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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1344798674' post='3021341'] step 2 of PB2.0 completed. [/quote] What's step 3?
  2. You guys have always been an awesome group. o/
  3. [quote name='Learz' timestamp='1344305490' post='3019313'] Yes, which is why you've repeatedly changed them back over a period of months when the wiki mods tried to restore them to the correct history. Or the fact you failed to name this "other alliance." Or the fact you decided to footnote every one spanning 4 years. Or the fact they are still there. Yes, I'm sure it's just a temporary joke propagated by 1 member Have no fear though, when we change our wiki, it will be to mock you, just so there's no confusion about that [/quote] What? Congrats on peace guys.
  4. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1344219197' post='3018985'] [color="#0000FF"]I am aware that you are being ironic in your statement, but allow me to assure you that there are some members of the Kingdom who would wholeheartedly vote for the Kingdom. I count myself in their number. As much as I hate to let the proverbial cat of the bag, and I ask all of my fellows forgiveness for this violation of trust, but all is not well in the Kingdom. I find myself becoming more frustrated everyday with our current order, or rather, lack of. The vast majority of the Kingdom's membership is composed of socialists and atheists. While I am by no means prejudiced against such people I must admit that the behavior of many of these social deviants I find to be morally reprehensible. These people, and am loathe to call them such, are offensive to my Southern sensibilities, and many of their views are in complete contradiction to the Christian beliefs of Rebel Virginia. The Mushroom Kingdom is a blight upon this world, and I assure you, brave Alterego, that I and many other members the Mushroom Kingdom will be the first to abandon the Mushroom Kingdom when the time comes for it to be destroy. I ask only that you make haste and put a quick end to this corrupt and morally debauched organization. We are looking for a hero to deliver us, so help us Alterego, you are our only hope.[/color] [/quote] This thread was worth it for this post.
  5. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1343889200' post='3017774'] Here's the deal: The war is already over. MCXA/Legion will not magically win this if they keep it up longer. We offer them rather fair peace terms, they decline. We're offering them surrender and telling them they should fight the war [i]they declared[/i] on ODN for 1 term, and they spit in our faces over it. We tell them we'll call in additional firepower if they don't start acting mature and giving us counteroffers (Instead of "No" and storming out of the channel), and again they laugh and spit in our faces. Don't like our terms? Too bad, stop sucking so much and win a war for once. The fact of the matter is, we're the winning side of the war, we dictate terms. We're not asking for reps. We're not going to disband you. Be happy we're being kind, and remember that peace deals have to be agreed upon by ODN's senate, which is a democracy of the people. If the people feel (rightfully) that their enemies haven't really fought, then they will decline the peace terms. It's simple as that. We're not going to let MCXA/Legion think they've won anything when they don't. So ODN calls in GATO to cover slots. Big deal. If Umbrella went to war with Denios, could you expect them to do any damage? No, because their tiers don't line up. Stop !@#$%*ing and fight. [/quote] I like you. EDIT: Have fun GATO.
  6. Mergers are good for everyone. Thus everyone should merge. Also, 2000 pages.
  7. I hereby recognize Tensho as the rightful Sovereign of THE ILLUMINATI. I expect your surrender in 24 hours.
  8. How dare you NATO. Who do you think you are abandoning your allies like this?
  9. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1342064060' post='3008713'] This leaves NPO still involved in the war, but all others are now out, correct? [/quote] I believe IRON is still fighting Sparta, but the rest had no other fronts. I might be mistaken though.
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