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Blog Comments posted by Alterego

  1. Except ODN would have had zero obligation to help UPN unless GOONS actually declared on them, which was unlikely. If GOONS had been attacked or the lame "Recognition of Hostilities" been used, the =LOST= treaty would have come into play first. Consquently, ODN was never in danger of being on the losing side of the war.

    I guess that depends on how ODN view friends and allies. Do they use loopholes to escape a war if they think they will lose just like UPN did or do they stand with their friends regardless. That statement smacks of Optional Defense Network of old, looking at a treaty to avoid a war rather than looking at a treaty to help their friends. If they have stupid friends they should drop their treaties before activation looks like it might happen.

    also: I am aware you are not in ODN.

  2. The best of intentions you speak of were ODN keeping themselves out of a war they would probably lose. They stepped on an ally to do this and expect gratitude in return. In ODN avoiding a war they could lose at any cost might be something to cheer about. It has long been an ODN policy to try to avoid being on the losing side of a war. Their actions backed up by your comments show nothing has changed despite ODNs rhetoric.

    Sometimes you have to fight a losing war for whatever reason and if your allies go behind your back to avoid this war they are not fit to be allies. Infra was put before friends/allies that is not something to be proud of. As much as I dislike UPN you are the same old ODN and if they wanted to roll your only question should have been when. Thats what real friends do, thats what real allies do.

  3. @Alterego I was like that in high school. I wasn't in any particular clique, but floated around from one to another (except the jocks and the "super-geeks," for lack of a better phrase).

    This is what I was trying to get at. There are no jock groups no geek groups no set groups of any kind. People generally associate with people they are friends with or the people in their class and dont hate on another group simply because they are in a stereotypical group.

    How to fight back? An extreme reaction early and it will cease to happen. If bullies or their cronies think they could actually be damaged they usually back off.

  4. While it does exist in Ireland the level of bullying in USA is unparalleled. Here students arent bunched into set social groupings with a structured pecking order. Here kids who are good at sports mix with smart ones. Kids who like rock music mix with kids who like rap. There are no set groups that you have to belong to, kids intermingle with each other more freely without being stigamitesd as being part of one group only It goes all the way from the start of school to university. Bullying still happens but without the set groups of bully groups and groups to be bullied it is much less prevalent and rarely goes so far it causes suicides. Long story short it was very rare and never systematic or extreme. If someone got picked for whatever reason it would pass quickly and not be an ongoing problem for them

    With the amount of shooting rampages bullied students go on Im surprised it still happens as much.

  5. You yourself were part of a sanction war. Sure you didn’t sanction first but you took the sanction seat from NPO as a political move during a war therefore politicising the position and the tools of that position. Using the seat as a weapon of war regardless if its the use of sanctions or intentionally targeting an alliances seat during war time are basically the same thing.

  6. If the ally tells you not to enter, then you can legitimately choose not to. But i think a lot of alliances would choose to enter regardless.

    This is the only reason. If an ally tells you to stay out you have to respect their wishes to be a good ally. Every other situation, eg:spying, should be in the treaty or you cant be trusted as an ally again.

  7. Just another of the many stains on US history. 50 years (this October)of economic warfare on a tiny country because they wanted to run their own country & the US couldn’t successfully kill their leader & get them do do Americas bidding like the many other "regime changes" the Federal Government thinks it has the right to force on other nations. They have topples democracies too before anyone says hes a commie or socialist. They are crap reasons anyway.

  8. I saw book burning in America where people burned the Koran, Nazis did that. The world is laughing at you now. Nearly 10 years after the fact you have tarred 1 billion people of dozens of nationalities with the same brush and a lot of Americans dont seem to be able to tell the difference between a religion and a tiny group of fanatics. America has never been a tolerant nation. Blacks, Irish, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Hispanics, French, Catholics, communists, alleged witches, native Americans, women, people who dress different, people who have different ideas, gays etc have all felt the wrath of mass hysteria in America yet you call yourself the land of the free and look down your nose at the rest of the world

    This is not the only Mosque in America people dont want to see built. A quick look at the news (or the daily show)and you will see its coast to coast. Even in California, is that not far enough away from ground zero?

  9. While you do make a somewhat valid point, the notion that NPO is still "the target" in everything everyone does, is flawed. In my personal opinion, NPO is on an even keel. My indifference towards them results from the fact that we have next to nothing in common politically, ideally, or game-play wise. Still though, an interesting response.

    You might be indifferent but movers and shakers still want to kill them off. This is a world of revenge, everyone wants it on someone. Just accept that no matter where you go someone somewhere wants to kill whatever alliance you are in, just because. pardon.gif

  10. Here we are a year and a half after NPO apparently paid their dues both on the battlefield and months after they finished paying their dues in cash & tech. People are still bringing up their past actions from nearly 3 years before that. So 2 years from now if you get a beatdown and hit with the biggest reps ever you will only have another 18 months minimum. Just like with NPO people are keeping a mental note of who is doing what these days. When friendships and treaties break and the time is right you will receive your forgiveness and then some.

  11. TPF attempting to sabotage Athens wasn't a joke, and it was met with the necessary response. Even so, a week of war ending in white peace is still far better than anything received by those who crossed NPO and friends. As far as your comment about TIO, I wasn't aware we were a big player in the world. Regardless, last I checked OO wasn't destroyed, since the war didn't go beyond the threat stage. So unless you think being asked to issue a half assed apology is worse than the way Pacifica and friends treated people, then you either need some perspective, or forgot entirely what it was like living under the Continuum.

    LOL thats really a pathetic answer. You are still rambling about NPO after a year and a half on top, 2 global curbstomps and many smaller beatdowns, banned gov, reps that not even NPO would have pulled and you are still ranting about ancient history. Grow up and take responsability for what you have done this year, dont keep saying well years ago blah blah blah. This is not the past, its the present where you and your cronies beat down alliances for nothing and demand more reps than is all the wars in history combined.

  12. SG are killing the game. They are a monster and need to be destroyed.

    The game stalled a long time ago new people are still joining and leaving but large nations are leaving in record numbers because of the boredom. Collecting once a month wars once a year no real new developments to get large nations to increase activity and think about the management of their nation. Let banned members come back and stop running controversial players out of the game.

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