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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1303499448' post='2696864'] You should really be the one to talk. The leader of an alliance who can't build for !@#$ and was turned into a crater last round. It's alright, though. I'll forgive you, young one. For you don't know right from wrong. By the way, who are you again? Also, thanks for enlightening me- ITT: Replying to posts concerning your alliance is now hijacking a thread. Confusion. [/quote] We were turned into a crater? By who? which war? 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5? How many wars did you fight last round? That's what I thought. Last I checked we did just fine in every war we had. Will anybody here tout that The Hell Patrol is not excellent warriors? "build", you are laughable. -Confusion
  2. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1303498729' post='2696841'] Alright, So now posting in a thread which involves you 100% is hijacking a thread. Good to know, bro. Confusion. [/quote] No posting several times almost back-to-back is highjacking a thread. You should save all that animosity for the battlefield, I heard your all Muffins and Pie when it comes to war. -Confusion
  3. [center][img]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/THPFlag-1.png[/img][/center] We are here. Fear us. GDI Crossfire has taken the mantle of Hound of Foreign Affairs again...(don't hold back because of this. He thinks he's invincible.) Let's have a round full of Chaos and War. Good dirty(some clean) fights(biting is acceptable). [Center][img]http://www.freewebs.com/zaebos/gates%20of%20hell.jpg[/img][[/center]
  4. [quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1303488353' post='2696658'] hey.. did you just call me a donkey? [/quote] Not you. The one that decided to hijack your thread.
  5. [quote name='Mikeyrox' timestamp='1303445582' post='2696245'] This is nobodies TE, because there IS NO TE! Its all a vast CIA conspiracy. True Story. Anyways have fun with your rogue strikes on G-6 I suppose. This reminds me of the old Barbarians and Visigoths attack on Rome a while back. Good times [/quote] That was exactly my point. TE is supposed to be a fun filled place full of mayhem. Not some minified SE. It has become a place of not gameplay stagnation, but political stagnation, with the forming of blocs and treaties. Protectorates are one thing, they give people a chance to get on their feet in the wild world, but being attacked and harassed by G-6/Friends and Confusion every round is going to escalate things from mild tomfoolery to getting my full attention. So next time don't quote me, quote the Donkey who thinks he is somebody.
  6. This is my TE. No U!
  7. Please change the Money won cap to around $100K. PLZ?!
  8. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1302746431' post='2690338'] Legacy will protect SFA's AA for the time being if something occurs that TPF cannot handle. [/quote] Thanks. It is our intent to protect Silver Fire for 30 days from today while we look to make sure everyone is situated.
  9. This goes out to WickedJ. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_25Kgd2MZyCo/Sg7SgTzyxmI/AAAAAAAAAFg/sx3SBZNi71I/S1600-R/Isaac+Washington.jpg[/img] Stay Frosty baby and make 'em glow.
  10. I approve of this. It seems Random and Insane yet it is TOTAL Farkmongerish. Edit: spelling
  11. This is Great! We do agree with getting closer. In fact I got closer to 3 of your nations this morning. Good luck guys. o/ THP o/ DF o/ BFF
  12. Thanks for the help guys. o/ TOOL No/ DH
  13. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1302243517' post='2686598'] No, I'm mostly countering the assertion it was a "surprise." It still made strategic sense to attack NPO even if they knew about it as the standoff taking place was preventing the war from reaching its critical mass. [/quote] I have to say that out of all here you haven't gone into a 'No U' rant. At least that I've seen.
  14. Let's see what I saw... [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854'] Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Everything:STOP: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Must:STOP: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Oh hey a pony....(wanders off for 20 minutes) Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Die:STOP: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah I hope they buy this.... [/quote] Just Saying. If your gonna try to it off as more than fecal matter, STOP.
