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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. Congrats to our friends in both alliances who are now a single binge drinking, potato gun toting, chandelier hanging, & nuke throwing Maniacs! o/ to the New Potato Order! o/ BAPS o/ Olympus o/ o/ Mo Fatta o/ New heights!
  2. [quote name='K1L1On1Mr4' timestamp='1340773070' post='2997985'] I'm glad we're allied again even not directly tied. Hail INT and TPF [/quote] One day my friend. One day.
  3. [center][img]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l601/Lexxx99/TPFflag.png?t=1334095594[/img] [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/1/18/Int-big.png[/img][/center] Sovereignty – We the undersigned agree to mutually respect our different liquor preferences and to not ridicule each other to an insulting level over our respective loves of bottom shelf whiskey and discount vodka. Peace and Intelligence – Defending the outskirts. Should one party suss out that a third is attempting to glean information about the other through filthy means, or by clean means to dirty ends, they shall inform the other party at the earliest possible inconvenience. Defense – The stores of booze must be protected. If the sovereignty of one party becomes infringed, assistance from the other in all suitable manners is compulsory. If that infringement occurs as a result of a conflict begun outside the parties of this agreement, assistance from the other is heavily encouraged. Upon completion of any mutual defensive endeavor, both parties shall convene with haste to the nearest house of ill repute. Excepting the discovery of thrifty 2 for 1’s, no stops along the way are permitted. Optional Aggression - If one of the parties in this agreement started the bar fight, they can ask that the other one help them in tearing down the place. After all, what good is a ton of cheap whiskey and vodka without a good old-fashioned brawl? Cancellation – Mind the window. If one party finds this agreement makes them puke, this document shall be considered void 70 hours and 50 minutes after they notify the other of their intent to fly the coop. Signed, Signed for The Phoenix Federation [b][u]Evil Overlord[/u][/b] JudgeX [b][u]Evil Underlord[/u][/b] HailSatan [b][u]Phoenix Magistrates[/u][/b] Admir Roadie Igotsacane BioBomber [b][u]Embers[/u][/b] grahamkeatley JBone Daeryon JWConner For The International: War Council of The International
  4. Now that is a good showing. o/ IRON o/ LSF
  5. May the skies burn with Unholy fire NPO. o/ NPO o/ casualties
  6. OMG! I can't believe I am the first on this! [center][b][size="7"]The Juice is Loose! Your all going to DIE Sparta!!![/size][/b][/center] [center][img]http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/simpson/ojsimpson.jpg[/img][/center] Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  7. [center][img]http://www.usord.com/content/img/slides/m40a5.jpg[/img][/center] Congratulations to the Federation. Your efforts everyday are appreciated. I enjoy the company of the dirtiest, groin kickingest, ear bitingest, swarthy, loyal individuals on bob. o/ TF! o/ COLD o/ Bang o/ Elysium o/ OPP o/ DOOM o/ Sanitarium (risen like a Phoenix from the ashes) o/ Veritas Aequitas(the true at heart, you know who you are) o/ TOOL o/ TPC to our children, redheaded step & indo alike, o/ NEW o/ NG A shot out to our many, many allies, and lastly TPF 4 LIFE! o/ TPF Our doors are open to visitors new & old alike!
  8. Bring it to the wash Baby! A little Sticky, Icky, Nukees! [img]http://images.allmoviephoto.com/2001_The_Wash/dr_dre_george_wallace_snoop_dogg_the_wash_001.jpg[/img]
  9. Beware! Bob's Austerity is harsh & tends to arrive on the back of nukes.
  10. Congrats IRON. Apparently that whip MIA has works!
  11. [quote name='Captain Spock' timestamp='1339792964' post='2985146'] Is he also the cat's pajamas? [/quote] What can I say? I like teh Kitty's. o/ STA o/ GATO o/ LoSS
  12. Awwww! Princess Doomee! The Famas? It is an ugly P.O.S. At least go sexy with the IW STAR-21. Good luck the Stuff has Hit The FAN. [center][img]http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/assault/as30/tavor_04.jpg[/img][/center]
  13. At ease gents. GATO is good people. In fact CnG is good people. Who'd have known after all these years of fighting CnG that they'd be good people? I do have to say thanks to Roadie for all the hard work he puts in at the FA helm. We are one step closer to making that 'Hell's Army' bloc. o/ GATO o/ TPF
  14. Welcome our brothers in arms in The Peoples Community as you transition to The Phoenix Community. This is truly a sad and joyous moment.
