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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1295998047' post='2601194']

Please use the ellipsis more liberally, thanks.

The Orders are not a barrier between PB/MK/etc. and impromptu rollings of alliances. We do not seek a situation where we can roll any alliance we want.

We are rolling the NPO because they have consistently defined themselves in conflict with us. They wished to remain our antagonist - cowering, plotting, using this war as a means to fortify themselves through non-involvement. So while it may seem dubious and perhaps overtly hypocritical to engage them in a fashion such as we have, in truth, we seek only to eliminate a persistent threat to our Kingdom and to all of Bob.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1295998047' post='2601194']
and all of you in Karma said they wouldn't be as bad as NPO.. There worse..

Having made such a compelling case I'm sure you will sway the masses.

(If we pretend that failing to provide [i]any[/i] justification for making such a claim constitutes a compelling case.)

[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1295998047' post='2601194']
its fighting for your side weather right or wrong. Its fighting for what is right, and what you know is right.

Exactly! There may be hope for you yet. :)

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1295998047' post='2601194']
LOL.. and all of you in Karma said they wouldn't be as bad as NPO.. There worse.. and for those alliance's still sitting back eating popcorn on the sidelines, allowing PB to do what they want is just saddening. Let go of your grudges, and defend your side. Or have you forgot what your roots are, and what you preach to the world your all about. Some of you have become soft since your little scratches in the Karma war. Its time to get over it.

As for those of you who ally yourself to the likes of MK, and PB, and their little goons.. Your turning into the same thing you so greatly fought against in Karma.. and remember you slogan.. Karma comes around bites you in the ...

You can only allow MK to push you around as far as you want them too.. Instead of being lapdogs. Stand up the bully.. TOP, Sparta, and MHA did it in the karma war.. and see how they are still hugging infra.. you can too.

Besides none of this is just fighting for an Order.. its fighting for your side weather right or wrong. Its fighting for what is right, and what you know is right. Once the Orders burn, there is nothing in the way of PB from burning you too, or turning you into what they want you to be, and there will be nothing you can do to stop it.

Sadly once we see the "Orders burn" the next step is the Purple sphere, and IRON...
They're not just as bad as the hegemony, THEY'RE WORSE!

I never get tired of hearing that. :blush:

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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1295995164' post='2601105']
No problem

Care to mention what it is that would tip the scale in your favour? It must be my war hardened eyes, they can't notice such details

My guess is that you overestimate the sway you'll have with people. Or your own skill when it comes to strategy and tactics in this war...

But hey, whatever floats your boat

That's 100% irrelevant. This isn't about Polaris and what people think of it. This is about those who declare war for no reason at all, and what people think of [i]them[/i]. And my argument has nothing to do with this war itself - it has everything to do with what this war will cause after it's over with. You're going to see just how important something like "respect" and "honor" can be when it comes to politics. I promise.

Edited by PotFace
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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1295999668' post='2601235']

All I got out of any of that was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WeL5FQwOA4&feature=related Don't tell me STOP IT!!!NPO or I will have a hissy fit

edit: quote tags

Edited by ironchef
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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1295995502' post='2601119']
Apparently, our diplomacy has been effective, since we are winning, and NPO's allies can't touch us

With moves like this you are assuming that only NPO's allies would want to "do something about it". Remember the premise of Karma was not solely about allies but more about a shared vision and common enemy. Something you all have been brilliant at creating.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1296000180' post='2601247']
All I got out of any of that was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WeL5FQwOA4&feature=related Don't tell me STOP IT!!!NPO or I will have a hissy fit

edit: quote tags

How infuriating, to be likened to a baby crying. I'm wounded. :(

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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1295999668' post='2601235']
Please use the ellipsis more liberally, thanks.

The Orders are not a barrier between PB/MK/etc. and impromptu rollings of alliances. We do not seek a situation where we can roll any alliance we want.
Your DoW said you can attack any alliance at any time for no reason other than in your opinion they deserve to burn or you just dont like them.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Affluenza' timestamp='1295997580' post='2601177']
I would love for NpO to come knocking for MK...