  15. [quote name='GeoLauzier' timestamp='1302234124' post='2686514'] Can someone explain me why you don't consider the CB used for the pre-emp a valid CB please ? [/quote] I'm pretty sure a CB should first be at least a sentence. Maybe even a complete phrase? Not, Everything:Stop:Must:Stop:Die:Stop:
  16. [quote name='ControlVolume' timestamp='1302224535' post='2686442'] Take a look, ladies and gentlemen. In this post, we see the epitome of an NPO bootlicker and his bizarre form of propaganda. Note how expertly he separates the post from its context in an attempt to confuse and bedazzle the reader. Look upon as he whinges about reps being demanded from his alliance being dishonorable, though his very own alliance had benefited from even harsher reps on enemy treaty partners in wars of yore. And see how he whines, see how he resists the very notion of actually fighting a war, doing wonders to dispel the perception of cowardice and incompetence that surrounds his alliance like a miasma of worthlessness. Truly a spectacle to behold. [/quote] you infer that TPF is the same alliance. I did not get those reps, I wasn't there. TPF has changed a great deal and that cannot be denied. If you doubt go and talk to STA, an alliance that ferociously disliked TPF. We are now allies and friends. If you want to pin past issues on us why not take responsibility for your past Atrocities and current aberrations. You cry that you are no longer GOONS 1.0, but you act and think like you are. It'd be different if DH was acting at all differently than what I have read about here and heard of.
  17. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302211996' post='2686327'] [img]http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/664/prop27.png[/img] This is stupid because it's false, just because you say something doesn't make it true. There would be NO peace talks, as has been stated over and over. Take your damned fingers out of your ears for once son. 1 Month of war and WHAMMO, peace. No talking involved. No wonder your side can't fight it's way out of ..well anything. You are terrible at everything you involve yourself in. [/quote] This is also false, there are other terms and conditions on the end of coming out to fight for a month. Don't try to play it off as simple, when in fact that there are quite a few stipulations and also monetary requirements to peace. I would say to pull your head out of your behind, but that is a moot point, it belongs there.
  18. Congrats guys. o/ TIO o/ the very sexy Blackrose
  19. The first thing I thought when I read this was, "Mushroom Kingdom is having a Koolaid party! How come only 'my' friends have cups? Why do they have guns pointed at us?" Yeah, I'm not coming to any party of yours. Why don't you guys meet us somewhere in the middle? Say at Starbucks? We can talk about this over a nice cup of Chai. Maybe once you get some wake up juice you'll be ready to be amicable.
  20. OMG! Mia had an empathetic, neutral, and sensible post Schatt and you completely went antagonistic! I mean, come on now, STFU if your going to respect an allies decision to handle their affairs quietly. Both TOOL and Europa made their decision for their reason and it should be respected. Obviously the door is not closed as neither TOOL nor Europa is throwing insults across the announcement. Respect to both TOOL Europa
  21. [quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1301494654' post='2680639'] Your Drill [i][b](I)[/b][/i]instructor should have talked in[i](<[b]at[/b])[/i] length with you about not being a complete idiot and the value of shutting the hell up. Stop giving other Marines a bad name and learn to post with out [i](please spell simple words correctly<[b]without[/b]> before you point fingers)[/i] a picture. [/quote] Wow. Yet another stalker. Why should I shut the hell up when my post was completely relevant? You are just too stupid to understand. That is not my problem that so many of you are too stupid to figure it out. Now this is a TE thread so if you do not have a TE nation or anything relevant to the conversation, GTFO! I'm giving you a bad name. Pffft. Mr. Low speed high drag. Your pithy over a picture being used in a post you don't understand is only half the issue. BTW, I made a few fixes to your terrible spelling and grammar.
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1301462654' post='2680482'] [color="#0000FF"]If you think this microalliance is bothering GOONS then you really are mistaken. I was saying this in NSO (I sill am in NSO for the record - my membership in GOONS is dual with my membership in NSO) as well. GOONS does not mind war. GOONS lives for it, and tears. GOONS is thriving in the war, and when it ends will lose at least a hundred members to boredom. So please, stop with the "GOONS is getting war butthurt" jib. [color="#0000FF"]Being terrible is not something to revel or be proud of. Also, "stir" is not the right term. "Point and laugh" would be far more appropriate.[/color] [/quote] Well it wasn't meant towards you, but if you bite you bite. Who gave you the right to decide whether a single nations contributions(GOONS, Sanitarium, MK, TPF, NSO) is relevant? You are nothing more than a passing fancy to the GOONS as far as I have heard. A trinket. I understand you have put in decades relevance doing what? I make a positive contribution to my alliance and I am and will be loyal to mine. Your are fickle and shallow to suggest that anyone who stands on their own is nothing.
  23. Come on! It took me at least 3 1/2 minutes to make that. The funny thing is that most of you are too dumb to get it or not diverse enough in your culture. I already explained it to Stalker Greenberg in a TE thread.
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