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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. Are you kidding me! This is hilarious! [OOC]BTW Crispy99, love your avatar[/OOC]
  2. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1301003193' post='2675078'] That's all been in upper tier nations and lower tier nations that were in war mode. Polar ended up at 1/4th of their NS and never used peace mode. I would have no issue peacing NPO if they had fought the entire time. TPF would have likely brought their friends in regardless and they knew they'd get attacked, so MK was going to get hit hard anyway as MK has been the main target after the offensive on GOONS. That's because attacking a neutral alliance isn't what we did. We wouldn't have done it if they posted a DoN. They didn't. They knew they were getting hit and decided to sit back, pm people, and wait for it for it so they could complain. They were never neutral as far as I was concerned and didn't declare it. [/quote] One, the only thing I am complaining about is your filthiness. I like all the aid you send to my victims Two, I didn't see you guys throw out a DoN so don't cry because we didn't. You planned this the whole time based on your own reasoning that because we did not post a DoN we were planning to go to war. We only put our nations into peace mode because of your terrible OpSec. Don't try and sugar coat it. Three, Polar actually thought that they would be given a chance to handle things diplomatically. We knew better. Edit: Spacing
  3. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1301001871' post='2675032'] You should be ashamed of yourself. [/quote] I am ashamed of myself. I have to fight baseless, honorless thugs and get my hands dirty daily.
  4. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Doomhouse is beating us Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD! that is why they are activating another treaty! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! I don't care what any of you have said for the last 152 pages. Anybody that is winning so hardcore don't ask for help. LOL! Too funny! It's peanut Butter Jelly Time!! [img]http://www.webpulp.org/Dancing_Banana.gif[/img] Banana Rama BayBee I love my sNOOG enemies...
  5. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1301001201' post='2675024'] They outnumber GOONS/MK greatly in those ranges, so comparatively cannot be taking as much damage. So, not much respect at all. Actually, if we were going to off pure moblization, NPO and TPF were definitely mobilizing. They had nations in pm and daily collections and TPF was bulking up. The funny thing is that was TPF preempting the preempt and making it happen for real in response to their mobilization because they predicted it before it was decided. I already said NPO could have avoided getting attacked in this instance by posting a Declaration of Neutrality, their future funeral. They chose not to and instead waited to get hit when they knew it was coming, which is why the victimhood stuff has no real basis. NPO knew it was getting hit and was going to milk it for all the PR in the world. Again, my question comes up, were you around for pre-Karma? I tend to notice a lot of people who weren't around are particularly pro-NPO in this instance. [/quote] Wai-WuH? We Preempted the Preempt? Blame your OpSec for us making it into peace mode! Lol, too funny. We had no intention on entering the war and in fact we were deferring to an ally by not joining in! If we were ever going to be in at all it would have been within the first few days. [img]http://www.marieclaire.com/cm/marieclaire/images/gossip1.jpg[/img]
  6. sNOOG crybabies. Gotta love 'em. Just glad Sardonic ain't like that. I love my sNOOG enemies...
  7. [img]http://www.x-entertainment.com/pics/kool1.jpg[/img] Are you guys STILL arguing? I mean STILL?!?! Who cares. Shut up and fight. Or don't. Whatever. [OOC]I like Pie![/OOC]
  8. [quote name='Velox' timestamp='1300805501' post='2673138'] Seeing as i took aid only once the entire war,and so did many on GOONS' A company,you're hardly scary. i guess you think GOONs is alot better than rectum invictorum,atleast mine is witty ;( [/quote] How about sNOOG? Just trying to help. And the aid is slowing, Umbrella isn't stupid. They can't afford for ANY alliance to get an edge. It won't stop, but it WILL slow down more than enough for us to keep a sNOOG ANS well below 8k.
  9. Like I said, oh, 50 pages ago. I'll pay the 400 million in reps, IF, Athens/=LOST= pays me 400 million each. They were not part of the original attack. We entered on a MDP, so did they. You want to argue this point? Argue it. You think we are not winning the war? Ask me again on Labor day.
