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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1313215147' post='2779292'] A gentleman of my worldly caliber has a deep appreciation for a wide variety of arts and creative works. [/quote] SEe Ardus sees the merit of MLP. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KTJ0MhpGoas/TZ7GGk9BfiI/AAAAAAAADPU/9weuiJnmmeY/s1600/friendship_is_tragic_by_shinyvulpix-d3b0a10.png.jpg[/img] My personal Favorite.
  2. [quote name='Cager' timestamp='1313213943' post='2779232'] As if I could lose no more respect for TPF. [/quote] You are who? Nobody? That's what I thought. Back on topic. Onward and Upward for UE!
  3. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/2/25/TPFflag.png[/img][/center] United Equestria is under TPF's protection. Edit: to make LR happy
  4. TPF is extending 90 days of protection to 64digits.
  5. [quote name='Land of True Israel' timestamp='1313188878' post='2778902'] You seem to have conveniently forgotten a few facts. TPF first refused to help VA when VA requested, on the grounds that the nature of their treaty did not obligate them to get involved. How can this be acceptable, yet when VA refuses on those same grounds it's considered unacceptable? VA was only going off of TPF's interpretation of their treaty. Furthermore, why didn't TPF just cancel if they didn't want to help VA, as you said should be the appropriate action, instead of go on and expect VA to obediently jump to their aid at a later time? As much as you may want to ignore it, double standards were at play. [/quote] You seem to conveniently have been left out of the information loop. TPF was told at first that VA would ride out. When nothing else was heard attempts to contact VA were made to no avail. Then a month or so later we were "informed" that VA was too inactive to participate in a war. Why is it that they could participate in one war and not another? I think the problem here lies within DB4D and not VA. VA has never before been chafe in the wind until DB4D started pulling her strings. TPF has never sought to pull VA's strings, but we have sought honesty and integrity. That is all we have ever given and that is all we have ever expected. That which you lack will be your undoing.
  6. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sEvjSa-zCKg/Tbic4Dbk6JI/AAAAAAAAAZA/k8iHXbq8Yzo/s1600/Pirate_rat_3D_transGIF.gif[/img] Have fun rats and pirates and rat pirates o/ RD o/ BP
  7. Can't we all just not get along and fight? or get along and fight? I forget which, but hey, fighting's good.
  8. Boooooo!!!!!! I mean Yay LR! More cookies for us! I hope Frankie the best though.
  9. Congratulations to our brothers in the Sith for weathering the storm. Need you mortar for your walls, we have it. Need you thatch for your roofs, we have it. Need you soldiers to fill your bastions, we have it in Spades! o/ NSO
  10. Good Luck, Plutonian Nyborg puts up a good fight. o/ casualties!
  11. Congratulations to both parties. o/ MCXA o/ CCC
  12. [quote name='bannyfaws' timestamp='1312313858' post='2770248'] i,d like to see it changed so that once you choose your alliance ,you have to stick with it for the rest of the round ! too much funny stuff goes on with guys jumping from alliance to alliance for different purposes [/quote] Maybe an alliance tracker. Something like our highest infra (Peak Infrastructure 1,264.55) type of thing. casualties minimum in order to win the round would be nice or at least casualties as part of your score.
  13. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1312610585' post='2773366'] I was honestly surprised to see this. o/ Judge o/ THP My favorite ex-enemies [/quote] Why surprised? You know we fight anybody anywhere, whether they be friends, not friends, anybody. It's a good hard fight for us here.
  14. [center][img]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/THPFlag-1.png[/img][/center] The Apocolypse is upon us!!! To Arms! To Arms! We are at the Warriors gates! [img]http://www.apocalypticmovies.com/movie-index/images/jmovies/img_pictures/the-road-warrior.jpg[/img] We were expecting KO, but he wasn't expecting us! [img]http://images.moviepostershop.com/mad-max-2-the-road-warrior-movie-poster-1982-1020244441.jpg[/img] Amberlin713 is prepared to slay with his mighty boomerang! [img]http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa128/Sam_Deformed/MadMaxtheferalKid.jpg[/img] Signed, The Hell Patrol
  15. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/2/25/TPFflag.png[/img][/center] It comes with great pains that I must make this announcement. It is my first official announcement. When I informed VA a few days ago it was with great pains. As per, Article VII: Cancellation If either signatory finds that this agreement is no longer in their best interest, they may cancel the agreement with seventy-two (72) hours written notice, or immediately by mutual consent. TPF has given their 72 hour notice and this time has lapsed quietly. Both I and The Phoenix Federation wish Veritas Aequitas the utmost luck in their future endeavors. [center] [b] [u]EvilOverlord[/u] The Crimson King [u]High Magistrate[/u] Judge X [u]Phoenix Magistrates[/u] Admir Daeryon [u]Foreign Affairs Minister[/u] Bama [u]Internal Affairs Minister[/u] memoryproblems [u]Embers[/u] JBone Desperado mhawk grahamkeatley [/b] [/center]
  16. Mess with the Red find yourself Dead! err, surrendered.
  17. Indeed. googling Plutonian Nyborg led me to the movie and that was just a funky pic.
  18. [center][img]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/THPFlag-1.png[/img][/center] We have reached a cessation of hostilities with Plutonian Nyborg. It was a great time guys. Thanks for war number 2. [center][img]http://www.robhinchcliffe.co.uk/so_beautiful_so_dangerous.jpg[/img][/center]
  19. [quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1311299327' post='2760863'] You my friend are very confident [/quote] I'm not overconfident. I don't do anything but talk here on the OWF and follow THP wherever bloodlust leads us. I think that the TE OWF as a whole can attest to it happening. Twice in fact. Ask, TPC, RE, OP, Anonymous(formerly G-6?), the Warriors, Destructor Fleets, LE, Synergy(formerly GATO-TE?), and probably a few others that I have forgotten. It's fine to pick fights with anybody, but only the weak bully people around. THP will never be a huge alliance. We don't recruit and we don't accept inactives. We have few rules and those rules keep us as ready for battle as anybody can be.
  20. How the 'Hell' did this thread get this long?
  21. I applaud the rampant use of pictures! Good luck to the both of you & may Steve feel the burn of radiation.
  22. Judge X

    Wapa Dow

    8 days?! My god! Come on, how many AA's hit when there are still active wars on the books? 8 days is a long vacation.
  23. We have declared on alliances 2.5 times our size. And won. If it isn't a challenge it isn't worth it. I despise the weak.
  24. Flying another Alliances colors is filthy. 0 days Hmmm? I'm sure that OP will take care of this quickly. Maybe even RE, laudable raiders will take interest in you. This is your first war this Berbers? what have you been doing? Damn Hippies. o/ OP o/ Warriors o/ RE
  25. LOL, nuke rogue. This isn't SE! Either fight or not. Treaties are crap here so if you wanna fight B_R I imagine he don't care. PM him and meet behind the Peach Pit at 10pm...
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