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Dear Archon


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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1295992885' post='2600984']
This really is a terrible myth. Granted MK has seemed to have turned into something that many of didn't think it was. However, they have never been nor ever will be the NPO of old. Nobody could be as bad as the NPO of old. Anyone who thinks otherwise is rewriting history or hasn't ever paid attention to anything.

I'm not saying the actions of each were/are equivalent. I'm merely pointing out (in ironic fashion) what looks like a role reversal:

The NPO: Formerly declaring on alliances without CB or provocation, now "getting its ass whipped for simply being who you are, for nothing more than your past associations"

MK: Formerly "getting its ass whipped for simply being who you are, for nothing more than your past associations," now declaring on alliances without CB or provocation.

Edited by Lord to the Gizzle
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Well written, OP.

[quote name='Floyd' timestamp='1295939012' post='2599344']
The newer nation rulers that were not around to see the most horrid atrocities committed by the NPO should not stand in judgment about what Doomhouse is doing or has done.

Why not?

Lander clan is 945 days old today. I think, if nothing else, by the right of surviving almost 1000 days, Lander Clan has earned a seat at the discussion table, and sometimes judgment is called for while holding that seat.

I have personally NEVER had an issue with NPO - not against any alliance I've been a part of or in any other fashion. I believe the stories of those who have - 100%. I had no problem with the Karma War and was very proud of the mentors I had involved in it.

However, even if the argument of "if NPO gets in power again, it will be the same thing all over again" is correct, how is there any justice in doing something before it happens? Anyone at any time can claim "well, if I didn't do something - X alliance would have done (insert crime)" and, like magic, aggression is justified. No thank you. The world is hard enough as it is.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295939318' post='2599359']
I don't think anyone for one second believed that MK was here to save the world, I did expect more from Archon than Everything must die.

Kiddies with social problems have been running the show for too long, they have a limited attention span and they have decided it is time to destroy everything. That's fine by me.

Hopefully we can all ascend this time.
And yet you placed your alliances future into our hands over your hatred of TOP in the previous war. That was impressively stupid of you wasn't it. You dug Polaris into a hole and now seek to blame us for it. We both know what happened and that the situation you are in was your doing, don't try to divert it.

[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1295986348' post='2600769']
Which is evidence of what precisely? A vast Polar conspiracy to protect NPO? :rolleyes:
Yes actually. Confirmed by several people in your own alliance in fact :)

wrt the op: MK has changed no doubt, we were once an alliance that prided itself on discipline and had a strong hatred of NPO due to what they had done to MK and the majority of its membership in their old alliances (including NPO) We managed to turn PR against you with considerable help from others and ended up defeating you and becoming a "poster boy" for the new CN. As with all propaganda this poster was unrealistic. CN is a world where PR is what wins wars, not nation strength or allies. It's down to the perception your alliance has created around it. I have no doubt that yesterday harmed the Kingdoms PR with many, but as we have always said and always will say. Our friends come before all else. To protect our friends we needed to put away the old dog. The one that tormented us and harassed us, the one that had once again managed to convince people to become meat shields so it can prosper and grow untouched.

For all those saying what comes around goes around. I am sure it will eventually. But frankly i would rather MK created its own path, as we always have done. One that we create and a destiny we determine. I may disagree with some of our moves in the past, but i will always believe that we will ensure we will follow the simple rule that our friends come before all else. Even if CN perceives what we do as evil or vile. We will do what is right for our friends. We have grown from a small alliance of misfits with talent into a premier alliance of CN. I will always be proud of my alliance and I will ensure that we are the best we can be.

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Found another rough draft of Schatty's letter to Archon!

