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Bob Ilyani

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Everything posted by Bob Ilyani

  1. Since we've long lost this thread to the likes of Methrage, Tywin and Loki, can I just interject to point out the unrecognized beauty of the wordplay at work here. All you need to do now is get Chax more active again and I'll push for a GOONS MDAP.
  2. Unfortunate. Best of luck to both GATO and the International following this; its always hard to lose a treaty partner.
  3. Very glad to see this. Congrats to a good lot in AB, and to our allies in Umbrella.
  4. Look at DoD, making treaty corrections like its going out of style :P Congrats to DoD and Sengoku, always good to see these sorts of relationships develop nicely.
  5. Makes sense, and its good that you're keeping the same general theme. Is your IRC channel going to remain #hb?
  6. Sad to see my allies break off relationships, but sometimes it is for the best. Good luck to Valhalla and especially DoD in the future, you know we love you guys.
  7. For what it's worth, Crymson is like that to just about everyone. It's just how he is- cynical and jaded, and we love him for it. :wub: Also I have a feeling starting another war against NSO isn't really something on our radars right about now, especially not for Daenerys Targaryen or Rotavele.
  8. Damn, this is history right now. It's always unfortunate to see a long-standing treaty fall by the wayside. Best of luck to DT and LoSS.
  9. My avatar is hosted via imgur, and it works without a problem. I think the problem might be on your end, or on IPB's, which as of recent versions is absolutely awful with avatars (barely any .gif support, for instance). edit: hosted, not hosting :wacko:
  10. English, French, Serbian. Get @ me
  11. This makes me remarkably happy. Congrats to our MI6 and Sparta on this, it can only be a good development.
  12. Glad to see this wrapped up, its been a wild and entertaining few months. Best of luck to NG and NoR on rebuilding, you guys fought valiantly and well.
  13. Part of the perks of joining TOP- you're either a given a bar for your own enjoyment, or a stable for similar reasons.
  14. Very nice choice of protectors, you'll find they're an awesome bunch to work with. Even if this alliance never grows very large, I have no doubt they will secretly pull the strings behind all alliances, as they do with the governments of a certain other faraway world...
  15. Can GOONS pay us back for riding our coattails by giving us creative input when they Mercy Board your ass?
  16. Can't say that I saw this one coming. That being said, congrats to two groups that seemed on a collision course on working things out. We know that feeling, and its a good one. :)
  17. I'm just going to stop and point out that this is one of the most hilariously ridiculous things I've ever had the privilege of reading on these forums. You're gold Alex, never change.
  18. Its a shame that we lost him, but the circumstances are understandable. This world is a low-priority place, at least to most. Anyways. A Southerner, a Quebecois and a Pony walk into a bar... how do they end up in alliance government? Tune in next week to find out!
  19. This was totally awful, but in a sort of entertaining way. That being said, since when are we the "masterminds" of our coalition? I don't want to go up against Drake, he'll send me passive-agressive text messages :(
  20. I hate to be that guy, but you have no right to criticize someone else's spelling/grammar when your own posting is riddled with errors. Moving on, this thread has had more asides than a Shakespearean tragedy. I'm glad to have achieved peace with NPO, and I'm inspired by the quality I've seen in my coalition-mates, friends, and allies.
  21. Not really related, but your new avatar is far, far worse than your old one. Unless you wanted her to look pretty rough, in which case you've done a good job!
  22. Not trying to defend Tywin here, but where did he treat Moo with disrespect?
  23. Good choice in protectors. Well, best of luck gentlemen, you'll need it to try and make a micro work in this day and age.
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