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Alliances destined for eachother

Ryan Greenberg

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[quote name='Kryievla' timestamp='1297388261' post='2628593']
STA and Valhalla. I cannot believe you put STA and [i]Athens[/i].

If we liked STA tomorrow, and they us, and gold coins fell from the sky and the sun set in the east etc, we would still be destined to battle :P
Athens has mocked STA in their DoW thread. I figured they kind of wanted war with eachother

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297389599' post='2628635']
Athens has mocked STA in their DoW thread. I figured they kind of wanted war with eachother
We had one little kerfuffle, but Athens isn't really on our radar. STA and Valhalla is much more apt.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1297387940' post='2628586']
Ragnarok vs Valhalla (not that there is a rivalry but just a Viking Death Match)
PC vs DT
Gremlins (Old not Ram's) vs GGA
Polaris vs Pacifica
GOD vs Admin (who is the true God of CN?)

PC vs DT? Seems a little exaggerated.

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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1297388156' post='2628590']
Ragnarok hasn't held any ill will towards Illuminati for a long time

Read your alliance's history...two wars between Rok and Illuminati, and a lengthy period afterward where the mere appearance of a Illuminati nation would result in that nation being attacked.

Of course that was a very long time ago, but this thread includes historical rivalries.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1297395536' post='2628812']
Just [url="http://s4.zetaboards.com/gga"]beware of those zombies[/url]. Death has a funny way of losing sometimes.
I'm sure Exodus and Phoenix Rising will love that Locke :P

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1297387334' post='2628578']
GGA vs. death (death won)
Are you sure? http://s4.zetaboards.com/GGA/index/

EDIT: this is what you get for walking away and not refreshing. i hate you, locke.

Edited by Banksy
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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297382912' post='2628482']
NpO and TOP

And here's the typical Polaris refusal to take responsibility for anything.

TOP has always been slow to anger. Polaris was the [i]first[/i] alliance we [b]ever[/b] actively pursued war with, and this was after months and months of antagonism, threats and backroom dealings on the part of Polaris against us (oh, and there were also the dozens of other alliances whom you pissed off with similar behavior; the fact that so many alliances were eager to go to war against you in the WotC probably should have taught you that). And then after amends were attempted, we were the subject of the blackest betrayal by your alliance.

As much as you'd like to act as if it were "destiny" that our alliances would be enemies, the truth is that it's due to your alliance actions. Of course, it does not surprise me in the slightest that your alliance would never admit this. You've always been terrible at taking responsibility for your actions and great at playing the victim in everything.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1297398730' post='2628887']
And here's the typical Polaris refusal to take responsibility for anything.

TOP has always been slow to anger. Polaris was the [i]first[/i] alliance we [b]ever[/b] actively pursued war with, and this was after months and months of antagonism, threats and backroom dealings on the part of Polaris against us (oh, and there were also the dozens of other alliances whom you pissed off with similar behavior; the fact that so many alliances were eager to go to war against you in the WotC probably should have taught you that). And then after amends were attempted, we were the subject of the blackest betrayal by your alliance.

As much as you'd like to act as if it were "destiny" that our alliances would be enemies, the truth is that it's due to your alliance actions. Of course, it does not surprise me in the slightest that your alliance would never admit this. You've always been terrible at taking responsibility for your actions and great at playing the victim in everything.

we don't care, this isn't a thread about you.

As for the actual topic at hand. Fark v. IRON (happened 2 or 3 times i think?) and it was always a good fight to watch

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