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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. The matter is resolved. I am not looking to get NATO all bent out of shape. I just would like for them to police their own. They did. I'd also like to apologize to NATO. I did not realize until this morning that Swatch0 was a SUN nation. While I do realize that SUN/NATO are friends he does not speak for your alliance. I hope to see you on the battle field next to or against one day. Only through blood can friendship in TE be born. Ask Adude.
  2. AM NOT! How many times have we worked peace and attacked the same day Stelios when we got hit? Hell sometimes by you guys. I am truly trying to be generous. I know they have 2.5 times our nations, but we are who we are.
  3. [quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1311078099' post='2759182'] It happens in TE alliance. Its hard so see any war screens only on non alligned nations in TE. People screw around thats just how it is. One attack or 2, or 3 for the matter does not mean war. [/quote] Perhaps your floating the wrong boat. Explaining sloppy standards away as "it happens" is ludicrous. TE is a military mindset and if you cannot reel in your warriors then kick them out, by force if need be. Set standards, train, and go to war. That is the life in TE. THP sets raid policies and we fight more than enough to keep our members occupied. Perhaps that is where some alliances are lacking, not enough war. Too many flag running alliances. Hell, I think there should be a casualty minimum for winners and not just NS. I have nothing against you, but your explanation is lame at the least. Let me tell you that not even Confusion would try to skew this. These wars have not been peaced out BTW. Tick Tock.
  4. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1311045213' post='2758925'] That's not a bus. It's a crappy yellow jeep! [/quote] Is that why they make me wear a helmet?
  5. It would also be good to look through your war screens daily. Your nations are attacking several Alliances that are already at war. Would be best for you to curb that and apologize before those AA's come out of war and decide payback is best done with a blanket response in force.
  6. I just tried to read through your DoE. Um, got to the 3rd sentence and said, "i'll wait for someone to respond," too much effort in TE beyond war is too much! Thanks for the heads up and tell 'Queen Esporata' thanks for casualties and money.
  7. I do not know any NATO gov so I'll ask openly. Is NATO moving to a state of war with THP? We have received the 2nd attack by a NATO nation today. Please reply before any of the War Mongering Alliances that we love offer to "cover our flank" and engage NATO. This is sloppy. I hate Sloppy. For those of you who may know me for a long time. I have Nukes! first time ever! BURN STEVE BURN!
  8. They said I had to ride this bus because I was late. I think their trying to make a statement. But, better late than never. Down with infra! [img]http://imcdb.org/i082757.jpg[/img]
  9. Dangit! Why didn't somebody PM me! WE could have evened up the odds and rolled those Farkers! We've been out of war for a couple days now! My hounds get that itch you know.
  10. It seems that our little skirmish has come to a close. As of Update tonight no more wars on RD. Thanks for breaking in the round fella's.
  11. Can this get any Dumber? Maybe. I do truly believe that the heart of the issue is for Legion to put on their big boy pants(no more pull-ups) and get their military in decent shape. I think that Legion should un-screw themselves and perhaps come back to the table alone in say 6 months to maybe challenge NSO on their own. This, "let me see how many allies will fight my war for only," me only deepens the insult in my opinion. Fight your own fight, make your own stand. Hell, challenge Varianz to a Duel(I'll bet money he accepts), but to continually cry about it until an ally is willing to roll out is absurd.
  12. [IMG]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/yoko-ono12-1.jpg[/IMG] o/ all
  13. [center][img]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/THPFlag-1.png[/img][/center] When I said we were hitting the Rat Pack this is what everybody thought... [img]http://www.hollywoodmegastore.com/Images/1008FL_Rat_Pack_in_Sergeants_3.jpg[/img] They weren't expecting hordes of this from Rodentia Dominatus! [img]http://valhallaburning.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/warlock-engener.jpg?w=450&h=300[/img] But being the Hell Patrol that you have come to love & to hate see coming. We strapped on our gear, loaded up our weapons, got into formation and rolled out. [img]http://bedbugville.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/exterminator.jpg[/img] o/ THP o/ RD o/ Holiday WAR!
  14. This seems to be more of an internal Opsec issue from a disgruntled member. You guys should run along and find out who. LOL. Because he's in Commy. Just because I have a slice of cheese, am I making a Cheesebuger?
  15. I say we make them work together like Lion Voltron and Car Voltron had to that one time even though they were arguing. Although, they'd prolly fight over which one was Lion Voltron...
  16. [center][img]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/THPFlag-1.png[/img][/center] Welcome to the jungle We got fun 'n' games We got everything you want We'll burn TE in FLAMES! [center][IMG]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/the_Hell_-_3D_Art-1.jpg[/IMG][/center] Back for round 18, In the jungle Welcome to the jungle I wanna watch you bleed
  17. [quote name='Bionic redhead' timestamp='1308238265' post='2732437'] I always found the fact that every scrap of TPF drama was argued over publicly to be quite funny. [/quote] TPF or TPC? Because several AA's here are run by TPF.
  18. Congratulations to all. Now for tasty little sandwiches. Thanks LR.
  19. I love it. Man I love Charlie Sheen! 100% Class Act!
  20. Just go nuts and attack everybody. At least that's what I think...
  21. This is awesome. We should just go straight battle royale! Down with flag runners! Up with casualties!
  22. [quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1307491509' post='2726462'] We rebuild pretty good And yeah, scytale, that was the plan, straight out of this war into a full fledged Nuclear war, also giving THP just enough time to have one last war. Now that they have launched a few nukes, we will probably take a slight bit longer to get out of NA, collect and go in again though [/quote] What do you mean another war? We're winning and don;t want to break off yet! I just got my Ducks in a row!
  23. Sometimes an all out brawl is the most fun! get out there and kill your people guys. o/ war
  24. [quote name='EnzoCosta' timestamp='1307468494' post='2726195'] 5 mil is a warchest? Joking aside, I hope we get a chance to fight, some time. I think it would be interesting. Edit: I've always thought about something like that, scytale. Barely growing before another fight. I mean, warring is the point of TE, is it not? Could be fun. [/quote] WE usually only have 7-8 days in between wars ourselves. why get rusty? also, it is a warchest when you've been in 2-3 wars this round already and I was just saving up for my MP. 2 more days dagonnit!
  25. [quote name='EnzoCosta' timestamp='1307424962' post='2725935'] The guys you up-declared on are fighting six wars.. 12 GAs a day is quite a bit of soldiers. If I wasn't so big, I'd more than happily share the love. [/quote] WEAKSAUCE EXCUSES! Sell down and fight! In other news. I put my largest attacker into anarchy with GA's when I bought 400 infra outa nowhere to put us on a level playing field(didn't even take all of my 5 million, yay for warchest...). He didn't like it and nuked me. I'm guessing he didn't read the DoW. Gonna be pissed when he gets on today because I won one of my underdogs .
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