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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. This party just keeps on getting bigger. Welcome to the front TPF.
  2. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1341102030' post='3000849'] I want them there though. [/quote] Good for you.
  3. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1341093417' post='3000776'] I'm guessing it isn't between their legs though [/quote] I don't really want Umbrella, GOONS, or Deinos to come to our defense. They're preoccupied in other fronts, and I wouldn't want to put them in a compromising situation.
  4. [quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1341097693' post='3000799'] These make all wars worth it. Nice work Sir Paul! but seriously, GOD and VE please just surrender now. I am not sure the world can survive many more of these. [/quote] It must be done for the greater good.
  5. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1341042523' post='3000520'] Good luck to friends in both alliances O/ Casualties [/quote] Infra is fleeting but casualties are forever.
  6. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1341029304' post='3000382'] Burn the ground to them, IRON. [/quote] It's a good thing I like the ground. It's nice and stable. Welcome to the party, IRON.
  7. Baltus

    War Stats

    [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1340916584' post='2999579'] nordreich 7.1% nusantara elite warriors 6.3% the order of the paradox 4.5% some "warriors" they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote] lol theyre just posers!!11!
  8. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1340854406' post='2998990'] Who did they ask us to drop? Just out of curiosity. [/quote] It was us. They wanted you to drop us. THIS IS WHY SHADY BUSINESS COULD NEVER OCCUR RUSH.
  9. [quote name='James Maximus' timestamp='1340825410' post='2998568'] When VE gets countered, will 2/3rds of DH defend them? [/quote] I wouldn't demand such a thing of them. They've made their stance clear and we respect that.
  10. [quote name='Shinfat' timestamp='1340814892' post='2998424'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/trALU.jpg[/img] [/quote] Wait, what?
  11. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1340819233' post='2998477'] We tried our best to get attacked, but no one wanted to do it :| [/quote] It's okay Legend, I'll attack you.
  12. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1340804008' post='2998323'] They might say that, but GOD/VE and NPO hate each other. I don't care what that says, they don't mind fighting those two. They hit the jackpot of targets. EVERYONE IS JEALOUS OF THEM :< [/quote] I don't hate NPO. Wait. Am I supposed to?
  13. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1340777193' post='2998083'] I already have a term for you sir! YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS! [/quote] TLR is immoral, put this in your sig if you're down.
  14. Congrats on the peace LSF and IRON.
  15. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1340638439' post='2995882'] I like both AAs here so i will simply wish casualties for all. [/quote] Casualties are good.
  16. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340583656' post='2994854'] The fact of the matter is you want TOP to believe we have issues with them because it's convenient for you, but we don't. [/quote] You're joking. You have to be joking.
  17. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1340520847' post='2994279'] I imagine this will clear everything up [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/sSfgH.png[/IMG] [/quote] This is great.
  18. I enjoyed the time when I was allied to you Sarm. Things didn't work out for the best, but I always enjoyed the chats I had with you.
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