Infact I hope what you have said is true because I can honestly say that it will be very much welcomed...not as much as destorying purple sphere mind you but it's up there. ^_^

I don't know how you got NpO is coming for you out of that, but whatever. I think he was talking about a host of other alliances that before all these shake ups would have been with you guys no matter what. Now we're questioning why we ever supported you guys in the first place. IAA is one of these alliances and I know there are many more. We would have gladly rolled out for MK's side until all of this has taken place (more the stuff before this DoW and not exactly the DoW itself)

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1296000796' post='2601277']
Your DoW said you can attack any alliance at any time for no reason other than in your opinion they deserve to burn or you just dont like them.

Not quite, it hinted at it, because we enjoy your tears so much.

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I'd just like to point out, for some, that you can be against TOP's offensive in BiPolar's war and still be in favour of preemptive strikes. What failed TOP was politics and the fact that they trusted Polaris to begin with. Not the preemptive strike in itself.

Striking preemptively is a mean, not an end in itself. To be against preemptive strikes is frivolous and a thing of the past; much like refusing to use nuclear weapons.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1296000796' post='2601277']
Your DoW said you can attack any alliance at any time for no reason other than in your opinion they deserve to burn or you just dont like them.

Anyone can.

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1295999668' post='2601235']
Please use the ellipsis more liberally, thanks.

The Orders are not a barrier between PB/MK/etc. and impromptu rollings of alliances. We do not seek a situation where we can roll any alliance we want.

We are rolling the NPO because they have consistently defined themselves in conflict with us. They wished to remain our antagonist - cowering, plotting, using this war as a means to fortify themselves through non-involvement. So while it may seem dubious and perhaps overtly hypocritical to engage them in a fashion such as we have, in truth, we seek only to eliminate a persistent threat to our Kingdom and to all of Bob.

If this is the excuse you wish to use. MK has made it clear that they would love to destroy the purple sphere also.. And hitting NPO, with no CB, or any reason to in this war for that matter, outside of being butt hurt cause they ruled you for 3 years, weakens or destroys an ally of most of the purple sphere. Therefor they very much are a barrier. Cause I would be willing to bet, if NPO/Purple as a whole sphere rolled onto pb, and dumb doom, whatever house you call yourselves you would be done. Fortantly for you, they can't get there heads outta there rears over little quabbles with each other to unite.

but meh, after seeing some of the alliances, that could easily join in for the defense of this side, not just defending the orders.. but our sides ability to play the game freely, not wanting too, and just want to get fat off popcorn, I really have no point in arguing. I would at this point love to see them rolled too.

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[quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1296001334' post='2601312']
If this is the excuse you wish to use. MK has made it clear that they would love to destroy the purple sphere also.. And hitting NPO, with no CB, or any reason to in this war for that matter, outside of being butt hurt cause they ruled you for 3 years, weakens or destroys an ally of most of the purple sphere. Therefor they very much are a barrier. Cause I would be willing to bet, if NPO/Purple as a whole sphere rolled onto pb, and dumb doom, whatever house you call yourselves you would be done. Fortantly for you, they can't get there heads outta there rears over little quabbles with each other to unite.

but meh, after seeing some of the alliances, that could easily join in for the defense of this side, not just defending the orders.. but our sides ability to play the game freely, not wanting too, and just want to get fat off popcorn, I really have no point in arguing. I would at this point love to see them rolled too.

A CB is nothing more than a reason for declaring war. We have made our reason clear and we have a CB. If you don't like our CB, then you have a perfectly reasonable CB against us. I'm not here to justify you and we don't need your justification.

And we are playing freely. By telling us that we can't declare war for whatever reason we want you attempt to enslave us into playing your way. You see, you are the ones who aren't playing freely right now and that's because your eyes do not know freedom. Doing the same thing day in and day out, the same way we have since 2007 is not freedom. Even Schatt would agree with that, or at least his recent signature would.

If you wish to rally purple and the orders against PB and Dumbhouse, go ahead. You have that ability. And I condone that action. But I think your logic is flawed if you believe that purple and orders could roll us. Are we not seeing that right now?

Edited by Crowdog
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[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1296001025' post='2601297']
Not quite, it hinted at it, because we enjoy your tears so much.
You can kill NPO for all I care but I listned to 3 years of MK and co crying like babies about evil NPO. I guess you like tears because after 3 years crying you cave none left.

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296001226' post='2601306']
Anyone can.
So why is he trying to say they didnt? There is no PR comeback from this one way ot the other now or later DH alliances and current serving members will burn up for this.

