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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1301461628' post='2680468'] We tried judge... o/ Rebuilding.. for those out of war [/quote] I agree with Stelios. FREE MY SLUTS!
  2. I have to give it to you. That was the best fight so far.
  3. [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1301425793' post='2680052'] Do you always have to post god awful pictures to prove a point Bannana boy? WPE. [/quote] One of my Drill Instructors once said there'd be people like you. He then went into a lengthy conversation that involved the Acronym K.I.S.S. and made a comment about a picture being worth a thousand words. The way I see it I'm just trying to help the simple minded people like you out. I could type a wall of text. I have quite the expansive vernacular, or so I have been told by my English professors. What I don't understand is why people post irrelevant comments to many relevant posts/pictures. [IMG]http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab85/JudgeX76/cee-lo-green-1.jpg[/IMG]
  4. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1301431442' post='2680118'] Irrelevant alliances will always claim that they never intended to be. What are they supposed to claim? "Yeah, we wanted to be relevant but failed. Oh well." Congrats either way though ... Also: I love watching horrid posters slapfight. New Frontier vs. Judge X and memoryproblems should make for at least three more pages of amusement. [/quote] Nobody(not even HoT), can beat me at terrible posting when I want to be bad. I also have not been in peace mode for a month and only rolled in and out to replenish(due to GOONS ineptness. Stuck with Athens now.) and was never there more than 5 days this whole conflict. If you are willing to pay I can make a post that will Stir all of the OWF for at least 20-30 pages...
  5. Boy you can tell GOONS are feeling those nukes! What a crybaby mess. Just remember though, everything you post matters to somebody and those it hurts cry the loudest. Those of you who I am speaking about know who you are...
  6. [quote name='Einer' timestamp='1301367357' post='2679620'] If I ever pull out a win, we're going to have a new flag in TE. [/quote] I have to agree with that. It would be an almost TE wide Flag.
  7. Uh oh, something's happeneing... [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_zgfLTmoTFzg/S4lfC4AvaRI/AAAAAAAAACc/g-JzltA3MME/s400/BurningBridges.jpg[/img]
  8. Congrats MP and Sanitarium. o/ MemoryProblems o/ Sanitarium
  9. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1301288338' post='2678851'] Heh, my guys aren't the ones that are turtling. [/quote] Neither are mine.Maybe you could go poke those other guys. Hell, I'm half tempted to.
  10. you tend to have less damage done when: 1. you have very few wars going 2. you don't fight back or rebuy soldiers I think you missed the nuance. While [b]You[/b] might be "fighting" 3 Alliances, effectively only one is fighting you back. Honostly it is truly a 70 nation alliance fighting 30 nations.
  11. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1301273262' post='2678641'] All i know is we are killing THP CA and TF...... [/quote] you are? I guess stone cold stats are not an eye opener. You are fighting almost solely THP. Do you really want a cookie? I hope you guys are ready to fight for the rest of the round. I am and so are the Teufel Hunden's.
  12. [quote name='Juggernaut123' timestamp='1301203388' post='2677961'] So far RE has lost a whopping 4k NS. We have 22 in anarchy with 36 on the other side coming with THP w/ 15 anarchies. Also one of my guys in THP that I'm fighting had a $12 warchest. Don't have the screenshot, but I am only getting $0.03 when I win the GA. [/quote] We'll see where you are in a month. THP is pretty much fighting alone. Very few in Carlos or Tetridian Federation(zero?) are fighting so don't skew the numbers. You have about 3 times the amount of nations. Hell, there is only 4 TF wars total with RE. There is almost as many raids on TF as there are RE wars. While there is only 32 wars between RE and Carlos and only 9 offensive wars even though they only have about 1/3 of their nations at war. THP(1/3 the size of RE) has 68 wars going from our 24 nations, 21 of which are offensive wars from us. You say we have 15 nations in anarchy? Wow, big accomplishment. We have 25 RE nations in anarchy. I'm not a rocket scientist, but with the numerical advantage that you have you shouldn't have but half of that in anarchy as we can only spread the love so far with nukes. Next time take a look at whats going on before posting here cupcake.
  13. The Hell beast is Free!!! [img]http://www.meh.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/meh.ro6867-455x256.jpg[/img]
  14. Congrats to the Iron Mad Hatters. o/RIA o/ IRON [img]http://www.apokiliptika.com/iron_tophat2.jpg[/img]
  15. You guys give confusion too much credit. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_yKb_lWOpUS8/S1ZaWaFvJoI/AAAAAAAAAgA/62BuCpF_YBI/s320/michael-jackson_loses-neverland.jpg[/img] He is popular, but just wants to be left alone. But bring your kids by.... -Michael 'Confusion' Jackson
  16. I would not be surprised if RE called G-6 in for help with us.
  17. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1301096708' post='2676444'] After reading this post and considering this might be the kind of people that populate TPF and NPO I sort of lost all the hope I had for you. And it wasn't that many to start with :s [/quote] Perhaps you are just not swift enough to get all of the nuances of the message. All 7. Let's see how smart you are. List them...
  18. Can we please have a Confusion free thread? I'd like one time of kicking RE's teeth in to be Confusion free. The person Confusion that is. They made there own bed and I wholly believe they have wisened up and are moving away from him.
  19. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1301075304' post='2676142'] Has your posting always been this bad or does being in a losing war gradually degrade it? Because damn. Not to mention it's largely your allies sophomoric posts that are keeping this thread aloft. [/quote] Pretty much what HoT said. I got bored. You guys aren't fun anymore. I had to go with Athens for some entertainment.
  20. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1301074144' post='2676122'] Christ almighty, I can't believe you're still prattling on with your incorrect analysis. We've forced surrenders already, we still have reserves to call in if need-be, and we're barely getting attacked at all. The sooner you come to terms with the fact that you have lost this war, the easier it will be for you to come to terms with it. [/quote] Hai, Sardonic. :waves: Your still reading this too? Doomhouse is no longer entertaining. Many of us have moved on to more entertaining threads such as the FOK'ers and Green Goblins. So, here's to the trigger and the F*finger. Deuces. TTYL.
  21. Too funny that myself and many others were able to get our own full attacks off before update. Epic fail is Epic. need I say AGAIN?!?!
  22. Lulz. I'm gonna rape ya! Oh wait, just did that. don't know what I'm gonna do with all this money though.
  23. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1301004294' post='2675118'] Why would we post a DoN if we were always going to be involved? To be honest, I thought it had leaked much later, because there was no real evidence on the 20th of a preempt definitvbely taking place. The mobilization made it seem like TPF and NPO were readying to fight, so that made it happen for sure. NPO is not the GPA and was always a hostile group. Their only treaty ties were to the Polar side and the only indirect link they had to the PB side was told they would not be getting help. NPO is not Duckroll either who made it clear they would not support NpO. The only reason NPO would have for staying out is idiocy and immediate self-preservation. As Crymson said it, they would have had to have been naive imbeciles in order to think staying out was a good idea. But Raga, this doesn't really fit with you earlier statements about how STA would have called in TPF if it needed help and only didn't because you were kicking ass. So it's either STA was protecting TPF while having its other allies burn or STA was going to call TPF in when it was needed. Can't be both. [/quote] I have no doubt that if STA would have needed us they would have told us. Also, the only reason you guys didn't preempt your first date which allowed us to be prepared was... Oh damn, I think I just joined the tin foil hat club...
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