  15. [quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1339478241' post='2981296'] I haven't made a post in public in sometime, there's a reason for that Though we may be retired from active game play were still alive and kicking. Gibson would like to thank the photo shop expert, he or she inadvertently has forum activity at 100%, an all time high in 2 years. So for that we thank-you. Unfortunately when we find your ass ( and we always do ) your going to wish you stuck to forum banner adds and gif images and anyone who knows us, knows we'll have an orgy of evidence to back it up. To expedite this matter efficiently so I can go back to drinking and whoring, The Brain is offering $50,000,000 to any information leading to the conviction and where bouts of this forger. Have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow ! [/quote] Someone made the Brain angry! Best of luck in the witch hunt. Remember, they are to be burned in nuclear fire at the stake. [center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/357/4/d/Pinky_and_the_Brain_by_predator_fan.jpg[/img][/center]
  16. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1339477186' post='2981290'] The point wouldn't be to disband you. It would be to give TPF the beating it actually deserves, and maybe even keep you guys out of peace mode for once! [/quote] Lol, what?! other than a few retiree's and those of us who cycle in and out of peace mode for collections during war we don't ride peace mode. ROFL! Are you in the wrong thread? 600K NS difference between TPF and NoR? I think I can make that up in about a week. Let's do the Umbrella thing, Wanna bet 50 tech? More politically potent? Maybe their kowtowing got them further, but they do not have the edge like they used to. The landscape has changed & it is ever changing. Once we have penned that TPF-UMB treaty it will come full circle.
  17. [quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1339375721' post='2980449'] Man. Thanks for the history lesson everyone. I wasn't here for that, but I see that when you use no Vaseline it keeps people coming back to cry about it. Thank Charlie Wilson for the NoV war. It is truly amazing and if NoR(and the rest of the sandpapered commentators) had truly changed they wouldn't be here. UjP is even further back, was that bob on paper? It always does well to know that hate exists in the world. It drives people to accomplish things. Continue on. [/quote] I said this. Commenting on how easily Slayer had more than a few riled up. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339380862' post='2980502'] I think you need to go back and reread every post after Slayer posted his first one (oh and read that one as well). Then maybe you would realize that most had long since forgotten the NoV bit until Slayer rehashed it. I admit though that the former UjP alliances are still upset over TPF's betrayal. The only real hate that seems to exist stems solely from Slayer though and that is his ooc hatred of WS. But please continue to attempt to rewrite history in the very thread it is being created in. It is rather amusing. [/quote] Doc said this. Again, I was not around for any of this, but I have seen newer screen shots than back then. People are sloppy. As for UjP, like Vol Navy said, there are MAYBE a handful of nations left in TPF, maybe. [quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1339384708' post='2980556'] Actually Reverend Jesse Dochartaigh, while you preach to me the NoV issue has come up recently. I do agree that I was not there for it, but the truth lies within the Winners grasp and not the whiners grasp. Who won again? [/quote] So I responded with this. He commented that the NoV thing was LOOOOOONG dead. If by long dead you mean a few hours, then yes, long dead. I received a warn for my comments. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339386413' post='2980571'] Nordreich won. Just because TPF won a battle, does not mean they won the war. NoR is much stronger than TPF and in a much, much better position than TPF. While Slayer is a has been and TPF hangs on to the teat of mother Pacifica for all it is worth. But since you want to bring up "truth", what Slayer is still spewing, no longer holds any water, so please continue to talk about "truth" without realize how amusing it is for you to state that Slayer's version is, or ever was, considered to be truth. [/quote] He responded stupidly with this. This word [b]STRONGER[/b]. I wish that someone would enlighten me as to what is considered strong. Again, screenshots much more recent, but I would agree with Slayer, to put together a coalition to wipe them from here would be on the verge of an OOC attack. They always get theirs. The proof is in the pudding. [quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1339388000' post='2980578'] Hold on wait. You said that it wasn't NoR it was NoV that TPF beat and disbanded & now your saying NoR won even though we didn't fight or disband NoR? I am not understanding your line of reasoning. I would also never consider NoR "stronger" than TPF. When is the last time they fought for 6 months? Never? That's what I'm talking about. Never. [/quote] I responded with the only logical questions and statement. EVERYBODY, including Doc keep saying that the current NoR is not the old NoV, but then he says they are & that they won. Do you get it yet? Either they are or they aren't. Not a convenient flip here and there to sound intelligent. pick a spot on the ground and stand on it. