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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300419451' post='2668702']
First you come out of peace mode...

I wager after a day or two you'll be in range of me.

Doubt it. Most of my strength is in tech which is hard to destroy :(

And we should probably stop derailing the thread.

Edited by silentkiller
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What is the point of this post? It claims to speak for Doomhouse and present terms, but it simultaneously says that GOONS will be demanding different terms for peace. Not only does it not speak for all of Dooomhouse, it doesn't speak for the other alliances involved such as FAN and NoR.

You're public pleas for attention would be much more effective if you were presenting anything that could be even remotely termed as a comprehensive offer, but in the best case you're making an offer for 2 of the 6 alliances at war with the NPO. That's of course not counting your allies like C&G and TOP that would have say.

I don't know how this topic has reached almost 60 pages, there's nothing to see here people, other than the demand of at most 30% of the alliances arrayed against NPO and allies. Not even a quorum of the alliances involved.

I'm sure if there was an offer that included everyone it would be much easier to actually negotiate.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1300419667' post='2668706']
Doubt it. Most of my strength is in tech which is hard to destroy :(

And we should probably stop derailing the thread.

You're right on both points.

[quote name='William Blake' timestamp='1300419550' post='2668704']
Actually, it's not like this in every war. In every other war there are negotiations, your leaders have already said these are the only terms NPO will get (it's actually kinda like the Gremlins thing in that sense). So the options are much more limited than in previous wars, where you could go back and forth and get better terms down the line (or worse terms sometimes). You left them with "take "the majority" out of PM and fight for a month now" or "take "the majority" out of PM and fight for a month later".

As has been linked before, it's the same option they gave other alliances in the past and nothing less than they deserve. No reps, no permawar, no disbandment. One month of their own medicine and then they're off the hook forever for all we care.

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[quote name='Achilles' timestamp='1300415743' post='2668634']
If you can show me the NPO CB that proves that, I'd be impressed I guess. NPO's CB's didn't already make people happy, but I can honestly say, this is the worst CB that I've ever seen. "We wanted to hit NPO before they decided to go to war. What? They weren't going to go to war? Well, remember all the times they were mean and nasty before? We decided they needed punished... yet again."
Well, there's FAN who as someone said earlier had about three nations over the soldier limit specified in their terms - that's pushing it. Then there's GATO, who also "broke terms" when Chris Kaos was allowed in Government, even though back then no one knew it was him as he was under a different name; NPO has supposedly admitted that wasn't the real reason, and they were just looking for a reason to hit GATO. Then there's GPA. I'm not going to bother looking up the CB because, well, they hit a neutral alliance.

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[quote name='Stetson' timestamp='1300420193' post='2668712']
What is the point of this post? It claims to speak for Doomhouse and present terms, but it simultaneously says that GOONS will be demanding different terms for peace. Not only does it not speak for all of Dooomhouse, it doesn't speak for the other alliances involved such as FAN and NoR.

GOONS isn't going to ask for reparations from NPO, isn't that clear enough? This topic isn't about your alliance.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300420354' post='2668713']
You're right on both points.

As has been linked before, it's the same option they gave other alliances in the past and nothing less than they deserve. No reps, no permawar, no disbandment. One month of their own medicine and then they're off the hook forever for all we care.

Well good for you. Now what about the rest of the alliance attacking NPO? Do you speak for them as well?
Is FAN and NoR part of this offer or are they going to pick over the bodies after you are all done with your month long beat down? Just asking.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1300420803' post='2668720']
Well good for you. Now what about the rest of the alliance attacking NPO? Do you speak for them as well?
Is FAN and NoR part of this offer or are they going to pick over the bodies after you are all done with your month long beat down? Just asking.

I don't speak for anyone but myself. I'm not a GOONS official representative of any kind.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1300420803' post='2668720']
Well good for you. Now what about the rest of the alliance attacking NPO? Do you speak for them as well?
Is FAN and NoR part of this offer or are they going to pick over the bodies after you are all done with your month long beat down? Just asking.
Ha! They can try!

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1300420521' post='2668716']

....Then there's GPA. I'm not going to bother looking up the CB because, well, they hit a neutral alliance.
While their CB for hitting GPA was [i]indeed[/i] sketchy, at best - GPA was hardly neutral. ;)

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300416513' post='2668652']
To: East Westovia From: Williambonney Date: 3/17/2011 12:02:29 AM

If by losing you mean that I am not looting them well I guess that's just luck then is it not? And by occasional nuke do you mean the many I launched every day since this war broke out, and the ones I am launching every day now that your side let me restock while I was sitting in defcon five and not in peace mode? :lol1:

Congrats. In all of those screen shots you did less damage than a well built nation does with a single nuke. 1 aid package can likely repair all of that. You are obviously winning the war singlehandedly.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300420354' post='2668713']

One month of their own medicine and then they're off the hook forever for all [u][b]we[/b][/u] care.

[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300421153' post='2668723']
I don't speak for anyone but myself. I'm not a GOONS official representative of any kind.

Then use the word [b]I[/b] and not [b]we[/b]

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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1300420553' post='2668717']
GOONS isn't going to ask for reparations from NPO, isn't that clear enough? This topic isn't about your alliance.