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Old CN remembers getting rolled by NPO no matter which alliance they fled to. New CN thinks they're the martyrs. Good thing history backs up old CN, and naivete supports new CN.

*was in ONOS when they were attacked, viceroyed, and ultimately disbanded by NPO*

But keep on saying that MK is just as bad for preventing NPO from the same old same old, I enjoy reading fiction.

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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1295995776' post='2601125']
NPO's powerful allies: TPF, The Legion, Invicta, TOOL, and NSO will truly be Doom House's undoing.
It was the sum total of small, weak alliances that got you guys in power wasn't it?

[quote name='Affluenza' timestamp='1295997580' post='2601177']
I would love for NpO to come knocking for MK...

Infact I hope what you have said is true because I can honestly say that it will be very much welcomed...not as much as destorying purple sphere mind you but it's up there. ^_^
Is that your version of "Resistance is futile"? also you misspelled "destroying"

[quote name='Scorbolt' timestamp='1295999668' post='2601235']
Please use the ellipsis more liberally, thanks.

The Orders are not a barrier between PB/MK/etc. and impromptu rollings of alliances. [b]We do not seek a situation where we can roll any alliance we want.[/b]

[b]We are rolling the NPO because they have consistently defined themselves in conflict with us. They wished to remain our antagonist - cowering, plotting, using this war as a means to fortify themselves through non-involvement.[/b] So while it may seem dubious and perhaps overtly hypocritical to engage them in a fashion such as we have, in truth, [b]we seek only to eliminate a persistent threat to our Kingdom and to all of Bob.[/b]
1. No you don't seek a situation where you can roll any alliance you want, you merely seek a situation where you can attack alliances on a whim for literally no reason at all, simply because they don't agree with you?

2. You attacked them because you're paranoid that some day they may get big and come after you? That is NOT a valid CB.

3. wasn't that what you guys were doing when you failed to declare in support of FOK?

The last line screams of Paranoia :P
NPO wasn't even in the war, NPO hasn't undertaken any offensive or defensive armed action since Karma, they were sitting over there on Red minding their own business when you guys showed up.

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296001966' post='2601331']
A CB is nothing more than a reason for declaring war. We have made our reason clear and we have a CB. If you don't like our CB, then you have a perfectly reasonable CB against us. I'm not here to justify you and we don't need your justification.
You spent 3 years telling the world people need a CB to go to war thats why you are rolling NPO for a second time. To save people from being attacked for no reason. No amount of back tracking will polish up this turd and make it look like gold.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Janosik' timestamp='1296002032' post='2601333']But keep on saying that MK is just as bad for preventing NPO from the same old same old, I enjoy reading fiction.[/quote]
Well you do obviously like reading fiction, as you already have a fictional story as to what would NPO do if not attacked right now.
However you want to force rationalize that you still support the higher moral ground here, is fine by me though. It is funny.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296001164' post='2601304']
I'd just like to point out, for some, that you can be against TOP's offensive in BiPolar's war and still be in favour of preemptive strikes. What failed TOP was politics and the fact that they trusted Polaris to begin with. Not the preemptive strike in itself.

Striking preemptively is a mean, not an end in itself. To be against preemptive strikes is frivolous and a thing of the past; much like refusing to use nuclear weapons.

Be careful not to pull a muscle reaching for that logic

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296001164' post='2601304']
Striking preemptively is a mean, not an end in itself. To be against preemptive strikes is frivolous and a thing of the past; much like refusing to use nuclear weapons.

So you think having a CB is frivolous and a thing of the past? Really?

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1296002339' post='2601348']
Well you do obviously like reading fiction, as you already have a fictional story as to what would NPO do if not attacked right now.
However you want to force rationalize that you still support the higher moral ground here, is fine by me though. It is funny.
derp derp psychobabble

I am not a comedian, stop laughing. As for what NPO would be doing without a war right now... well their old peacetime M.O. consisted of:
[*]Planning to roll a small dissenter alliance
[*]Planning to roll an ally
[*]Maneuvering a competitive bloc into a war

But since they lack their old hard and soft power, I'm sure they're just sitting around trying to gain those two first. Now this is all based on repeated observation, you however should have the inside scoop. So tell us, what is NPO planning?

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