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A Dark Templar Announcement

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1297703382' post='2633044']
I am not sure what other people think but usually when I think of MK it's idiocy that comes to my mind, not evil.

CSN is just plain stupidity.

is that how you rationalize those superior to you in every way possible? You call them idiots? I bet all the good girls go for the "!@#$%^&" type too, eh? :ehm:

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297703926' post='2633051']
though by your statement, CSN had no obligation to go and attack LoSS whatsoever and chose to do so anyways. Not only that but Legacy chose to enter via an OPTIONAL AGGRESSION clause. by your standards and CSN's for that matter, this is completely unacceptable.

Do what I say; not what I do...


Edited by Desert Ratz
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1297648609' post='2631847']
DT--your involvement in the conflict was nothing but counter-productive to your allies, who already had a free ticket out. Entering on an optional pact on this front was a blunder that you should have expected to pay for. I don't particularly like you. Nonetheless, an incredibly effective post of appreciable skill.

[b]CSN--this is not a war of reparation, but annihilation. If the complete destruction of the Dark Templar is what you seek, then pursue it with confidence and draw the noose. Don't try to drag things out or play coy about it.[/b][/quote]This tips the hand in of all the alliances who declared offensively in these wars. For this reason Bob will go down in flames and none shall survive.

DT .. burn them to cinders

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[quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1297704720' post='2633056']
Nº1 Rule of CN Warfare:

[i]When losing a war, start trolling the OWF.[/i]
Only superceded by rule No.1a- when 'winning' and backed by overwhelming force be opportunistic and greedy !@#$%bags.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1297704745' post='2633057']
is that how you rationalize those superior to you in every way possible? You call them idiots? I bet all the good girls go for the "!@#$%^&" type too, eh? :ehm:

well at least we know MK is still good for a laugh.

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[quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1297704720' post='2633056']
Nº1 Rule of CN Warfare:

[i]When losing a war, start trolling the OWF.[/i]
Do you have any opposing view of any value, or are you just going to continue to poke at the fact that you can't stand this thread exists because it reveals that your government truly is a collection of incompetent fools?

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[quote name='eyriq' timestamp='1297705755' post='2633070']
[23:16] <Xiphosis[GOD]> If it was me it'd be no terms, tbh.
[23:16] <Xiphosis[GOD]> If someone hit me with an ODP or a PIAT
[23:16] <Xiphosis[GOD]> They'd be put down

This is good to know.

Did you find that surprising in some manner? I'll say one thing, I feel a hell of a lot more safe with Xiphosis then I do the people screaming white peace.

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[quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1297659851' post='2632339']
So mad. Quick! How fast can Valhalla run to peace mode! :now taking bets in #CSN:
Really Liz you want to bring this up. When your own gov at the time told you how crappy of a thing it was to do to an ally. Then you ran from the AA to csn. I got the joke and even told you that if you would have let us in on it that it would have been funny and we probably would have played along. Instead you and Vessa continued on with the joke causing damage to many of our nations economicaly. When faced with a superior number of nations PEACE MODE is a viable alternative in order to ensure you get to strike where you want. You allowed it to go that far which speaks to your loyalty and your respect for treaties.

[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1297660472' post='2632363']
Really running with the whole "CSN is a GOD puppet!" line, aren't you?

Not that I mind.

I suppose they make 'em strange, up in Valhalla.

You guys should lay off the radioactive mead.
We like our radio active mead and we may be strange but our women are to die for. Also Hi longest trade partner i ever had hows things :P

[quote name='CptGodzilla' timestamp='1297661932' post='2632449']
It's because SF is out to ruin any kind of ally NoR has. You have seen right through our ingenious plan...

As for the thread... All I can say is I hope DT doesn't get terms.
Zilla thats not a stretch and you know it. Xiph has always claimed if your not with us your against us. Yet many of us dont want any part of this and DT would like to get out of this !@#$ storm yet CSN wishes to make a statement and create an enemy where their was not one.

[quote name='Aloop' timestamp='1297662667' post='2632489']
No, we're generally just in favour of eternal war. Xiph gets a lot of !@#$%*ing from inside GOD every time he lets someone off easy, like Echelon in Karma.
Echelon had a long past with maroon as a whole. They went after Kait which on maroon was much like someone burning the flag of the US to those who are extreamly patriotic. Echelon under Tela helped to extort TTK at one point and forced it to give up a member to 1 week of war and loose that member. Please tell me where DT has done anything to CSN aside from honoring a treaty. While it was an ODP at least it was considered a legitimate entry in bi-polar when NOIR was used to hit most of purple and no one complained then.

[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1297668543' post='2632663']
This made me giggle.
Oh dear god Tyga laughing at a valhalla joke the world truly is upside down.

