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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Coyoteknifefight' timestamp='1358654015' post='3080607'] Umbrella, even if they lose, will absolutely lay waste to to your upper tier [/quote] And in 6 months when they start over at the bottom with tech with us?
  2. In winter's twighlight you walk a coward's path, run Master of Puppets is gone
  3. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1358620953' post='3080082'] So it was a terrible stagger, and Umb screwed up. I really fail to see your point. Can't blame Umb for being bloodthirsty and tripping over their own two feet to smack their rogue - I mean, clearly, your side is able to taste that bloodlust right now. [/quote] If there is one thing I have understood my whole time on Bob, umbrella doesn't screw up slots of any kind. They are the tax collector's tax collector. Guess what? It's time to tax that @$$!
  4. They aren't enthusiastic about putting you guys at odds. They are tired of getting beat down, poked at, recently the threat that their mutual allies would side with doomhouse anyways. Sometimes enough is enough and you gotta stand up for something. I mean look at the Dave war, CnG was put on the back burner to protect NoR. That doesn't tick you off the slightest? When will CnG come first? We're allies Las. We see it blatantly. Come on GATO, for Dave. The International deserved their war even though LSF went at NoR on a whim, Dave was such a load of crap.
  5. Am I the only one wondering how GOONS will finance this war?
  6. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1358572778' post='3079619'] We were told to wait until Easter. Looks like Christmas twice in a row. [/quote] I guess the eggs on your face or whatever that white stuff is.
  7. GOONS, GONOS, SNOOG, GOONs. It's up to you to show the separation, not us to search for it.
  8. Wow. Lol. This is an incident where the mighty kaskus steps in and goes Indo on that a$$!
  9. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1358570283' post='3079560'] Oh I will i am sure that both of my targets will probably take me to the wood shed and ill kick the hell out of their ankles on the way and enjoy it. [/quote] Can I aid you some money to send a nuke with my name on it?
  10. [quote name='ComeAndSee' timestamp='1358568245' post='3079517'] So what can you realistically do to an alliance who's average war chest is over 5 billion? Wait until you knock down those Umbrella nations with 10k+ tech to the 60k range. [/quote] Sweet. 5 bil average? See you in 6-8 months.
  11. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1358568197' post='3079516'] [color=#0000ff]You will never achieve our level of perfection. There is no place for you in this world.[/color] [color=#0000ff]Furthermore, I consider Pacifica must be destroyed.[/color] [/quote] Over your dead body.
  12. Happy birthday STA! May you receive all the casualties you want. I mean yay! Za Sabir!
  13. Order and Anarchy ensue! Onward to defense of you and yours. The gates of Hell are open!
  14. Chris got his wife beater on? Congrats to both.
  15. Beyond what happened you deserved privacy. I truly feel for you. Putting everything you got here was erased in a single post. Take the good advice. Collect, hibernate, and in a month or so see if this is still home. If not you will have lost little time in just a few collections and you can let tour nation slip. If you still have the fire, hate will keep you warm.
  16. Good luck FEAR. It's as if your rising from the ashes.
  17. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1358228628' post='3076639'] And it's also possible that he's a liar and a cheat. The former does not negate the latter but the opposite does. You don't get a free pass based on good will--not in a system that works and is contemplative. Your perspective as presented doesn't allow for thought. So it's a shame you can't elaborate but certainly no loss to me. I've spent years developing, articulating, presenting, and defending a particular philosophy; I find it rather sad you take joy in shying away from your opportunity to do the same. [/quote] You don't get it. All I said was that it should have been handled privately and that if the worst happened he had earned the right to privacy even though the alliance might have taken damage. In the end the result would have been the same, just without the circus. Whether he is or isn't guilty isn't at all what I am getting at, a little dignity for him is.
  18. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1358227144' post='3076607'] Ah yes, the clumsy irony of the black-and-white ~friends and honor~ mentality. Burn your alliance in defence of a traitor because he' s a friend-- but traitors [i]aren' t[i] friends. Approve of BFF' s cancellation on a loose cannon friend in spite of the friendship, but condemn BFF' s prosecution of a loose cannon because he' s a friend. Loyalty-- without perspective-- is a virtue in hounds, it is nice in politics but frankly it is a vice. [/quote] Um, Chax is not "a friend". He is not only a Trium, but also a founding member and one who has put countless hours into strengthening his community. ~snip~ I had a lengthy retort explaining it further, but honestly you just not worth the time. It actually made me feel good to delete 5 minutes worth of typing that would have attempted to explain my view, beliefs, and facts. Have a nice night.