The OP doesn't actually say that but I'll go along with your assumption that it would be worked into the terms. It doesn't change the fact that based on that assumption it only applies to 3 out of 5 of the alliances engaged against NPO. The OP claims that NPO has but to acquiesce to this term and they will be at peace when it doesn't state that at all.

I'm not an ally of NPO, so clearly it's not about my alliance, it's just a thinly veiled attempt at splitting those who are their allies away from them.

If Doomhouse and friends want to end this, they'll put an offer on the table that at least includes everyone involved, whether it's reasonable or not, or it's a waste of electrons to post it.

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300413350' post='2668589']
You are completely correct of course. Certainly I could have been more active in retirement (although I'm not sure the term would have any meaning then) and anticipated this unwarranted attack and built up a small nation that would undoubtedly have been ZI'd. And of course there are plenty of nuclear capable nations within range of my own. And possibly I could have wasted some aid slots in order to get myself out of a year long bill lock, because me demonstrating for you that I don't fit your extremely absurd and narrow definition of cowardice makes much more sense than having that money go to a nation that isn't retired or inactive which could actually use it.

Bravo! You have shown me the error of my ways.


So you decided to skip all that mind-numbing and boring stuff. Eating a nuke was not for you. Far too plebian for the great Ivan Moldavi.

Attacking an enemy in order to take the pressure off a fellow NPO comrade, who was out manned and out-gunned, was beneath your dignity, too. You couldn’t be inspiring doing that. No, not Ivan Moldavi, the magnificent motivator.

Sending a paltry $3M to a bill-locked comrade was certainly beneath you as well. None of that dross stuff for you, no siree-bob. You bypassed at that, divested your nation of infrastructure and technology, discharged all your military and went straight to inadequate punctuated with a vertical string of zeros. How fitting.

For anyone other than the Great Ivan Moldavi that would have been a difficult choice to make. However, you made it quickly without a second thought what the potential effect it could have on the NPO proletariat, your comrades, who are actually fighting on the front lines.

And the leadership of NPO, inspired by your brilliant example decided that they should be useless and cowardly, too. This explains why they are ensconced securely in hippy mode where they are just as ineffectual as you. Shucks with you as a role model, they may be even more impotent than you . . . Hmmm . . . Is that even possible? Nawh. What am I thinking?

With that thought in mind, I stand all amazed. You and the leadership of the NPO have worked so hard to be incompetent cowards that the NPO truly deserves to be an asterisk in Cybernation history.

Edited by Antonio Salovega VI
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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1300337759' post='2667074']
Hahaha. Your stupidity amuses us. Please, go on. What else do you see in GOONS' future?

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1300337781' post='2667076']
[color="#0000FF"]I used to the world's number one GOONS hater. Now I am ashamed to even be remotely linked to some of you. Why must you say such idiot things about stuff that you know nothing about? What compels you to do this?

GOONS isn't going to go anyway, nor its members. Most of them anyway. Maybe after the war, when they get bored, some of them will leave. Most of them among the dozens of new recruits they got just for the war. They love the war. They won't shy away from it. As for their rebuilding abilities, they will bounce back. Those of you celebrating GOONS' demise are going to feel awfully silly in a few months. Well, you would if you had the capacity for shame.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Talking isn't his greatest strength. We try to keep him away from the public most of the time. I'm a much better face for the NSO. I really am quite handsome.

But yes, what I said is pretty much what was saying. My apologies for any confusion.[/color]

[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1300338199' post='2667099']
Good thing your opinion is completely detached from the reality of the situation. FYI, Doomhouse had been moving literally a billion dongs to GOONS every round and we can keep this up for months.

[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1300340404' post='2667179']
I'm about ragequit right now this is ridiculous I can not sustain my nation and glory under these inhumane conditions screw you guys seriously [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/10ye889.jpg[/IMG] [color="#FF0000"][size="5"][b][u]my nation is dying[/u][/b][/size][/color] [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/10ye889.jpg[/IMG]

[quote name='Carrick' timestamp='1300341200' post='2667214']
Yeah, that's why GOONS has grown in membership since the war began.

Meh, enjoy your comebacks, I posted something completely based off quick assumptions, we're all guilty of it :P

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1300402983' post='2668381']
It's a factual statement that if some kind of peace agreement is not reached between NPO and DH -- and NPO is saying they don't want to reach such an agreement -- the war will go on indefinitely. [/quote]

NPO isn't saying they don't want peace.

However, that doesn't mean they will agree to anything DH comes up with in order to get peace.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1300422458' post='2668743']

So you decided to skip all that mind-numbing and boring stuff. Eating a nuke was not for you. Far too plebian for the great Ivan Moldavi.

Attacking an enemy in order to take the pressure off a fellow NPO comrade, who was out manned and out-gunned, was beneath your dignity, too. You couldn’t be inspiring doing that. No, not Ivan Moldavi, the magnificent motivator.

Sending a paltry $3M to a bill-locked comrade was certainly beneath you as well. None of that dross stuff for you, no siree-bob. You bypassed at that, divested your nation of infrastructure and technology, discharged all your military and went straight to inadequate punctuated with a vertical string of zeros. How fitting.