[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1297670712' post='2632686']
Please don't. We don't expect it and we don't want it. No one in GOD has any misconceptions that someone like Echelon or NPO would do everything we've done to them and worse, given the chance. [b]Why do you think we're so harsh on our enemies?[/b] Out of petty cruelty? It may make for good jokes to say so, but I know you're too intelligent to honestly believe that. We know we have to do unto them so hard that they don't have the capacity left to do unto us in return. If we get terms after losing at all to one of the alliances that hates us, it will only be because they don't have the will, means, or political capital to disband us.
I will say this again at this point DT is not your enemy but your continued pressure like this could very well make them one.

[quote name='RailForge' timestamp='1297673234' post='2632731']
When DT sided with the NpO aligned forces of this conflict, they sided with CSN's enemies. DT revealed where their allegiances truly lie. They lie with the enemy. It is CSN's duty to its members and its allies to hinder by any means at their disposal, their enemy's current and future capabilities. Every point of tech that CSN don't take now, will be a point of tech that will be used against them or their allies in the future.

Neutering your enemies is the smart play. That's what this is.
I will say this again DT is currently not your enemy. They are engaged in combat with CSN but right now they are not a true enemy. Echelon may be but DT is not. Why would you make them one?

CSN in the past has always been an honorable alliance. I know Goose set these terms and it is because he believes he was wronged and that the ODP represents a threat and doing what he thinks to protect his membership. Goose im telling you it was not personal and DT could care less at this time about CSN but continuing down this path my old friend will only lead to creating an enemy out of someone who is currently not.

I wish my allies in DT the best and to my friends in CSN let this come to a close. Best of luck to all in getting this resolved.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1297704745' post='2633057']
is that how you rationalize those superior to you in every way possible? You call them idiots? I bet all the good girls go for the "!@#$%^&" type too, eh? :ehm:

Hate to tell you but it isn't really evil that MK gives off.

Can someone also tell me why Dark Templar is being crucified for entering the war when LoSS was seeking peace? Doesn't that burden lie with LoSS to inform their ally not to enter because they are seeking peace? I mean that's just common sense and in no way is DT's fault.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1297704720' post='2633056']
Nº1 Rule of CN Warfare:

[i]When losing a war, start trolling the OWF.[/i]
Thats Nº2. Nº1 is when you have the upper hand act like an alliance of asshats.

[quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1297659851' post='2632339']
So mad. Quick! How fast can Valhalla run to peace mode! :now taking bets in #CSN:
Hey congrats, you didnt need to get Xiph to speak for you there. You are making real progress. Someday soon they might let you out to by a packet of crayons with only 4 people assisting you.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1297707603' post='2633091']
Hate to tell you but it isn't really evil that MK gives off.

A clear sign we are not trying hard enough. I can only hope Ardus, Pip, and MT see how miserably they are failing at their jobs.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1297708546' post='2633111']
Good luck DT. May you do CSN so much damage they are forced to rethink, since sense doesn't seem to be having any effect.
Just goes to show that sense and reason are alien concepts to the mentally challenged :-;

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1297707603' post='2633091']
Hate to tell you but it isn't really evil that MK gives off.

Can someone also tell me why Dark Templar is being crucified for entering the war when LoSS was seeking peace? Doesn't that burden lie with LoSS to inform their ally not to enter because they are seeking peace? I mean that's just common sense and in no way is DT's fault.
Howdy AirMe

I'm not quite sure why people still feel that this is a valid point(not a jab at you), seeing as how Goose as stated in the R&R thread that peace talks were over. At the time we joined LoSS's stance was "we aren't leaving until all of our allies leave". A stance that has been stead fast through this conflict.
So no, LoSS and our communication is pretty good.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1297707603' post='2633091']
Hate to tell you but it isn't really evil that MK gives off.

Can someone also tell me why Dark Templar is being crucified for entering the war when LoSS was seeking peace? Doesn't that burden lie with LoSS to inform their ally not to enter because they are seeking peace? I mean that's just common sense and in no way is DT's fault.

actually, it has been proven in the logs that there were no peace talks ongoing between CSN and LoSS when DT entered. LoSS had refused the offer of white peace until their ally TIO left the war. So there were no peace talks going on and is yet another lie that is spouted by the other side in an attempt to defend their extortion.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1297707603' post='2633091']
Hate to tell you but it isn't really evil that MK gives off.

Can someone also tell me why Dark Templar is being crucified for entering the war when LoSS was seeking peace? Doesn't that burden lie with LoSS to inform their ally not to enter because they are seeking peace? I mean that's just common sense and in no way is DT's fault.

We werent leaving the war until TIO was out. TIO wasn't out. That was the extent of the peace negotiations.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1297706319' post='2633079']
We like our radio active mead and we may be strange but our women are to die for. Also Hi longest trade partner i ever had hows things :P

I'm doing pretty well, actually.

Heartily amused by the fact that's it's become convenient for people's PR agenda to once again claim that Xiph is the shadowy puppetmaster controlling everything- it always makes a welcome change from the alternate strategy of acting as though we have no political pull whatsoever.