[quote]From: Schattenmann
To: Archon
Subject: (no subject)

Now I'm pissed off !@#$@#$ die you peice of !@#$. THink it's funny to trash on other people because they don't meet your !@#$@#$ standards? I'm sick of being !@#$ on by $%^&@#s like you! I don't know who you are, how old you are, or how you found our planet, but so help me, if I ever do learn your identity, you'll wish you were never born. I make it my personal mission to bring you down. I don't appreciate your attitude, or your 'piss people off and make fun of other's weakneses to get laughs' approach to life. You're probably some fat ass old man, who has nothing else to do, a horrible family life, and people all around you who hate you, so one day you woke up, and decided to take it out on people who are younger than you, who don't know you and who don't have the chance to kick you in your stupid ass. Think it's funny to make fun of us, huh? Think it's funny to post in our threads every 10 minutes under a different name, or get ppl to go there just to post in it. Everyone mentions the same faults, uses the same stupid insults. We know its only about 2 or 3 ppl involved, not 10 or 20. Now it's your turn to suffer !@#$%^&...[/quote]

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1296002757' post='2601366']
Would have actually paid attention if the thread title was "Dear Richard," but alas...
Don't make me get Leonard J. Crabbs on you. [i][b]I'LL LITIGATE![/b][/i]

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MK has become a new NPO. They're a younger version of NPO, but they're complete down to the incredibly annoying propaganda that calls black white and insists that 2+2=5... choruses of mindless hails and personal attacks on people that do not agree with them.

Look in the mirror, MK, and you will see you are what you think you fight. The fact that such a thing does not bother you is the final proof you are a reflective shade of the NPO. Your actions are absent honor and your path is of disgrace.

I do not say this to convince MK or its allies to take a different course: I say this to show to others the errors of MK, lest they become a meatshield for their efforts... which is another thing that smacks of the NPO of old. Ask Sparta how they feel about their association with MK's side of the conflict right about now...

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[quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1295997619' post='2601179']
Page one handjob?







And boom goes the dynamite.

Okay, we can stop the war, shut down CN and call it a day. Everything that has happened since 2006 has been leading up to this one post. It's all over.

TBQH I agree with Shattenman, but goddamn, you gotta give props where props is due.

/tip of the hat

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[quote name='DogeWilliam' timestamp='1296002280' post='2601346']Poetic, but I doubt NPO will feel that way when their alliance is smoldering once again and MK is fine.[/quote]
It is unimportant what will NPO feel. What will be important is what will majority of CN feel.

Though, I find it rather humorous that in the last hour members of your side kick AA have not only rationalized this war on NPO as "punishment for future crimes", but as well now know how NPO will feel in the times to come.

This time traveling technology you got going, is interesting. Or is more black magic?

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1296008348' post='2601588']
It is unimportant what will NPO feel. What will be important is what will majority of CN feel.

Though, I find it rather humorous that in the last hour members of your side kick AA have not only rationalized this war on NPO as "punishment for future crimes", but as well now know how NPO will feel in the times to come.

This time traveling technology you got going, is interesting. Or is more black magic?

It's simply cowardice. They can dogpile us all they want.

These 5000 nukes have to fly somewhere.

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[quote name='Jacques Cousteau' timestamp='1295998236' post='2601199']
For those of you unfamiliar with Schatt's MO, this thread essentially says;

"We all have roles in this world. My role is to play the part of a reporter. I rally the public against whatever force is clearly the most powerful because it helps me to fulfill my job description. MK has finally moved fully into the role of head honcho and therefore it is time for me to come out against them. Prepare yourselves for lots of entertaining topics in which i do all that I can to paint them as the villains that they may or may not be."
For 3 years it's been a pleasure to see simpler minds try to sum me up in 10 character attacks or less. There are two kinds of readers here: Those that can read the letter, and those that see who wrote it. The test of your pea-brained assessment is simple: Has Schattenmann been railing against MK, the dominant power for the past 2 years, for 2 years? For 1 year? Two months? Has Schattenmann railed against the dominant power MK at all?

I speak against actions, and I have not spoken until today.

If you're going to step to me, step smart. The people aren't stupid.