  10. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1300715686' post='2672211'] NPO was never a peripheral front of the conflict. There were 3 main fronts if I recall correctly: VE-NpO, DH-NPO and AZTEC-Sparta/MHA [/quote] If this is not the same war then why the "preempt" because NPO was gonna join in the Polaris war? It it in 118 pages so far. Also, If it is not the same war then why did all of the peace terms require that Alliances have a non-entry on the DH-NPO front? Should have put your thinking cap on this morning. You sound dumber than a Box of Rocks. I can throw in all of the surrender thread links if you would like? Edit: Spelling
  11. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300649701' post='2671265'] HAHAHAHAHA says the NPO lapdog. You don't stray more than a leashes length from NPO in fear you may get lost. Weaklings? Seem to be inflicting enough damage on the people fighting us. [/quote] Can't tell. I'm flourishing off of Umbrella's aid. Their nice. Pay my bills, buy me nukes. You know what I get in return? The only thing I care about, Casualties. You ready to step up Buttercup?
  12. TPF has changed very much. We, the new Government have moved on from what was done in the past. I was not there for it. I do not want to hear about things that Slayer did. Just know what I do and stand for, Loyalty, Honor , and Integrity. You drivel on about the past. We are not driving in reverse so look ahead and watch out for the stuff you've been missing. I march forward to new goals. YES goals. I am not sitting idly by watching reruns like you are. There have been many wrongs done by many alliances, yours included. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300647907' post='2671229'] MUHAHAHAHA, PB haven't even entered yet. I somehow think you're deluded if we will be the ones surrendering. [/quote] As for you. Will PB rolling in make you any less a weakling? You need more than the double you already have? That is a shame Muffin(Soft and Sweet). Run with your tail between your legs. You'll always be known as the cowards that had to call more and more friends in because they were too weak. GOONS indeed. From what I have heard and read, you have changed naught. I don't care if you change to gooNs, GoOnS, gOoNs, or any such. Your still the same at the core. MK's lapdogs. Run along now. Your master needs you.
  13. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1300644871' post='2671181'] They jumped in? They were brought in by DH. Or were they not supposed to honor the treaties they have with us? Understand this. Reps of any kind won't be happening any time soon. Talk to us in 2012 about it and we'll think about it and tell you to talk to us in 2013. I find it funny how you all think that this war will wind down any time soon, any talk of reps means this will be a very long war. [/quote] Amen brother. Besides. DoomHouse isn't too far away from surrendering. Won't be but another 6 months. That's no time.
  14. [quote name='foxfire99' timestamp='1300601592' post='2670898'] No. They would have leaked the request and ridiculed it on the OWF for weeks. Even that apology was pretty clearly a PR stunt. NPO does not have the relationship with FAN you seem to portray. [/quote] NPO does not have a relationship with FAN. However they do truly regret those past decisions. I am relatively new here. My nations is less than 2 year old and I spent well over 6 months on None. TPF has changed much since I joined let alone before then. We have a bright and promising future ahead of us. And I will make sure we walk tall and abide by word such as Loyalty, Integrity, and Honor.
  15. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300600333' post='2670880'] Look at your upper tier. Now look at ours. Now to yours again. Now to ours. Sadly, your upper tier isn't ours. Also, we have an NAP with TOP, so they probably wouldn't be attacking us anyways! [/quote] Tell me they won't choose DuckRoll over you. PLZ? NAP's don't mean anything when your closest friends are rolling out. Funny you didn't answer anything else in my post. It get to you Cupcake? Pick and choose as you see fit. It won't change anything. you may think you have friends, but even the most stalwart friend knows when enough is enough. FAN and TOP won't be here forever. It'd have been better for FAN to have just demanded NPO let them whoop on them for a month. NPO probably would have agreed. They know all too well that they owe FAN for their mistakes. Your corrupting good alliances who have been wronged, but everyday you become more and more the Wrongdoer. One day you will log on to have a bad taste in your mouth. That is the should have left them alone saltiness.
