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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. A good solid group of friends. o/ UE o/ TPF
  2. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1322778984' post='2858528'] Did TPF just insult their allies or did i perceive this wrong? [/quote] Where on Bob's scorched Earth do you see that?! http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Phoenix_Federation
  3. [quote name='SaintScott' timestamp='1322767831' post='2858375'] Why are you always here Ms Pezstar? Is it coz deepp down you really like us WAPA fellies Maybe fancy a bit of rough is that it? [/quote] Last I heard you WAPA guys like to handle big Poles. Would you even know how to handle a woman or are there some Englishmen among you to tell you? [img]http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/08_03/tosscaberDM2408_468x692.jpg[/img]
  4. Hmmm, I remember when I fought WAPA. Nothing classy to see there & the only one of them that didn't roll over on me was Baskan & he's gone. Do they even have any worthwhile fighters left?
  5. Baseless attack on President Gunn's Character would go here >|______________________________|< If he had any. o/ Nascar
  6. [center][img]http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k577/cntpf/phpLRxKyCPM.jpg[/img][img]http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k577/cntpf/php5cq8RlPM.jpg[/img][/center] [quote]Building upon the strong bonds of friendship, Boards Alliance of Protectorate States (BAPS) and The Phoenix Federation (TPF), hereafter referred to as the signatories, do hereby come together in agreement of the following pact. I. The signatories do hereby agree to share any and all available information which is relevant to the interests of security of the other signatory. II. The signatories pledge to peaceful relations between one another and accordingly shall refrain from taking any hostile action towards the other signatory, including but not limited to military attacks or espionage. III. Should either signatory come under attack not as the result of their own intervention in an ongoing war, the other signatory shall come to their assistance in a fashion consistent with the wishes of the attacked signatory. Should a signatory come under attack as a result of their intervention in an ongoing war, the other signatory may come to their assistance at their own discretion. IV. Should either signatory wish to wage a war of aggression, they may request the assistance of the other signatory, who may provide it at their discretion. V. In the event that either signatory believes the continued existance of this agreement is no longer in the best interests of their alliance, this agreement may be terminated following 72 hours private notice.[/quote] [b]Signed for Boards Alliance of Protectorate States,[/b] [u][b]Triumvirate[/b][/u] Inquitus - Triumvir EmperorBadger - Triumvir Topgun0820 - Triumvir [b]Signed for The Phoenix Federation,[/b] [u][b]Evil Overlord[/b][/u] JudgeX [u]Evil Underlord[/u] Daeryon [u][b]Phoenix Magistrates[/b][/u] Admir memoryproblems Igotsacane [u][b]Embers[/b][/u] grahamkeatley JBone [u][b]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b][/u] BlitzedJesus
  7. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1322059672' post='2849699'] Kinda like it. Tho they said how they would never ever do such a thing. [/quote] you have to change with the times to not only survive, but to strive. THP just wants to fight just for the fights sake. We don't really care about "winning" anything more than the next casualty.
  8. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1322030063' post='2849592'] Pretty stupid if you didn't know that OP/PS/LE are all working with each other starting rounds ago and continuing to this day Long after there is any need for it. P.S To Paul, going to hit me some time today? or is full slots OP wars not enough? [/quote] you mean just like the Synergy/RE/whoever else/anonymous it was a couple rounds ago?
  9. [quote name='Komplex' timestamp='1322029006' post='2849584'] So i found out PS and LE is working together. Thats why PS didnt attacked them. [/quote] Lol, I figured the whole time. That's why I attacked LE too.
  10. This is the TE equivalent of a 100+ page SE rant.
  11. [quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1321980971' post='2849086'] Shoulda picked someone with nukes. Now you've pissed me off. Better sell off your land and infra to get out of range of me, that's what I half expect now with your crying. [/quote] Cry or Declare on me. I got all my defensive slots open. If I had another offensive slot open I'd hit you too! Can someone borrow me a 4th Offensive slot? P.S., PS made me do it.
  12. There. I declared on an LE nation with my last slot. Reason: Pork Shrimp says hi! The cavalry should be coming.
  13. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1321942561' post='2848745'] Where you in nuclear anarchy. got attacked by a PS nation.. while fighting two runner/rogue things? [/quote] I believe in you. You have a lot more resources than they can put forward. Fill slots with nations half their size and use numbers to pull them down. Coordinate, Exterminate, & Subjugate with extreme prejudice! Edit: also, how many times has THP been cornholed still at war by a larger AA and won? You know why?
  14. This is how you file complaints: http://mibpaste.com/4V8SCC http://mibpaste.com/rX9eAi I am hitting 2 people that were almost twice my NS.
  15. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1321940892' post='2848651'] To be honest, yes. Out of the top 100 nations, PS has about 25. Since we didn't hit LE, there goes another 19 nations. OP had 3. That leaves 53 nations out of the top 100. Some of those guys (around a half dozen give or take) had full slots, got deleted (what the hell happened to Sierra Republic), or sold off goods to drop them in NS. A few more dropped significantly in NS. So, we were left with hitting everyone we could that was a top 120-140 nation. We had something like 63 assigned targets. 53 minus, say 7 guys, from the top 100, gave us 46. Another 17 from after that. (Even if it was the next 17 nations, it would bring us to the top 117 nations (which it wouldn't be), and you're sitting at 131 right now after being nuked). [/quote] ^ What your saying. | [img]http://oneforty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Charlie-Brown.jpg[/img] What i'm hearing Waa wa waa wa wa waa Fight! waa waa waa...
  16. OMFG!!! I can't believe this !@#$I^&*!!! Thanks Man I appreciate it!
  17. Best wishes moving forward NsO. TPF trusts and supports AODB's decisions as always.
  18. Congrats to 2 friends coming closer together.
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