[quote name='MagicalTrevor' timestamp='1296002168' post='2601340']
I have no doubt that yesterday harmed the Kingdoms PR with many, but as we have always said and always will say. Our friends come before all else. To protect our friends we needed to put away the old dog.
Don't insult our intelligence.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1296015261' post='2601837']
It's simply cowardice. They can dogpile us all they want.

These 5000 nukes have to fly somewhere.

Those cowardly cowards, running headfirst into 5000 nukes, how cowardly can cowards be :mad:

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296020439' post='2602141']
For 3 years it's been a pleasure to see simpler minds try to sum me up in 10 character attacks or less. There are two kinds of readers here: Those that can read the letter, and those that see who wrote it. The test of your pea-brained assessment is simple: Has Schattenmann been railing against MK, the dominant power for the past 2 years, for 2 years? For 1 year? Two months? Has Schattenmann railed against the dominant power MK at all?

I speak against actions, and I have not spoken until today.

If you're going to step to me, step smart. The people aren't stupid.


You can spin it how ever you want and you can go all out ad-hom to your heart's galore but it doesn't change the fact that your duty is be the voice of the underdog. Accept your role. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it just needs to be seen as what it is.

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[quote name='Jacques Cousteau' timestamp='1296021801' post='2602217']
You can spin it how ever you want and you can go all out ad-hom to your heart's galore but it doesn't change the fact that your duty is be the voice of the underdog. Accept your role. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it just needs to be seen as what it is.
The fact of the matter is that you are focused on the wrong side of the coin. I speak out against wrongs, that intrinsically involves speaking on behalf of underdogs. I cannot control whether or not an alliance's actions precipitate my attentions. Because of the scales on your eyes, you cannot see that there is not one word on behalf of underdogs in this letter, only admonishment for the actions of an aggressor.
You are welcome to be wrong, but don't foist your fallacies me.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296022539' post='2602246']
The fact of the matter is that you are focused on the wrong side of the coin. I speak out against wrongs, that intrinsically involves speaking on behalf of underdogs. I cannot control whether or not an alliance's actions precipitate my attentions. Because of the scales on your eyes, you cannot see that there is not one word on behalf of underdogs in this letter, only admonishment for the actions of an aggressor.
You are welcome to be wrong, but don't foist your fallacies me.

Yes, yes. You are good at what you do. Just remember that a skeptic such as myself doesn't care to hear your justifications and rationalizations. Get on with your show.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1295993648' post='2601030']
You can apply that position to just about any alliance out there.
[/quote]Generally I've found the opposite to be true, with people liking the regular members and hating the leadership.

[quote name='Matthew Conrad' timestamp='1295994565' post='2601081']
Watching Grub explode with uncontrollable angst made this all well worth it.
[/quote]What's amusing as hell to me is how well you lot claim to know Grub while blatantly proving the opposite through your posting.

[quote name='MagicalTrevor' timestamp='1296002168' post='2601340']Yes actually. Confirmed by several people in your own alliance in fact :)[/quote]Your "sources" are dead wrong. Or lying to you. Or you're just not smart enough to properly understand them.

Either way you're pushing a line so patently false that I find it amusing. :smug:

Edited by Fallen Fool
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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1296026895' post='2602370']
Generally I've found the opposite to be true, with people liking the regular members and hating the leadership.

What's amusing as hell to me is how well you lot claim to know Grub while blatantly proving the opposite through your posting.

Your "sources" are dead wrong. Or lying to you. Or you're just not smart enough to properly understand them.

Either way you're pushing a line so patently false that I find it amusing. :smug:

But, Fallen, it is all the STA and NpO's fault. We decided to protect an alliance we are not allied to and owe nothing. True story.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1296027449' post='2602381']
But, Fallen, it is all the STA and NpO's fault. We decided to protect an alliance we are not allied to and owe nothing. True story.
[/quote]Yeah! And to do it we decided not to call in Legion, because their non-chaining MDoAP with NPO would have made it impossible for the big P to stay out!


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