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Five Years Later...


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That's right, today ODN celebrates our five year anniversary! Take that all you short lived two year old alliances!

Being serious, five years is a long time for any alliance on Bob. We've had our good times and our bad and weathered it all. I think I speak for all of us when I say I am proud to be an ODNer. Proud of our commitment to democracy, of our willingness to re-define and improve ourselves as an alliance, of the eagerness we have shown to go to ZI for each other, and of our support for our comrades and friends in both peace and war. I'm confident that, whatever the next five years hold for us, that will enjoy sharing the experiences and fighting in the trenches with you all.

For those of you who are interested in lulzy anniversary graphics, interviews with past sec-gens, chatting with our founder, and much more, I urge you to visit [url="http://www.orangedefense.net/forums/index.php?showforum=87"]Pingu's Pub.[/url]

To our allies: thank you for your friendship. To our enemies: we will mark the day by firing off a few celebratory nukes, to my Orange Comrades: thank you for giving ODN another great year, as always it is an honor to serve you in peace and war.

Finally... you should all thank me for not making this a fake DOW thread in order to attract attention. The urge was there... but I resisted it. Manfully. [i][size="1"](It was going to be on Athens)[/size][/i]

o/ ODN

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[quote name='itseZe' timestamp='1297570890' post='2630894']
An excuse to drink! Happy Birthday to us :)

<_< as if some of us needed an excuse to drink...

happy birthday to the ODN, and congrats to my mates for making it the best alliance on Bob...now, moar war...

o/ ODN

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1297571768' post='2630911']
You mean two years. Two years of actual existence, and three yours in your existence for others.


MVP you weren't the first to get a troll in. I am disappoint. :mad:

Edited by Max Cristof
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