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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. Good luck. May you graze in better pastures & not lay underneath them.
  2. Why would the INT leave C&G? TPF happens to like C&G. In fact I think that C&G should come to the Phoenix's lair in Hell and have a party. Like it's 1999!
  3. That's another thing I don't understand. How do you chain in allies on a tech raid? I thought the "D" was contingent on being 'at war', not 'at tech raid'. Hmmm, maybe it's just me.
  4. Please help me because I am not sure what is going on. Is this accurate? somebody pulled out a flamethrower to kill a fly because a fly swatter did not work?
  5. Hello & thanks to all of our Haters. Without you the nukes would get cold in my Silos. I'd also like to thank everyone else for your support. Without our staunch Friends & Allies we would not be here, let alone making new Friends and Allies. I'd like to say that NEW is great people. Since the day that they split from TPF into their own entity they have been quite an enigma it seems. NEW does not have the same political ideals or aspirations/motivations that many alliances do. Our cousins however are a stalwart and honorable alliance. I think it could be summed up with, they are a "Global Terror on War," and not a, "Global War on Terror."
  6. [center][size=5][color=#ff0000][b]The Federation Flies the CCCP[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l601/Lexxx99/TPFflag.png?t=1334095594[/img][/center] [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/1/18/Int-big.png[/img][/center] [b][u]Mutual[/u][/b] – We the undersigned agree to mutually respect our different liquor preferences and to not ridicule each other to an insulting level over our respective loves of bottom shelf whiskey and discount vodka. [b][u]Peace and Intelligence[/u][/b] – Defending the outskirts. Should one party suss out that a third is attempting to glean information about the other through filthy means, or by clean means to dirty ends, they shall inform the other party at the earliest possible inconvenience. [b][u]Defense[/u][/b] – The stores of booze must be protected. If the sovereignty of one party becomes infringed, assistance from the other in all suitable manners is compulsory. If that infringement occurs as a result of a conflict begun outside the parties of this agreement, assistance from the other is heavily encouraged. Upon completion of any mutual defensive endeavor, both parties shall convene with haste to the nearest house of ill repute. Excepting the discovery of thrifty 2 for 1’s, no stops along the way are permitted. [b][u]Cancellation[/u][/b] – Mind the window. If one party finds this agreement makes them puke, this document shall be considered void 70 hours and 50 minutes after they notify the other of their intent to fly the coop. tl:dr non-chaining MDP between TPF and the INT(reading is fundamental) Signed Signed for The International, [b]The Congress of The International[/b] Signed for The Phoenix Federation [b][u]Evil Overlord[/u][/b] JudgeX [b][u]Evil Underlord[/u][/b] HailSatan [b][u]Phoenix Magistrates[/u][/b] Admir Roadie Igotsacane BioBomber [b][u]Embers[/u][/b] grahamkeatley JBone Daeryon
  7. [quote name='Rontastic' timestamp='1330843753' post='2933026'] I suppose congratulations go around to NPO, TLR, and Roquentin. Congrats, you crazy kids! [/quote] I do suppose we should congratulate Roq for hijacking the thread. I try not to, but I couldn't help myself. [img]http://www.growingandgrowing.com/uploaded_images/pat-731186.gif[/img] ***Manufacturer's warning: More than 3 pats a day and you can lead to trolling multiple threads for attention***
  8. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330838061' post='2932970'] Yes, but I wasn't criticizing NPO on those grounds. I was citing TLR and others as hypocrites. They disliked VE's CB on Polar when they had used a worse one on TPF for instance. But, Brehon, if that's the case, why is it an MDoAP at all? It could have stayed at its previous level. A treaty you will be unlikely to honor and know it when signing it is a problematic concept in itself. [/quote] I will go on the record for saying that TPF has never fought TLR. Sometimes when people look to shed the past and move on to a new future & they are doing a great job they get haters. Also as a note, when people ain't doing spit they also become haters or hell you never know why sometimes. Your not gonna start any drama between TLR & TPF. We are all good. It's OK though, your doing what you do. We'll keep doing what we do.
  9. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1330831525' post='2932872'] Bout time you got off the road. Now I know why Roadie is "roadie" [/quote] You know the other day in Indiana I was driving next to clouds? No lie. o/ NPO o/ TLR
  10. Booo! I was overlooked at the kegger last night!
  11. It is truly a hard day today. One of the oldest treaties here has been broken. The STA has truly been the most stalwart of allies. I do hope that all have learned from this. Onward to new heights my friends. o/ STA P.S. Now for Tiger food
  12. NEW is awesome. They have always and will always be friends to TPF on some level. o/ Raiders
  13. Congrats on making the milestones that most said you would never hit HoT and onward and upward to our allies! o/ UE o/ Magicman657 o/ HoT(good luck in the semi-retirement home. does that translate to assisted living?)
  14. Congrats Sir William. SNOOG it is.
  15. Sorry to hear about that RL monster. I do however love the trium line up! they are some solid & stand up, hard core, bite a knee in a bar fight mothers though. Good luck out there, it's a scary place.
  16. Congrats to a pair of friends for tying the Party knot. o/ GATO o/ TIO
  17. Congrats everyone! I see you still can't shake that Little Rena character though. I guess you gotta stick with [s]the suckers that do the work[/s] what works though. LOL o/ TPC
  18. Congrats Tigers on getting peace. Time for the rebuilding to start. The war machine hungers.
  19. Congrats to our brothers in NEW and congrats to the Wolfpack for the blood bond formed. o/ NEW o/ Wolfpack
  20. Congrats on 1000 days GOONS. Thank you for all the casualties you have gifted me. Here's to 1000 more. o/ milestones
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