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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296600178' post='2615129']I'm sure you, as a member of NPO, given the karma reparations, would know all about being treated as a glorified tech farm.[/quote]
Indeed. From there my lack of understanding why would anybody want to just be that.

Anyway, this thread isnt about that. It is about peace and all.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1296599017' post='2615097']
Althought I'm all for ragging on MCXA for it's awful performance as both an ally and an alliance in general, Polaris is the last alliance that should mock MCXA for anything. Considering you mocked them so much in the past and then stabbed them in the back, inb4 Polaris trying to convince the world they didn't, fighting on the same front as [i]you[/i] of all people would be one of MCXA's valid reasons for leaving.

Let MCXA get criticism from its allies rather than what was perceived to be an enemy since its leaving from BLEU for goodness sakes. I love how Polaris pulls the whole "we weren't allied so why are you angry you lost when you hit CnG?" card and yet are angry that MCXA is merely leaving their front. It's ridiculous. The faster you realize how much you've messed up and accept responsibility for your actions the sooner other alliances waiting in the wings can help you. The more you remain stubborn the more others will look on with apathy.

Get over your false sense of pride for goodness sakes, if these last two wars proves anything of you Polaris it's that you really are nothing special.
Yes indeed.
[quote name='captain america' timestamp='1296598306' post='2615070']
whats with the idiotic terms? are we 7 years old or something?

not surprised to see MCXA fold so quickly, they are probably one of the worst alliances at war in this game.

Congrats on peace, i guess.

It's truly amazing that a combination of dishonesty and false pride allowed Polar to have illusions about them being honorable or otherwise worthy of fighting for, or even have the audacity to call out other alliances as dishonorable. What you did deserves you the hellfire of Karma+reps ten times over, right until you finally accept what you did and apologize and attempt to make amends. By then it will be to late for you of course, but that just serves you right.
But right now you apparently still haven't been beaten down enough and haven't payed reps long enough, I do hope that in about a year or so (if hopefully the combination of ruinous war+reps takes that long) you do realize what you did to your allies during the last war.

I doubt you'll be able to betray your way out of this one.

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296599796' post='2615119']
oh...okay ive been proved wrong -_-
unless DH lose the overall war, and then you will have trouble rebuilding quickly because no biger nations to give aid.
That will not happen as NPO's allies have focused themselves on GOONS. Leaving the rest of Doomhouse to pound NPO down.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296598402' post='2615075']
Wait wait wait, Doomhouse and FAN can win but GOONS will still lose?

[i]Really?[/i] :psyduck:
Cat is out of the box. We're rolling GOONS.

[quote name='Taliburn' timestamp='1296593362' post='2614952']
Called Loyalty. You should try it sometime
I said that the trash talk is hilarious since you and your alliance just handed in their surrender not that you should leave mcxa. You seem like a good fit there.

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1296539692' post='2614210']
You're right. They should demand tech. instead.

Edit: Or even demand that MCXA support their senate candidate and threaten war when voter turnout is less than optimal.

Agreed. I love how they say we're evil and they encourage us to mandate reparations instead of these easy/flimsy terms. To be honest, reps are much more satisfying.

[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1296540258' post='2614249']
Nine days. You lasted nine days.


Considering the allies they entered to defend have left, why should they stick around to "fight" for NpO?

[quote name='rrkilledme' timestamp='1296545792' post='2614429']
Good point, next time we'll just take 5k tech and $20mil per MCXA nation.

Keep on truckin.

To be honest - alliances that enter on oA or ODP's should be forced to pay reps.

[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1296555095' post='2614523']
Makes me smile when people ask why did you not fight longer, why fight for people like NpO and STA they fail to respect those people who do the right thing, We joined this war in support of our allies, not in support of NpO or STA..... We joined to support our allies and we did our job the best we could, our allies who we joined the war to protect, TCU (who had already left) and UINE who are happy with the effort we put forth.

That is all that count for me.

so you may start your ranting and raving, and talking trash.