Edit: As evidenced by the post below me, heh. It's so nice when people go to such lengths to prove me right :v:

How're you doing? Valhalla still treating you good?

Edited by Aurion
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Frankly this is revolted xiph. You are viewing ODP's as a illegitimate cause to enter whereas as DT sees it has an issue of honoring their allies.An ODP is only unnecessary when it is an ODP with the winning side helping a beatdown. Then the fact that CSN views their treaty with Legacy as an MDP with an optional chaining clause: Since it was initial invoked by outside treaties, their entering was optional as well. At least be consistent with CSN's treaties, and stop pushing CSN to get your agenda through xiph.Try to let them handle their own FA maybe?

CSN, don't let xiph push you around and make your agenda for you. Unless you fix this situation, your credibility is entirely gone and you will have zero respect.

DT, i support you in this endeavor

references from logs posted and link to CSN Legacy treaty.

[quote][23:16] <Xiphosis[GOD]> If it was me it'd be no terms, tbh.
[23:16] <Xiphosis[GOD]> If someone hit me with an ODP or a PIAT
[23:16] <Xiphosis[GOD]> They'd be put down
[23:21] <bud> DT honored a treaty
[23:21] <Xiphosis[GOD]> !@#$@#$ with Legacy means a lot to CSN.
[23:21] <Xiphosis[GOD]> No they didn't.
[23:22] <Myworld[dt]> Yes we did
01[23:22] <TiTaN[DT]> We didn't?
[23:22] <Xiphosis[GOD]> You don't honor ODPs. You use them at will and as you want.
[23:22] <Xiphosis[GOD]> They're excuses or stepping stones to more obligatory treaties. Always have been.
[23:22] <Myworld[dt]> We honor what we put our names too
[23:25] <Xiphosis[GOD]> And I'm not even going out of my way to justify it. No one takes getting hit by ODP/PIATs lightly.
[23:25] <Xiphosis[GOD]> And it's !@#$@#$ childish to !@#$%* about it.
[23:25] <Xiphosis[GOD]> I wouldn't want someone to hit me on one and neither would you. And I damn well would go hard on them for it if they lost.
[23:28] <Xiphosis[GOD]> I'm not arguing the terms, and I'm not arguing the war. It is the opinion of the front that DT entered on an optional basis aggressively, and that it warrants punishment.
[23:29] <Xiphosis[GOD]> Call me when you're ready to accept.
[23:29] <Xiphosis[GOD]> :)
03[23:29] * Xiphosis[GOD] has left #channel
01[23:29] <TiTaN[DT]> lol
[23:29] <Myworld[dt]> Aggressive for Defence?
01[23:34] <TiTaN[DT]> Can you post your Legacy/CSN treaty in here for me so we can nitpick?
[23:35] <Myworld[dt]> I can see it if we used an oA to declare on Legacy or CSN, but that didn't happen.
01[23:35] <TiTaN[DT]> Law of Legend V: Ironsoldier
01[23:35] <TiTaN[DT]> The undersigned acknowledge that Articles III and IV will be rendered optional if one or more is brought to war by way of outside treaty....just for the love of god don't get banned from the forums...it makes the MoFA job so much harder.
01[23:36] <TiTaN[DT]> So by your views you came in on us via an option clause?
01[23:37] <TiTaN[DT]> Gibsonator21, Goose|warmonger|?
03[23:37] * Supa_Troop3r[DT] has joined #channel
[23:37] <Hetman[Legacy]> tl;dr
[23:37] <Hetman[Legacy]> its an MDP
[23:37] <Hetman[Legacy]> or something
01[23:37] <TiTaN[DT]> with optional clauses
01[23:37] <TiTaN[DT]> you didn't have to defend them
[23:37] <Myworld[dt]> ^^^
01[23:37] <TiTaN[DT]> you chose to do so
01[23:37] <TiTaN[DT]> you guys are being hypocrits now
[23:38] <Hetman[Legacy]> We have it listed as a MDAoP
01[23:38] <TiTaN[DT]> however
01[23:38] <TiTaN[DT]> there is a non chaining clause
01[23:38] <TiTaN[DT]> So you did not have to defend them [/quote]

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1297709238' post='2633125']
I'm doing pretty well, actually.

Heartily amused by the fact that's it's become convenient for people's PR agenda to once again claim that Xiph is the shadowy puppetmaster controlling everything- it always makes a welcome change from the alternate strategy of acting as though we have no political pull whatsoever.

Edit: As evidenced by the post below me, heh. It's so nice when people go to such lengths to prove me right :v:

How're you doing? Valhalla still treating you good?
Well we all know how he gets when he doesnt get his way, amirite GOONS?

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[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1297706196' post='2633077']
Did you find that surprising in some manner? I'll say one thing, I feel a hell of a lot more safe with Xiphosis then I do the people screaming white peace.

It would have surprised me just a few days earlier, but I've since read more of his current material and am up-to-date with his agenda. So no, not surprising. Unwelcome.

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