  16. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300599186' post='2670862'] Um, what the hell are you talking about? What does Umbrella declaring in support of TOP on GPA in 2008 have to do with us declaring on NPO for reasons Roquentin has outlined many times have to do with each other? Edit: if you're going with the "NPO has a new emperor, therefore they have changed" argument, I don't buy that, especially since their postwar Karma conduct as well as Mary staying in the position she's been in invalidates that. [/quote] You are still trying to blame NPO from 2 years ago for today. You ever think your lack of communication is your fault? You pretend to be benevolent and trustworthy, but you wouldn't know the first thing about integrity or honor. Vol Navy hit it on the head. Cry me a river. That is all I see. I'm not quite done having fun yet. keep this thread rolling as long as possible. June, July, August for all I care. The longer you fight, the slower you grow and while we too lose the growth it just makes more and more opportunity for SF and DR to roll you easily as they are pounding on the tech. LOL. You guys are a joke. Your gonna do nothing more than sit at the bottom with nothing, just like us. I bet that we have better rebuild programs. Wanna bet? Edit: Add-on. What's gonna happen when TOP don't choose you and rolls with DR? When their shiny powerful upper-tier that can match yours rolls out and wipes you out? When our Upper Tier finally leaves peace mode at the end of 6-7 months and you look stupid? You wanted this war. We wanted to be left alone.
  17. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300598806' post='2670856'] Guess what, Ochocinco is gone, and Roq, myself, and the majority of the Umbrellian government weren't in Umbrella when that happened, but if you really want to bring that up - by all means. [/quote] um, isn't that your whole reason for attacking NPO? Did you really just shoot holes in your own CB? I mean come on, you guys changed but nobody else did?
  18. Is this still going? Let them drown in their own tears. We'll see what New Years brings. Until then, I have finally been attacked by an Umbrella baby. Ahhh, the Joys of raping and pillaging. I wonder if this is going to be his first nuke? yeah, it is.
  19. In it for the long haul. [img]http://www.peacewarriorsplay.com/images/HomePage/Peace_Warriors.jpg[/img]
  20. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300537725' post='2670132'] trying to understand how alterego's mind works is an impossible task. may i direct you to a more achievable goal such as herding cats or teaching pigs to fly. [/quote] Hey now. Herding cats is easy, look at GOONs and Pigs do fly, I have received Air attacks from MK nations. Dirty filthy pigs, but they fly none the less.
  21. I do believe that you made a point there, "when one side surrenders". What does not make sense to me is the, "we won so pay us" approach. I'm not paying anything. That is like saying it was OK for Germany to loot the Jews because they won. It's not right. Good people decided that it was wrong and beat the hell out of the Aggressors and they are now still able to be charged for their hate crimes. How is this different? "We attack the Jews because they are doing better and growing faster than us!", DH is the new hitler. I won't stop until somebody decides that they can tip the scales and end this hypocrisy. It needs to be stopped. War is good, but Oppression is not.
  22. I disagree. Umbrella has kept me funded nicely. I can probably fight here in the pit forever. How long before the rest of the world sees you as an opportunity to crush and make themselves #1?
  23. [quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1300479911' post='2669310'] Enough! Nobody is saying anything new. It's just recycled arguments for 70 pages. Here's the mind-numbing simplicity of it: Doomhouse is going to win this war either way. If NPO hides in peace mode until their lower-tier nations are all rubble, that's fine with us. If they want to come out of peace mode and fight, we'll reward their bravery with no terms. Saying we're whining is pathetic. If anything, having them come out of peace mode means more damage done to Doomhouse. Staying in peace mode just means we're blasting away their lowers with impunity. They can stay in peace mode or come out and fight. Either way we're going to enjoy this. Easy enough to grasp? Good. End. Thread. [/quote] See how you feel in 6 months.
  24. Can somebody in Umbrella send more aid to the guys attacking me? I'm running low...
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