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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354478094' post='3059605'] To be fair I was just browsing and seen nobody else took the opportunity to bash you. So I thought I'd make a light jovial comment on how seriously you view some treaties. [/quote] Thank you for fair bashing of all parties Hiro.
  2. Seriously though. It's not like anything is going to come for the MK/DH crew. As stated Umbrella is the only competent ones barring trillions of DONGS being thrown into the GOONS and that too implies numbers. When they don't have insurmaountable odds in their favor the $#!+ will get a little too real. Everyone out there does not want to be their lap dogs. Many want to forge an independent path. Stir stuff up a little on their own and maybe have MK/DH get their back. We know that will never be the plan. Just ask Dave. They will always look first to be the center of attention. Isn't that always the case with perpetual 12 year olds?
  3. It's just trolling for an "evil" to unite allies against. Looking for a CB to launch a crusade against. Well you wont get it. At some point in the future you will take your lumps. We took ours, we grew into a better alliance for it. I can't say the same for many out there across the firing line.
  4. Many here are missing the point. The DH-NPO war was not some landslide victory. It was much more narrow than you think. If not for a few cowards things would have been much different. Imagine now. No fantastical numbers advantage is in your favor. What will happen when the Phoenix will fight against even odds? When a year goes by and yet our hunger consumes us in our bloodlust and nobody is coming to your aid? Nobody is coming. All the dongs in the world will only feed us. You trained us too well with your chains of injustice. The Phoenix as always has risen. Know fear.
  5. [quote name='PARTYANIMAL123' timestamp='1354313454' post='3058689'] He causes all this mother$%&@ing !@#$ and yet he still hasn't got the $%&@ out, OMFG, get !@#$@#$ nuked you righting anal nut-bag, uuughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I am pissed with retards like you [/quote] I told you to kick him to the curb ASAP. It's your own fault for not listening when grown ups are talking.
  6. [quote name='CheeKy' timestamp='1354241532' post='3058302'] Haha. Ai and Fark literally calling eachother friends, what a joke. [/quote] Don't be so sure of your statement. Crazier things are happening daily here.
  7. Why the hell is this still going on?! I just, just, IDK... It saps the intelligence as Griff noted. It was entertaining at first, but Winner12345 has similar attention requirements as HoT and goes about trying to garner it in the same fashion. If you guys leave him alone maybe he'll get the message or grow up a bit, whichever comes first. Believe me, I was looking forward to the entertainment, but when 8 year olds go BANANAS they tend to really jump of the cliff.
  8. lol. The what? Oh. the great Canadian massacre... They may have it together for the 2014-15 season!
  9. Sad to see your ending, but many wishes for a new start with the Sith.
  10. The weak fly like Chaff in the wind. Never missed, never even forgettable. Countdown 54321renniw... blast off!
  11. As a CH-53E man. May all of your IBIS pop inflight. Non Grata is a tenatious and worthy foe and in such a tenatious and worthy defenders. All Phoenicians burn with this fire.
  12. 3 mil to the next person that hits PoleGazer here.
  13. It is true that Common sense is an Uncommon virtue.
  14. I am surprised that the Pony Legions have not just started rainging the whole alliance(*hint, hint*)
  15. LOL. I told you to strip him of his power. YOu have picked a real "winner".
  16. I vote this for the rookie thread of the year. The idea of STFU doesn't even register here.
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