We did right by our allies the best we could, we have no treaty or anything with STA so have a good day

I agree with some parts; however, this doesn't change the fact that you decided to honor an oAoDP and then signed a peace agreement which makes it impossible to honor your treaty with TPF. Nevertheless, I'm sure you discussed this with TPF in depth, as well as your other allies before you surrendered.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1296600120' post='2615128']
In the War of the Coalition, your alliance's performance was beyond atrocious. Those who fought in both the WotC and in the war against the GPA earlier in the year can attest with confidence that the GPA fought far better against the same odds. Polaris nations were inactive, were uncoordinated, were unfamiliar with how to fight (yay for attacks with 60 bombers!) and had warchests that were beyond pathetic. If I recall correctly, your minister of war was holding less than $10m when the war began. Your alliance's NS dropped like a rock, while the alliances arrayed against you sustained an astonishingly small amount of total damage.
Welcome to the world of recruiting/training alliances, Crymson. It's always going to be a mixed bag. Some rulers are only around weekly and some are inexperienced and need to be properly trained before they can contribute. You can laugh all you want, but I assure you it is the same story to varying degrees in any alliance that let's in the newbies. If I wanted to be in an alliance of the high and mighty, spend my days making fun of the inexperienced or chronically inactive while feeling oh so much better than them because I've learned the mechanics of growth and war, and draw from a player base that's grown tired of training new generations, I could be. So why am I not?

My alliance let me in when I was a nobody. They encouraged me when I made a fool of myself. They trained me from the beginning. Eventually they put their trust in me to give back. That's not the kind of friendship I could forget, and not the kind of loyalty that is easily broken.

Edited by Penguin
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Congrats to all involved for achieving peace.

[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1296536772' post='2614023']
I still don't see how NPO-Doomhouse has anything to do with Polar-VE. Stop accepting that term people.
Agreed. [u]Any[/u] signatory of this peace agreement that bandwagons on Doomhouse's [b]war of aggression[/b] against NPO should be ashamed. I would have been happier seeing a statement that none of these alliances would enter on either side of the NPO-DH fight (yes, even to help us). However, I have this nagging suspicion that I won't be so lucky.

Please prove me wrong and do the honorable thing by staying out of the Omnicide War.

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[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1296601934' post='2615176']
Agreed. [u]Any[/u] signatory of this peace agreement that bandwagons on Doomhouse's [b]war of aggression[/b] against NPO should be ashamed.

Well, there you have it. Baka said it. It must be true. Right?

Feel ashamed, everyone!

[size=1]Note: enormous sarcasm.[/size]

Edited by Crymson
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Crymson, obliquely referring to any misdeeds committed by Pacifica in the past (and we did commit a few) does not change the fact that Doomhouse declared an aggressive war on us for no reason other than "everything must die".

Nice try to confuse the issues, though.

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[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1296602210' post='2615184']
Crymson, obliquely referring to any misdeeds committed by Pacifica in the past (and we did commit a few) does not change the fact that Doomhouse declared an aggressive war on us for no reason other than "everything must die".

Nice try to confuse the issues, though.

I think you misunderstood me. I was making fun of your arbitrary statement, made by you as if it had the capacity to convince anyone.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1296600120' post='2615128']

I don't see from where you're drawing this idea of your alliance's aptitude at war. Do you think that simply having the word "Order" at the end of your alliance's name somehow nominally makes it a military powerhouse? Get real.

I don't see it either, then again, i wasn't even trying to comment on polars past/current/future military abilities, but hey if you need to make something up to try and bring me down, by all means go right ahead there champ.

Crymson, you're a washed up never was, and the only reason you or TOP for that matter, got anywhere is because you got good at latching onto the power structure and letting go just before it implodes. Your only beef with Polaris is that we didn't give you the chance to suck on our teet and instead attacked you in defense of a treaty partner. your tears are still delicious though.

again congrats to mcxa on peace, i suppose.

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[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1296602210' post='2615184']
Crymson, obliquely referring to any misdeeds committed by Pacifica in the past (and we did commit a few) does not change the fact that Doomhouse declared an aggressive war on us for no reason other than "everything must die".

Nice try to confuse the issues, though.