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339395508' post='2980671'] What the $%&@ are you even saying? NoR won in the long run because they are currently bigger than you despite you having several alliances merge into you. That being said, no one cared until TPF members started acting like hot !@#$ (see HalfEmpty's post) because you disbanded an alliance for OOC reasons. There isn't some cold war between NoR and TPF in which there are winners and losers, unless I've missed some undertone in recent politics. TPF destroyed an alliance and tried to destroy a community back then. Is that really something you should be so proud of? This is not to say I hate TPF in its current form, to be clear. I think y'all have a lot of heart and tenacity, and I am disappointed to see the comments from members within this thread voicing their support for what was in every way an OOC witchhunt. [/quote] We had a Charlie Wilson war back then. I wasn't even around. I wish I was, but I wasn't. I'd have loved grinding NoV into the ground. If the size of the alliance had anything to do with strength then there a couple alliances that would be more :cough: pertinent :cough:. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1339396653' post='2980681'] Quite a few more people than just Slayer dislike WS/WN, and will do whatever needed to remove them from this world(OOC: this game, IRL it's free speech, but it doesn't mean i have to like what they say.) [/quote] This. Anybody that dislikes another person due to their ethnic identity(yes people do have those here as well) is on my bucket list. Some people have brought dishonor to themselves and not followed through with their motto. All this aside, I do like Umbrella much more than during the DH/NPO war. Many have proven solid individuals. Fighting is fighting, war is good. The mere appearance of Slayer and his comment in our birthday thread have shown that many here can't grow as people. As he said immediately, he is not staying, yet, rather than taking the high road, any-and-everybody from back then is rolling over in their graves and crying for attention. Like I said, I like it. Drama and attention here might draw a few people out of retirement, get the community up in arms. I for one do not intend to keep my infra/tech forever. I intend to exchange them for casualties. Crazy thing is that a select few here, Zoom & Gantan of note realize that the only stat that cannot be taken from you is your casualties. Now I wonder where they came from?
  18. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339386413' post='2980571'] Nordreich won. Just because TPF won a battle, does not mean they won the war. NoR is much stronger than TPF and in a much, much better position than TPF. While Slayer is a has been and TPF hangs on to the teat of mother Pacifica for all it is worth. But since you want to bring up "truth", what Slayer is still spewing, no longer holds any water, so please continue to talk about "truth" without realize how amusing it is for you to state that Slayer's version is, or ever was, considered to be truth. [/quote] Hold on wait. You said that it wasn't NoR it was NoV that TPF beat and disbanded & now your saying NoR won even though we didn't fight or disband NoR? I am not understanding your line of reasoning. I would also never consider NoR "stronger" than TPF. When is the last time they fought for 6 months? Never? That's what I'm talking about. Never.
  19. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339380862' post='2980502'] I think you need to go back and reread every post after Slayer posted his first one (oh and read that one as well). Then maybe you would realize that most had long since forgotten the NoV bit until Slayer rehashed it. I admit though that the former UjP alliances are still upset over TPF's betrayal. The only real hate that seems to exist stems solely from Slayer though and that is his ooc hatred of WS. But please continue to attempt to rewrite history in the very thread it is being created in. It is rather amusing. [/quote] Actually Reverend Jesse Dochartaigh, while you preach to me the NoV issue has come up recently. I do agree that I was not there for it, but the truth lies within the Winners grasp and not the whiners grasp. Who won again?
  20. Man. Thanks for the history lesson everyone. I wasn't here for that, but I see that when you use no Vaseline it keeps people coming back to cry about it. Thank Charlie Wilson for the NoV war. It is truly amazing and if NoR(and the rest of the sandpapered commentators) had truly changed they wouldn't be here. UjP is even further back, was that bob on paper? It always does well to know that hate exists in the world. It drives people to accomplish things. Continue on.
  21. Yet more thanks to our friends, allies, brothers, & former members.
  22. Congrats Justitians & congrats Scatt, may you ever be a thorn in my posts.
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