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Why is SF so terrible?

Rebel Virginia

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One of the first things I learnt about RoK when i joined about 2 years ago was

a: they wont give you aid just for joining
B: they never surrender

The no surrender "clause" was always spoken about and Hoo in particular would often bring it up. It wasn't part of any particular document we signed it was always just part of the culture.

If PC want to free up this front of the war it is all very easy... make us write a silly beer review or poem or something and sign a white peace where we agree to not re-enter.

We all know you kicked the crap out of our top teir... you just wont find us on our knee's over it begging to surrender. I've got plenty of warchest to keep fighting another couple months so its your call. PM Kait when your ready. :)

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[quote name='In Spades' timestamp='1299558777' post='2656253']
Agreeable that you spent too much time on it man :P

I dunno, took me about 60 seconds, and another 3 after that to realize I had an extra syllable in the 3rd line.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1299540992' post='2655885']
This. We're getting the same hate from the same haters we always have.
I disagree. I was one of the biggest proponents of the MK-GOD treaty and even I think you've gone off the deep end on this one.

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[quote name='Velocity111' timestamp='1299561061' post='2656317']
Actually, its not. Too many syllables in the second line.

Ca sual ties are for ev er

Looks good to me...

Edited by Yukon Don
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[quote name='Yukon Don' timestamp='1299556479' post='2656167']
We'll have to agree to disagree on that...

Surrender = Crying Uncle...

White Peace = Both sides saying the reason to fight (treaties) has passed, it was fun, let's go our separate ways.

If you don't see it that way it is your prerogative...but alas, we have more blood to give.
The difference between "crying uncle" and "the war has ended let's go our separate ways" is in the circumstances of your leaving the war, not in the terms. In this situation where your allies will be going out with you, you aren't "crying uncle" regardless of what the surrender terms say, with the possible exception of very hard terms and reps, and your terms have neither of these. You'd only be "crying uncle" if you were leaving the field while your allies were still heavily engaged and weren't going to be getting peace in the near future.

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[quote name='Yukon Don' timestamp='1299561241' post='2656321']
Ca sual ties are for ev er

Looks good to me...

Ca su al ties are for ev er

Looks like 8, you should use a dictionary, they tell you how many syllables are in a word.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1299561191' post='2656319']
I disagree. I was one of the biggest proponents of the MK-GOD treaty and even I think you've gone off the deep end on this one.
But I thought Everything. Must. Die?

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[quote name='Velocity111' timestamp='1299561610' post='2656333']
Ca su al ties are for ev er

Looks like 8, you should use a dictionary, they tell you how many syllables are in a word.

from Dictionary.com

   /ˈkæʒuəlti/ Show Spelled[kazh-oo-uhl-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties.

ca·su·al·ty definition
Pronunciation: /ˈkazh-əl-tē, ˈkazh-(ə-)wəl-/
Function: n

There are 2 accepted pronunciations...

Point still stands, that the first Haiku wouldn't get released from any self-respecting member of Ragnarok.

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[quote name='Yukon Don' timestamp='1299565523' post='2656422']
from Dictionary.com

   /ˈkæʒuəlti/ Show Spelled[kazh-oo-uhl-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties.

ca·su·al·ty definition
Pronunciation: /ˈkazh-əl-tē, ˈkazh-(ə-)wəl-/
Function: n

There are 2 accepted pronunciations...

Point still stands, that the first Haiku wouldn't get released from any self-respecting member of Ragnarok.

And they both have four syllables... and nobody was arguing your point

*edit* in case it wasn't clear to you, the dots between the letters denote breaks for the syllables >_<

Edited by Velocity111
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At this point it seems RoK has the upper hand on the war front. Sure their top tier got roughed up but now they have PC at an almost 3-1 disadvantage where the war can be fought. PC is bringing in nations from other alliances to actually fight RoK at this point.

Well over half of PC's ns is in it's top 15 and I think maybe one of those nations can currently engage RoK. So PC isn't really able to put any additional war pressure on RoK and is just holding their own nations at war extra rounds over this.

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[quote name='Velocity111' timestamp='1299566435' post='2656438']
And they both have four syllables... and nobody was arguing your point

*edit* in case it wasn't clear to you, the dots between the letters denote breaks for the syllables >_<



I count 2 'dashes' or 'dots'...doesn't that make 3 syllables...

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[quote name='Yukon Don' timestamp='1299567409' post='2656460']


I count 2 'dashes' or 'dots'...doesn't that make 3 syllables...
When I say dots, I actually mean dots. Look one line up. It's the same definition, but instead of the line giving you a pronunciation, it is the line that divides the word up into its syllables. :|

@Rotavele, the middle line has 7 syllables...?

This is so pointless its hilarious

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1299566657' post='2656442']
At this point it seems RoK has the upper hand on the war front. Sure their top tier got roughed up but now they have PC at an almost 3-1 disadvantage where the war can be fought. PC is bringing in nations from other alliances to actually fight RoK at this point.

Well over half of PC's ns is in it's top 15 and I think maybe one of those nations can currently engage RoK. So PC isn't really able to put any additional war pressure on RoK and is just holding their own nations at war extra rounds over this.

Lower tier damage is negligible. Wars are won in the upper tier, we just managed to take out their middle tier too. Should this last any longer we'll have every rokker below 2k infra and 25k NS.

In the end though, the damage their 3:1 advantage will cause our nations at 10k NS is easily replaced. You can't as easily rebuild guys to 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90k NS, especially when most of those guys didn't have over 1.5 billion on hand to begin with. I'm sure In Spades will pop back up though.

So they can continue to fight this war out, but PC has the banking capacity to aid 30 nations back up. Does Rok have the capacity to build up 130? They'll likely ask their allies for aid while holding up this war for others like NpO. It's really their choice.

Edited by Zoomzoomzoom
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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1299567743' post='2656468']
Lower tier damage is negligible. Wars are won in the upper tier, we just managed to take out their middle tier too. Should this last any longer we'll have every rokker below 2k infra and 25k NS.

In the end though, the damage their 3:1 advantage will cause our nations at 10k NS is easily replaced. You can't as easily rebuild guys to 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90k NS, especially when most of those guys didn't have over 1.5 billion on hand to begin with. I'm sure In Spades will pop back up though.

So they can continue to fight this war out, but PC has the banking capacity to aid 30 nations back up. Does Rok have the capacity to build up 130? They'll likely ask their allies for aid while holding up this war for others like NpO. It's really their choice.
its called tech deals, im sure we'll be fine and time isnt an issue , we have as much of it as everyone else thats the beauty of it.

P.S. your nations seem to be just as lacking in the warchest area as us at least those ive met on the field.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1299564038' post='2656386']
But I thought Everything. Must. Die?
[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1299564650' post='2656398']
(only when they do it)
A war slogan isn't the same as actual policy. You won't see MK trying to disband anyone.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1299568973' post='2656492']
A war slogan isn't the same as actual policy. You won't see MK trying to disband anyone.
Princess Peach would never stand for such brutality.

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