For anyone other than the Great Ivan Moldavi that would have been a difficult choice to make. However, you made it quickly without a second thought what the potential effect it could have on the NPO proletariat, your comrades, who are actually fighting on the front lines. Admit it. You did not pause nor reflect for an instant, did you?

And the leadership of NPO, inspired by your brilliant example decided that they should be useless, too. This explains why they are ensconced securely in hippy mode where they are just as ineffectual as you. Shucks with you as a role model, they may be even more impotent than you . . . Hmmm . . . Is that even possible? Nawh. What am I thinking?

With that thought in mind, I stand all amazed. You and the leadership of the NPO have worked so hard to be incompetent that the NPO truly deserves to be an asterisk in Cybernation history.
That just sounded bitter.

From the looks of things, NPO isn't done fighting. Their attackers, on the other hand, appear to be growing weary.

Just an observation, mind you.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300421153' post='2668723']
I don't speak for anyone but myself. I'm not a GOONS official representative of any kind.

And herein lies the point that NPO knows and understands. No one will trust you because you declared without a CB with the stated intentions of forcing us to disband and leaving us all at PZI... now you say it would end after a month of fighting? No one believes you because you have all lost your credit by declaring with no CB. And no I do not count "Everything must die" as a valid CB.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1300422863' post='2668746']
NPO isn't saying they don't want peace.

However, that doesn't mean they will agree to anything DH comes up with in order to get peace.

Yes, but by the same token you can't turn around and reject the offer and then say its all their fault for not giving you an offer you want.

NPO has an offer, and while its not good, its not terrible either, certainly nothing justifying any public sympathy over a self inflicted eternal war, if that's the route they choose to take.

Edited by TypoNinja
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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1300423621' post='2668755']
Yes, but by the same token you can't turn around and reject the offer and then say its all their fault for not giving you an offer you want.

You have an offer, and while its not good, its not terrible either, certainly nothing justifying any public sympathy over a self inflicted eternal war, if that's the route you choose to take.
Self-inflicted eternal war. That's an intersting concept.

"Okay, we're going to attack you with no CB - and then offer you some crappy terms. If you don't accept them, well, you brought it on yourself, bucko."

Okay. I think that's fairly understandable.

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[quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300423953' post='2668759']
Self-inflicted eternal war. That's an intersting concept.

"Okay, we're going to attack you with no CB - and then offer you some crappy terms. If you don't accept them, well, you brought it on yourself, bucko."

Okay. I think that's fairly understandable.

CB or not the hopeless collation is at war. A war they don't want in fact. the kind a generous benevolent lords of DH wish to give the Hopeless collation Hope. They are refusing it. Spout about morals and ideals all you want it wont change the fact that this is a war not some political argument that can be won with words.Take the offer or burn. pretty simple I think.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1300424654' post='2668764']
CB or not the hopeless collation is at war. A war they don't want in fact. the kind a generous benevolent lords of DH wish to give the Hopeless collation Hope. They are refusing it. Spout about morals and ideals all you want it wont change the fact that this is a war not some political argument that can be won with words.Take the offer or burn. pretty simple I think.
Quite generous, great and powerful r00tn00b.

Hopefully, NPO will take heed and save themselves! :awesome:

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1300420521' post='2668716']
Well, there's FAN who as someone said earlier had about three nations over the soldier limit specified in their terms - that's pushing it. Then there's GATO, who also "broke terms" when Chris Kaos was allowed in Government, even though back then no one knew it was him as he was under a different name; NPO has supposedly admitted that wasn't the real reason, and they were just looking for a reason to hit GATO. Then there's GPA. I'm not going to bother looking up the CB because, well, they hit a neutral alliance.

Ok, we agree that NPO has had some shaky CB's in the past. People may not have agreed with them. FAN having 3 nations over the soldier limit could have been seen as a legit reason to pull them back into war, although it is strict. If terms are broken, then terms are broken. I also find it hard to believe GATO didn't know their government official wasn't Chris Kaos. He was forced out of office in april and back in office in june. If it's that easy to hold a government position in GATO, you should join. As for GPA, you should do a little more homework on that war. Maybe check out the wiki page. NPO didn't decide they didn't like GPA and hit them, GPA decided to instigate a fight with NPO. Non of those CB's match up to "We thought NPO was gonna join the war. We're gonna keep fighting them, even though we found out they weren't and the other war has ended."

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[quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300423953' post='2668759']
Self-inflicted eternal war. That's an intersting concept.

"Okay, we're going to attack you with no CB - and then offer you some crappy terms. If you don't accept them, well, you brought it on yourself, bucko."

Okay. I think that's fairly understandable.
There's a difference between "crappy" and "impossible", what we are asking of NPO and their allies is not difficult to the degree that it becomes as if we were asking for eternal war

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[quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300425349' post='2668771']
Quite generous, great and powerful r00tn00b.

Hopefully, NPO will take heed and save themselves! :awesome:

Well maybe hopefully for the hopeless collation, GOONS is reveling in the war. :smug:

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