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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1300338593' post='2667116'] Duckroll? didnt they surrender to Legion? [/quote] Nope. Other way around.
  2. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300372015' post='2667683'] Easy. Duckroll hates NpO. NPO was cheering NpO on the entire time. [/quote] They were? I seem to remember it being more like they were laughing at the Paper Dragon created by VE and saying that Little Doom House(VE) deserved a beat down for blatant fabrication and sheer lack of even trying to resolve the issue through diplomatic means.
  3. So GOONs think they are going to make us pay reps for honoring a treaty? I'm fine with that as long as any alliance on their side that joined after the initial Doom House attack pays an equal amount of reps back to us. Better yet they can just pay the GOOnS our reps to cut out the middle man. I think all should be forced to act upon their logic. ODN now has to do CoJ's reps to 64digits for the same reason and I expect to get my check in the mail from Athens as soon as this is all over. After all they Honored their treaty. The mere posting of this thread show's how desperate that these idiots are becoming to save some face. They just keep looking more and more like school yard bullies. Well, you ain't getting my lunch money. Come and take it. I'm waiting. Until then I'll just keep surviving off of Parasol's aid drops. Semper Fidelis All it takes for is a few marines to stand up for what is right. Then this will truly be war. Where are you at?
  4. [quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1300344559' post='2667371'] Let me get this straight. You attack us to prevent us from [u]potentially[/u] committing our forces with NpO. Now with that war concluded, you are worried about our upper tiers not having been attacked. So the war was to keep up out of the war with NpO, but instead drew us in anyway. NpO has peaced, therefore meaning the war to keep us out should not be needed anymore. With their objective complete, why is there no white peace? I mean, you don't have to worry about us attacking you guys 6 months after the war! Of course, this war was never really meant to keep us out, their goal since we left terms was to pull us in one way or the other. When we didn't bite, they got frustrated, and decided 'Wait - why don't we just attack them.'. No CB required. Then there is this part I hear about...'Well NPO did it 3 or 4 years ago, so we can do it too'. I like to think the community has evolved since then. You know this war, KARMA, that was supposed to turn the world around? Then again, I look at Doomhouse and realize that a good number of people have not. [/quote] Oh, please stop with all your Sane rationalizations. They will get you nowhere... o/ Moo
  5. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300342878' post='2667313'] Warchests aren't needed at low levels precisely because aid drops can easily prop a nation up. I know you're smarter than this, Schatt. [/quote] I have to agree. I have been surviving off of GOONS/friends aid drops to keep fighting. Thanks Umbrella.
  6. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1300337277' post='2667046'] Stop being lazy and go read them for yourself. The notion that this war or any past war was conducted over a "nonCB" is retarded. [/quote] Funny thing is I happen to like TOP & FAN. To see 2 decent AA's drawn into Shamefulness with these Jerks is a shame. I believe in Honor and integrity to FAIL. I guess the Marine Corps just drilled it in so deep that it can't be shaken loose. You can give all the half twisted reasons you want. It don't get any clearer than, DH Attacks NPO, NPO's Allies DEFEND NPO, We use TACTICS[shame on us], DH/Friends are "NICE" to us and say they won't "MAKE" us pay reps, and I laugh at the sheer audacity that an Aggressor in the wrong should even ask for anything. You guys should be crawling back onto MK's lap and licking your wounds[and their Boots]. Good luck with trying to sell that Poison Punch to the rest of sane[and intelligent insane members of Bob]. [img]http://www.sofakingdrunk.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/halloween-punch-recipe.png[/img]
  7. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1300335789' post='2666971'] Doomhouse actually had a reason, fyi. [/quote] The reasons were? I won't hold my breath for a reply.
  8. I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Congratulations to the 1st 4 and make sure you put Psych21 to work after the party. o/ Longevity
  9. Good war to all involved! May you spread casualties like piss in the wind!
  10. The important thing is the fact that no one had an eye poked out. Synergy fought the best fight they could. I am not sure about RE as we were not fighting on that front, but I am sure that they fought their best also. This is TE we fight because we love to fight. Any fair fight is good entertainment and great practice. Many of us come here to just war and have fun, many come to train as soldiers, many come to train as commanders, and all of us should come to be active and/or learn how to keep their troops active. Through this Chaos better Warriors and Commanders are forged. Rest easy for a bit. It won't be long before the next battle is upon us.
  11. Believe what Dogbite says. He word is his bond. We are cut from the same cloth. I trust him with my Nation on a daily basis.
  12. [quote name='JonBoy16' timestamp='1300148088' post='2665063'] I remember from my prior days of TE a certain puppet master trying to plot a war with SF and several small alliances to attack TPC and some of her friends. If I remember correctly, that didn't work out so well for the puppet master and company either. [/quote] I do believe that THP put a HUGE dent in that offensive too. I think we knocked 1/4 NS off of RE before anybody else jumped in and ruined their attempt to flatten TPC. I guess just something in our blood that says weak jerks get the boot.
  13. I'd like to mention that we were just a few days out of war with the Legion. No biggie, but If we were fresh we'd have been able to put a real hurting on them.
  14. Ignore them. You fought your battle and accepted that your enemies surrender. A good war was fought.
  15. Thanks for having us to the party OP and PS. We enjoyed it while it lasted. o/ OP o/ PS o/ enemies who fought back
  16. Seems THP caused too many waves. We're picking up more and more rogues...
  17. WB KJ XVIII. Enjoy the entertainment.
  18. Instead the Iberian Raiders are just trying to raid us. If you need any advice please contact RodRod. He is THP's new Chief diplomat...
  19. Congrats on peace Brothers!!! Ooh Yeah!!! [img]http://www.thesmokingjacket.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/savage.jpeg[/img]
  20. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1299706834' post='2657951'] I did say TE Edition. But I'm glad you're aware of what happened in Standard, I can see something similar happening here. Confusion. [/quote] You mean you can see THP and friends kicking the crap outa you until you beg for enough help to save your hide?
  21. So I rolled out into battle formation with my hounds and saw the Synergy Battle line coming towards us. [img]http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/14/8c/15/big-turtles.jpg[/img] Can somebody wake them up?
  22. From what I've heard, RoK and TPF were good friends in the past. Perhaps not superfriends, but good friends. I hope that we can return to that former status.
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