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These blogs.

Why do people harass people's blog. I mean honestly if the person takes time to actually write these things, give them some credit at least. No one writes these things in order to be harassed but in order to express their opinions and/or beliefs. Nobody writes a pure blog without any mistakes or faults. That persons beliefs in that blog could be different from yours. So please unless its your blog, stop harassing the person who wrote it. They could have put a large amount of time and effort into



Together we will...

Here is an essay i wrote for english class back in october, pretty good essay. Got an A on it. Together We Will Fail To Succeed… Death. Despair. Destruction. These words travel throughout the world every day. They define the bases of societies and peoples downfall. These words have existed all throughout history, their meaning followed through, some caused by individuals ,but most caused by groups of people. Tragic things happen to everyone, it can not be avoided. Everyone will fail, whether



Religion thing for a friend (wrote in 15 min)

What is the origin of religion? Where do the different religious affiliations come from? Where are they going? Nobody knows the exact truth to any of these. But the idea of a certain human being along with its conscience can determine this. Every person in the entire world has some views on religion. Every single religion is interpreted different. Each individual of that religion can even interpret their own religion different than others of that same affiliation. Whether they know it or not eve



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