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Announcement from the GGA

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When you own the forums anything you do is legal


An alliance is not a forum, if you were not removed legally you can take your case to the membership in game (the one place they do check at least once every 20 days, guaranteed!).

Your legal process is a big piece of the problem though, allowing as it does Elders to kick out any Triumvir they don't like.

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Nah, dude. This is a coup. Heck, Scotch kept me on EZI and I'm not exactly a major fan of his but he does not deserve this.

Yes he does. Those who practiced EZI for so long without showing any sign of remorse do not deserve a place of power (lolGGA) in this world.

This is merely replacing one devil with another.

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Friends of GGA...(and enemies too)...I ask that you give me a short while to get situated and work on a couple pressing internal issues. Once that is complete, I will answer some of these questions and possibly bring some new news to it.

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Friends of GGA...(and enemies too)...I ask that you give me a short while to get situated and work on a couple pressing internal issues. Once that is complete, I will answer some of these questions and possibly bring some new news to it.

Fair enough.

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Friends of GGA...(and enemies too)...I ask that you give me a short while to get situated and work on a couple pressing internal issues. Once that is complete, I will answer some of these questions and possibly bring some new news to it.

Normally stuff like that is planned and done before a coup re-arrangement of government is done, but I just take it as a generally accepted fact that GGA always does things a few steps behind.

I am genuinely surprised you've not been able to address this during the coup or anything such as that, or if you guys were really trying to redo your whole triumvirate "legally," which in itself is a hilarious process.

Regardless, I await the next huge GGA thread and am genuinely interested to see if you guys are making some sensible moves that we haven't caught onto yet.

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Friends of GGA...(and enemies too)...I ask that you give me a short while to get situated and work on a couple pressing internal issues. Once that is complete, I will answer some of these questions and possibly bring some new news to it.

Alright that's reasonable. You better have a good reason for all this because at the moment it seems like a massive violation of both the Charter and of basic dignity. I can't imagine there's a good reason why you would blindside KFH (who is nothing if not kind and reasonable) and remove him without letting him know what's going on, in particular after the hundreds of hours he's spent working his rear off for the alliance, but if there is I'm all ears.

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When you own the forums anything you do is legal, the charter is just an afterthought that slows progress.

Does Bilrow still own your forums? If so, I may have to retract my earlier guess as to the power-behind-the-throne.

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When you own the forums anything you do is legal, the charter is just an afterthought that slows progress.

this reply is weak

u know electron sponge owned NPO forum for a long time right?

he even took it down

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this reply is weak

u know electron sponge owned NPO forum for a long time right?

he even took it down

You seem to like calling things weak, I find that interesting.

His point was that when one owns the forums they have power that they can abuse, in this case it was removing SWR's posting rights and access limiting his ability to challenge the illegality of the move and allowing said forum owner to undermine the charter with little to no opposition.

His reply was fine I believe it was your comprehension of it that was weak.

Edited by KingSrqt
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I believe they were also on his server until just after the whole Ivan incident.

This is correct, however it was not Electron Sponge who took them down in the wake of Moo and the IOs couping Ivan Moldavi, it was an IO (I believe Koona but I might be remembering wrong)

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Alright that's reasonable. You better have a good reason for all this because at the moment it seems like a massive violation of both the Charter and of basic dignity.

As you may know i'm a Templar in the GGA, an elected official who keeps a close eye on both the members and government issues.

The Charter was followed to the letter. The reason for the censure (and following removal of two triumvir) was not pretty, but a sad necessity. As an alliance we do not like to throw dirt to anyone on the face of planet bob (and beyond.. if there is such a thing as the rumored RL).

I follow Shane in his request to both friends and foes (possible new friends) to give us some credit and time to organize and adapt to the new situation.

With regards,


Proud member and Templar of the GGA.

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Friends of GGA...(and enemies too)...I ask that you give me a short while to get situated and work on a couple pressing internal issues. Once that is complete, I will answer some of these questions and possibly bring some new news to it.

Well I'm glad you had time to get your new sig updated, among other pressing issues...

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Well I'm glad you had time to get your new sig updated, among other pressing issues...

I am holding all other comments until shaneprice posts the explanation here. Please refrain from making me laugh with posts like this. Seriously I spit coffee on my screen laughing. That is hardly professional.

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As you may know i'm a Templar in the GGA, an elected official who keeps a close eye on both the members and government issues.

The Charter was followed to the letter. The reason for the censure (and following removal of two triumvir) was not pretty, but a sad necessity. As an alliance we do not like to throw dirt to anyone on the face of planet bob (and beyond.. if there is such a thing as the rumored RL).

I follow Shane in his request to both friends and foes (possible new friends) to give us some credit and time to organize and adapt to the new situation.

With regards,


Proud member and Templar of the GGA.

For starters, if you want the reasons to be kept secret, you shouldn't hint as to their nature by claiming that you don't like/want to throw dirt in someone's face, as this implies that they did something deceitful, unfair, etc. (ooc: and especially do not tie this into real-life situations). Just say "private reasons".

Secondly, I've been reading your charter, specifically sections VI.A and VI.B (censures, and member removal).

It clearly states that before a council member is removed, the other 2 triumvirs need to agree to have him booted. Once they agree, they then bring in 3 elders and conduct a vote. Incidentally, since the 2 triumvirs already agreed to have him booted, this means that only 1 of the 3 elders needs to agree in order for the motion to pass.

But how, pray tell, do you manage to boot TWO council members?? How does that motion even reach the elders' vote when it requires support from 2 triumvirs to even get the ball rolling, and since 2 of the triumvirs are being booted this only leaves one anyways.

I have 2 theories;

Either the remaining elder (degenerate) spoke to each of the other triumvirs in private and talked each of them into supporting the motion to boot the other guy (which would make him arguably the most brilliant, albeit deceitful mastermind in the game lol), or the 2 triumvirs knew they were both up for getting the boot and threw each other under the bus (which would make them idiots). And seeing as SWR doesn't even know what the hell happened, the latter option is clearly unrealistic.

The 3rd option, naturally, is that your charter was not followed, and it was a coup.

So, since you seem to have kept such a close eye on this situation, could you please explain exactly how such legal acrobatics took place? Without touching on the personal issues, of course.

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