  19. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1358211585' post='3076472'] And after making 25 posts, would you mind telling us what you would have done differently and what BFF's mistake was here, if one was made at all? Bear in mind that this information was moments away from being posted by a third party. How would an esteemed thinker such as your self have handled it, all while making it so no one thinks they were intentionally deceived? [/quote] I would have kept this crap quiet, held the trial, and if in the process got hit by somebody, I would have burned for someone like Chax that has devoted huge quantities of time into his alliance and was in the wrong, then post war after we got stomped I'd kick him out and post it on the OWF making no apologies at all for what happened as it would have been an internal issue and no ones goddam business! But then I guess that's what loyal alliance mates do. Wonder why you asked that question?
  20. I think in the best interest of fairness to Chax that his "proceedings" would be better represented from a 3rd party alliance with no direct stake in the matter.
  21. [quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1358196002' post='3076287'] Why would Chax post fabricated logs in public intentionally? Does the leader of NEW do not read the OWF? If so, maybe he should start. Specially when it involves his alliance on the brink of war. [/quote] Vibi speaks English as a second language as does all of NEW. The nuances of english are oft lost on them as well as most western politics.
  22. There is quite a bit more information out there. Even more than what BFF/Robster83 hold. Posting 1/50th of the logs, to me, is not damning in any respect of Chax on the OWF. I have to agree with MagicNinja whole heartedly. He is making observations on the information he has while he is being told he is wrong(at the very least. Almost to the point of being called an idiot in my opinion) because there are a lot more logs. To infer that he is incorrect is ludicrous because he is 100% on point for the information that he has. the other 49/50th be damned. If your not going to give up the information then don't argue about information he doesn't have. The point here is that it was a one way relationship with NEW. NEW of course was always willing to burn, nay looked forward to it, for BFF and all their allies. On the other hand a single incident where NEW might need allies because they were being NEW resulted in the immediate cessation of their treaty. This is the reason there are ODP's. Furhter speculation into the incident is sensless without all the information. This however is a good lesson that while some alliances are good allies, some are not good Bloc-mates. The International is a whole different story. They were not in a bloc together, NEW's recent "hibernation" has caused a complete lack of communication for a long period of time, and this completely took them by surprise as they didn't even get a "Chax-like" conversation out of NEW. For the record though each of them had their right within the confines of their treaties. BFF, however unknowingly, carried a further burden of at least having communications as to the matter. NEW made a mistake. They had no idea why the war was going on and truthfully did not care. They just wanted some action, saw Shangri-La aid NSO and decided to aid Kaskus to try and get some action of their own. There was no malicious intent. NEW does not have anything against NSO or Shangri-La. They just wanted a little fun to get activity up. I almost have no doubt that NSO might have been ok with a few rounds of good natured war. NSO turned a blind eye to early NEW aid as they didn't want to cripple or beat down Kaskus in any way. Kaskus made an ass of themselves on the OWF taking advantage of NSO's reluctance to go full bore against them even though NSO did not intend to fight Kaskus, but to go the pre-agreed 3 rounds of war with Unkown Smurf for his transgressions, that if you don't know by now, your lost as it is. Kaskus refused because they wanted some war as well. It in itself was not maliscious, just fool hardy and inconsiderate.
  23. [quote name='EliteCanadaTTK' timestamp='1358050209' post='3075741'] There are much more sophisticated words to use than "idiot," by using such lame and simplistic words like idiot, you come off like the simpleton, not Isaac. Here are a list of synonyms to idiot that will make you look less simple: [i][color=#333333]blockhead,[/color] [color=#333333]bonehead,[/color] [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/cretin"]cretin[/url], dimwit, dork,[color=#333333]dumbbell,[/color] [color=#333333]dunce,[/color] [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/fool"]fool[/url], [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/ignoramus"]ignoramus[/url], [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/imbecile"]imbecile[/url], [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/jerk"]jerk[/url],[color=#333333]kook,[/color] [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/moron"]moron[/url], [color=#333333]muttonhead,[/color] nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, [url="http://thesaurus.com/browse/simpleton"]simpleton[/url], [color=#333333]twits[/color][/i] [color=#333333]P.S. I'm not saying Isaac isn't an idiot, because I don't really know him, I am just saying that there are better words to use to make you look a little more intelligent. Not that you aren't intelligent (I wouldn't know because I don't know you).[/color] [/quote] Sometimes to insult someone in a way that they will understand it you have to K.I.S.S.
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