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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Admir' timestamp='1307407100' post='2725799'] Someone please nuke Amberlin. [/quote] I second this. Please, somebody get their "Ducks in a row" and nuke him.
  2. Since you guys aren't using nukes are you going to surrender to us? All 3 of my guys went limp. You took your only advantage away.
  3. Um, I didn't get Nuked. I didn't get GA'd either. COME ON I NEED TO PAY BILLS!!! Donate! [IMG]http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp134/pitchblackflame/DuckHunt.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/demotivational-posters-duck-hunt.jpg[/img]
  4. COME ON! GO BALLS DEEP WITH 8 DAYS LEFT! you'll feel better.
  5. Is it normal for there to be a 3-5 minute gap in between Cruise missiles? Just wondering. It was also a good gap in between missiles and bombing runs. You guys got Dial-up?
  6. WE were getting rusty and restless anyways, been a good 7 days since we went to war. BUT I WOULDA HAD NUKES IN 2 DAYS!!! War is good. Next round us warring AA's need to "cleanse" TE of treaties though. Besides, I'm actually up $40k including paying bills and my smallest attacker was 150% of my size and I was in econ, but hey Maybe we'll show them what a good quad looks like next time around.
  7. Rounds almost over. Go to war already!
  8. 2 DAYS AND I WOULD HAVE HAD A MANHATTAN PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 MY FIRST TIME! Well of to war! I love those dirty Birds!
  9. Congratulations! Here's to 5 more bro! o/ memoryproblems
  10. My good friends. It is sad that your road has diverged it's course. It has not stopped and will not stop, but at least your with us in your second home.
  11. A sad day indeed for my Brethren. I welcome you guys to our home. Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.
  12. In America, your job determines your marks. In Soviet Russia, Marx determine your job! [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_HyyDHyAwI6k/TGH5W7KTvfI/AAAAAAAAKAg/pRCMFNjC7pg/s1600/karl+marx+peace+sign+2.jpg[/img]
  13. Wariors, War Destructor Fleets, Destroy So DANCE!
  14. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1306460980' post='2718736'] I wasn't actually aware that the whole war effort hinged on us, but I'll take that as a complement. In regards to the rest, I'm not going to lie and pretend that we put out a stellar performance. We could, and [i]should[/i], have done better - you know it, I know it, and I have no intention of looking like a fool by pretending otherwise. We aren't going to change the past, but we are taking steps to avert a similar situation from occurring in the future. Since the war ended, we've focused on becoming more stringent in enforcing our military standards - a bit of tough love, if you will, to make sure that our members are better-prepared for the annual CN war. A stronger focus on military discipline has come with that, along with the expulsion of some members who jumped into peace without authorization (and possibly some more in the next week or two for those who have failed to take part in these reforms). We're also streamlining our command structure (it'll be announced after our next elections) to prevent some issues we ran into with conflicting orders during that conflict; a situation that resulted in a fair bit of confusion on the field. Some of the decisions that were made during that conflict were admittedly bad ones, but though we can learn those lessons from history and beware of a repeat in the future, those decisions ultimately come down to the people making them, and there's not a lot we can do procedurally to guard against that. Though we did put Gopher in charge so he can whack people around. [/quote] Welcome back Gopher and don't explain yourselves. Move on, prepare, and mount pictures on your dartboard. The more you answer to them the more you lose focus on the task at hand. Onward and Upward MCXA! Congrats o/ MCXA o/ UINE
  15. [quote name='titodafarmer' timestamp='1306450260' post='2718640'] o/ fighting o/ good endings [/quote] Was that an, o/ Happy Endings? [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y_fZL58WmHg/SWXFYUv7dwI/AAAAAAAAAX4/QDdrWUo9Z-E/s320/Modified_Raised_Eyebrow_Smiley_by_Prince_of_Powerpoint.jpg[/img]
  16. Great tactics and a great standing point on not committing freed up nations to curbstomp your adversaries. Truly the epitome of extreme war training and fun.
  17. Go get that glow! No sanctions coming on RED sphere through us either. [img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0018/8792/files/bruce-leroy-glow.jpg?1242834897[/img]
  18. Congrats on elections FEAR and on the new flag. Is that an epic mustache on CBray or did he get into his packed fudge?
  19. Children please! There are people killing their men in a senseless battle here! Grab some popcorn and watch the fireworks! Just make sure there's not already a hand in it.
  20. Judge X

    wapa dow

    [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1306257069' post='2717494'] You're blaming them for the inability to look at their stats and realize they didn't have any of this prior to attacking them? [/quote] 0 wars is 0 wars. What the HELL did they do with their money?! You guys can call it a down declare but somebody got caught sleeping in TE. I'm betting that it'll be a lesson fast learned with GDA. On a side note on economics, I have pissed away many millions on regular battle instead of a "good" build to have fun with conventional warfare. We have had 2-3 wars this round and I'm sure my fellow hounds for the most part have money. I could have bought a manhattan project pre-war myself. Just saying.
  21. Keep hiring soldiers like this, [img]http://shaktipower.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/russian-military1.jpg?w=400&h=277[/img] and we're gonna send over our PR guy... [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_V3F-r45Og2U/TPO7vi4yWxI/AAAAAAAAAAQ/roZxgsrBLXw/s1600/kobe-bryant-news-conf.jpg[/img]
  22. [quote name='Wabooz' timestamp='1306148067' post='2716960'] i need foreign aid HAAALP. So far so good RE You're almost done earning your puppet strings back.. [/quote] Don't worry! Aid is on the way! It arrives in these things! makes sure to stand outside and wait for them! [img]http://www.speakwithoutinterruption.com/site/wp-content/uploads/cruise-missile-intro.jpg[/img] Keep having fun guys. Forget the rest of our bickering.
  23. Judge X

    wapa dow

    Total TE awesomeness! Truly bloodthirsty like we like them. why grow your own money when you can take others? You get dead people for stats to boot! o/ WAPA Good luck GDA!
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