "contentious disinterest" in fighting kaskus over you and then have to explain the difference. Rayvon & you were in to it before you returned to kaskus and as caparo was not aware of it, it was your due diligence to fully aprise him of the situation & seek to handle it yourself in private. All this has succeeded in doing is bringing long time allies and friends of mine to the brink of war over shallow and pedantic chest thumping that to be honest caparo doesn't care either way about. All he wants to know is where to put the nukes. Politics is not exactly his forte TBH as English is his second language. Honestly if you talk crap, take your lumps. Running to those(kaskus) that do not care why you show up on their doorstep is cowardly. Don't talk crap if your not willing to burn a bit. Alone. If you cared about kaskus one bit you'd have stepped away for a round of war or two rather than drag them into it. Just my opinion.
  9. Ha! As soon as I get to a PC & not my phone I will post razor's message previous to that one. If my attempts tu scuttle the situation will be aired to bob we can air the whole conversation. I'm not some 12 year old to be twisted.
  10. I am a Mongolian Black Jew and no one ever attacks me...
  11. I think I'll talk to razorade. See who's under the wheels of the bus.
  12. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1354878494' post='3061409'] Touch GOONS and you're dead to me Roadie... [/quote] Gotta watch out for those Koopas Stewie! [img]http://www.bubbleblabber.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/FG1005_SC017.jpg[/img]
  13. this is an OOC forum so... [img]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb245/Jack_Tarr/Old%20Salts%202012/Resample011_zps67cebbc6.jpg[/img] Jack shared with us, so I feel that we should share with the community. It's not photoshopped. That flag is real.
  14. My condolences go out to Jack's family. I have no doubt that he is on the firing line right now. Have fun uncle Jack. As deathcat stated on our forums. Today TPF has lost a member of our FANmily. He will sorely be missed, but the rest of my days here all of my wars will be dedicated to Jack Tarr. Edit: spelling
  15. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1354673675' post='3060456'] If we are little boys what does that make you? A tiny child? I see you've managed to figure out our plan, tiny child. No, we aren't going to cancel on MK and join the mob whose out to get them. We shed all treaties except MK for a reason. We are going to jump off the cliff on purpose and take them with us. Our revenge will be complete. [/quote] Yes. Your isolation was completely self imposed.(sarcasm) Next you'll be signing with NoR too huh?
  16. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1354586899' post='3060161'] Let me take a stab at it 99% making fun of Rush for being old 1% other Did I come close?? [/quote] You made me feel old...
  17. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1354567154' post='3060067'] You're not exactly getting under anyone's skin. At least that I know of. I can't check every household, nor do I care to do so. What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF, especially when its head honcho is thumping its own chest like that. Maybe it has to do with some backroom dealing. Maybe it has to do with your balls suddenly dropping. Who knows? Who cares? The fact remains: TPF was relatively calm lately and, all of a sudden, you come in unprovoked and make thinly veiled threats. As for TPF, I don't think anyone worth its salt would seriously say you were scared of a fight. You've proved it before. Props to you for that. As for your performance, I -personally- wasn't too impressed last time we fought. Roadie, iirc, was good but the rest? Not so much. But that was just my own experience and it doesn't really matter in the end. Oh and for the record, while you're not our favourite alliance, you're certainly not at the top of our "To Kill" list. If you want a fight, go ahead and do your thing. But we don't really want to kill you and I'm not sure we ever did. PS: bragging about the number of responses you elicit isn't something to be proud of, tbh. It makes you know better than Hiro Nakara, Ogaden, Mogar and the rest of the attention whores and usually means you made a post so dumb everyone is mocking you. [/quote] Wow. What rock did you crawl out from under? Where were you for the last 3-4 years? As for your, "What is happening is that a lot of people are surprised and amused by the sudden bravado coming from TPF," comment. Where the hell have you been for the last 3 years, again? If you want to look into backroom dealings you should look to your own people. I'll reiterate. Only fear is keeping TPF from being attacked.
  18. Ahh. nothing like knowing you've gotten under peoples skin when all the post is, "your a $#!+ poster!". You might as well have just posted, "No U!!1!1!" and called it a day. What's happened to MK/DH/TOP? I thought you guys had "huevos" aplenty. This proves that it was always a numerical herculean strength that went along with your talk. I'm not insinuating that all of you are crap. By no means, but the very, very few are swallowed up in the sea of turds. Nothing is going to happen because, "WE. DID. NOT. DIE." and we never will.
  19. [quote name='Devilyn Caster' timestamp='1354512843' post='3059860'] i have to agree with him there; the one time I fought TPF was back in noCB, and they weren't slouches. and they've showed up in every other war, even when they were vastly outnumbered. Though the prosy "The phoenix hungers" lines do confuse me; what do you hunger for? You're saying that you don't desire a fight with MK yet you're insinuating the exact opposite. so which is it? [/quote] "The Phoenix Hungers" is an old school TPF motto.
  20. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1354507941' post='3059823'] TPF's aggressive posturing in this thread is not only priceless, but it'll turn out to be quite funny too, when they decide to put their money where their mouths are and wind up getting their teeth smashed in. [/quote] Your right Bob. You might join in on keeping tech away from poor old TPF? Your inane commentary means nothing. If anything TPF has always shown up for a fight and well out performed plenty. My mouth is as always waiting for you to smash my teeth in. Got Milk?
  21. [quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1354503095' post='3059782'] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=40#entry3059229"]http://forums.cybern...40#entry3059229[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Imagine now. No fantastical numbers advantage is in your favor. What will happen when the Phoenix will fight against even odds? When a year goes by and yet our hunger consumes us in our bloodlust and nobody is coming to your aid? Nobody is coming. All the dongs in the world will only feed us. You trained us too well with your chains of injustice. The Phoenix as always has risen. Know fear."[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: So this is comedy, rather than a threat? Sorry man, got a bit muddled.[/font][/color] [/quote] I distinctly rememebr saying that. Where does t say we plan on attacking anybody? Everyone knows you got a hard on for trying to crush us. Epic fail every time. Haha. [quote name='hormones74' timestamp='1354503175' post='3059783'] Why would they fear TPF? Actually why would anyone? [/quote] Exactly. Now if your done boot licking perhaps a deep and interesting post will be coming forthwith? No? Awww darn.
  22. [quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1354502491' post='3059777'] Weren't you just threatening war with MK over this a few pages back? [/quote] Where? MK doesn't want war with us and neither do you. So scurry along.
  23. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1354497775' post='3059747'] You hush, I have found my jedi mind tricks on both you and Roadie to be 100% effective in interrupting tech flow to TPF. They are, in fact, so effective , that you do not even realize its happening, and you see increasing tech numbers when you look at the stats screen, when in fact, they are decreasing. Dont mess with a jedi! [/quote] LOL. You hush Savior of the DH-NPO war.
  24. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1354496467' post='3059739'] Ludicrous. Interfering with TPF tech dealing is a major long term goal of MK. That said, I really have no clue on this. [/quote] Not that it does any good.
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