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sir pwnage

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Blog Comments posted by sir pwnage

  1. Like with many things in this game, the fun of war isn't actually in-game. It's bragging in your and your opponents channel, or organizing your forces, or watching backroom diplomacy (I'm actually not usually allowed to do that :( but it was fun that one time).

    Also, the challenge of hitting three or more people before update and getting all your attacks in on each of them, especially if you're coordinating with others on IRC, is at the very least interesting.

  2. I believe that RED cancelled their protectorate agreement with INT.

    Note that RED cancelled it, not the other way around. Claims of their competency are sure on a rocky foundation now if they weren't already.

    RED wanted to... graduate is the best word I can think of, from protectorate status and sign an MDoAP. We (INT) didn't think they were ready, and said that we'd consider keeping the protectorate, or signing an ODP. So they decided to cancel the protectorate and strike out on their own.

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