I know the topic was named "every must die" however there was quite a long post explaining a number of rationale for war right after the title. Anybody who takes a second to skim the DoW, or more to think about what happened will realize there were a number of reasons for their war, even if it was aggressive.

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Hail Peace! Hail LSF!

[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1296602210' post='2615184']
Crymson, obliquely referring to any misdeeds committed by Pacifica in the past (and we did commit a few) does not change the fact that Doomhouse declared an aggressive war on us for no reason other than "everything must die".

Nice try to confuse the issues, though.

There's a difference between War of Aggression and Pre-Emptive strike. But that would have been evident if you'd have read their DoW.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1296602372' post='2615185']
I think you misunderstood me. I was making fun of your arbitrary statement, made by you as if it had the capacity to convince anyone.
It's hardly arbitrary. Doomhouse attacked nations not at war and were unable to prove they had any plans to go to war. Aggressive action.

Only an idiot who tried to do this before would...oh right.

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[quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1296542180' post='2614347']
I'm disappointed with the staying power some of the alliances on the NpO side of the war have shown so far.
Are you really surprised MCXA gave up this quick? As for the others theyre just unprepared micros

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296594883' post='2614990']
You ruined it for them. Many alliances on the Hegemony alliance, still refusing to accept their place in the world today, have insisted that in wars such as Karma they actually defeated SF / CnG. Because they got white peace. Even if it was through a surrender.

NSO is one of those alliances. Many blue alliances also pulled that stunt.

That's a slap in the face to those kind enough to offer you white peace after years of dealing with !@#$%^&* from you and your allies. And that's cool. It's your right to slap them in the face and claim "hahaha we really beat you guys!" Just don't complain now that we've had to adjust our terms to [i]ensure[/i] you know that you have been defeated. You brought this upon yourselves. Deal with it.

Probably should have thought of that before you mocked us for giving you extremely generous terms the last couple of times. Sucks.

I know this is hard for your side to realize, but you're going to have to lie in the bed you made for yourself. Quit complaining. If you wanted to continue to get white peace, you probably should have graciously accepted it when it's been offered in the past.

MCXA aren't my allies.

You're retarded Penkala, like pants on head retarded.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296596057' post='2615019']

It's a lot easier to call a white peace a victory than to call a surrender with terms a victory. The point remains: We've handed out white peace on silver platters before, only to be spit upon for our generosity. $%&@ that. Welcome to surrender terms. Once again, [i]you brought this on yourself[/i]. Quit whining and deal with it. And think of the long-term consequences before you act next time around.

If you mock someone for giving you white peace, they're probably not going to give you white peace the next war. Sucks.
I haven't whined about terms, or mocked anyone for white peace :S

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296602614' post='2615192']
wat if goons get taken down then the alliances all turn onto the next alliance?
GOONS is not surrendering and the alliances on us have put their top nations into peace mode so the rest of Doomhouse can't fight them. Frankly, they have no chance against MK and Umbrella, their top tier is simply to strong for those on us to successfully defeat. That is why they are targeting us, of course because they've had their 30k NS+ nations retreat into peace mode their lower level nations cannot receive foreign aid. We can, so really we have the edge.

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[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1296601934' post='2615176']
Agreed. [u]Any[/u] signatory of this peace agreement that bandwagons on Doomhouse's [b]war of aggression[/b] against NPO should be ashamed.[/quote]
How would that work when you're hiding from Oyababy in peace mode?

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[quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1296569567' post='2614635']
we came in to defend UINE. last i checked, 1/3 of their nations are in peace mode and their top seven nations are hanging out while the rest of the alliance burns. they want to stay and fight by putting their alliance through the grinder, that is their issue. personally, i don't see why we should fight to defend them when they haven't lifted a finger to defend themselves.

to our enemies:

o/ INT
o/ =LOST=
o/ LSF
o/ ODN
o/ Tetris

especially INT, with whom i had six wars with. good times, great oldies. jesus the viking was the best opposition i had, and i loved every second of radiation.

Same here Parandiac, you were a beast in combat.

Also: David Lynch's Dune is masterpiece, and Sting's performance is excellent.

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