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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295930573' post='2598346']
Translation: "It was only fun when we were doing it."

no my point is more like "people used to have reasons for doing things." yes i get that your response to that is "but i didn't think your reasons for x y and z were good reasons." i don't care and i don't do owf pissing contests anymore so let's just nuke each other and then get drunk or something

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Welcome, o Doomhouse and NPO, to this rock-opera of a war. Love your woman. Honor the admin. Defend your alliance. Good luck to everyone and let there be no flaming or whining on the OWF. Don't worry about your infra: everyone will lose a great deal of it. Anyone who stays in peace mode through this thing will be forever a coward, regardless of what they do in the future.

On another note, I think this is a chance for many alliances to rethink their position on Planet Bob. Be warned that if you fight those who fight NpO/NPO and their auxiliaries, [i]you are on their side[/i] whether you intended it to be that way or not. I hope to see some white peace treaties in the near future.

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[quote name='Facade' timestamp='1295930823' post='2598378']
Alas, the age of honor and politics are gone. This game has descended into the likes of a few alliances whose ego's are so large that they may collapse under their own weight, while in the dark recesses of their minds, they know that they will never attain the greatness or superiority of their most hated arch-rivals.

It must be hard to realize that while your enemy was and will be seen with the greatness of political maneuvering and will be remembered as the greatest alliance of the game, you will fall into obscurity and will not be remembered for anything you do. Your own inferiority complex has led you to do whatever necessary to cleanse the game of that which overshadows your petty and insignificant accomplishments. Congratulations Doomhouse, for accomplishing that everyone will remember that at the end of the world, the famous alliance that won the game kept fighting with their dignity and honor, against an opponent whose name will fade from the annals of history.

Uh yeah sure that could be it, or that they were bored out of their minds.

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Lovin it

[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1295928191' post='2597899']
We shall do what TOP couldn't.

Yes, we are going to destroy MK and C&...oh whai...

P.S. [size="6"]LOL[/size]

[quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1295928388' post='2597946']

Edited by King Chill I
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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1295928571' post='2597980']
I guess that whole Karma thing was a lie. Look, I dont care if you hate NPO and want to attack them, that is fine, at least you are being honest to the world now, but seriously you guys are the biggest bundle of hypocrites in this game.
[color="#0000FF"]I said Karma was rubbish midway through that war. I still can't believe I am one of only a few who saw this coming. Congratulations on taking a !@#$ on everything you once stood for, MK.[/color]

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[quote name='Facade' timestamp='1295930823' post='2598378']
Alas, the age of honor and politics are gone. This game has descended into the likes of a few alliances whose ego's are so large that they may collapse under their own weight, while in the dark recesses of their minds, they know that they will never attain the greatness or superiority of their most hated arch-rivals.

It must be hard to realize that while your enemy was and will be seen with the greatness of political maneuvering and will be remembered as the greatest alliance of the game, you will fall into obscurity and will not be remembered for anything you do. Your own inferiority complex has led you to do whatever necessary to cleanse the game of that which overshadows your petty and insignificant accomplishments. Congratulations Doomhouse, for accomplishing that everyone will remember that at the end of the world, the famous alliance that won the game kept fighting with their dignity and honor, against an opponent whose name will fade from the annals of history.
This. Is. Awesome. If only sig quotes could be this long. :awesome:

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[quote name='Cao Pai' timestamp='1295930746' post='2598368']
Due time is now, Meshaal.

If this coalition is not stopped now, I'm afraid CN will drop to new lows in nation count, unable to recover and unable to rebel against the oppressors we will find ourselves facing. Now or never, every effort after this will be in vain.

Make it now. Our bloodlust is far from being satiated.

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Lol at all the new players with no understanding of Cybernations history beyond the scope of the past two years.

NPO for as long as it has been in existence has been a game altering force. Through ruthless politicking, Pacifica has ruined countless alliances throughout the history of CN with CB's no more concrete than the one outlined in OP's post. [b][size="4"]It is time for all of those who have suffered at the hands of NPO to rise up and fight to once for all destroy this source of evil.[/size][/b]


/Memories of GW II

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[quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1295930907' post='2598389']
On another note, I think this is a chance for many alliances to rethink their position on Planet Bob. Be warned that if you fight those who fight NpO/NPO and their auxiliaries, [i]you are on their side[/i] whether you intended it to be that way or not. I hope to see some white peace treaties in the near future.

Except for the fact that a lot of us were pushed over here. We had no choice. Keep pushing away those who were supporting you though. I hear it's a smart political move. Just ask those being declared upon for no real reason right about now.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1295929102' post='2598112']
There is no escaping this, NPO. There's no hiding from what you've earned.
[color="#0000FF"]So, you folks were lying when you said Karma was a clean slate? Considering NPO has done nothing since them, I'm not sure what to think.[/color]

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1295930926' post='2598392']
Uh yeah sure that could be it, or that they were bored out of their minds.

Perhaps you should not have the attention span of a kindergartener on crack then?

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[quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1295930907' post='2598389']
Welcome, o Doomhouse and NPO, to this rock-opera of a war. Love your woman. Honor the admin. Defend your alliance. Good luck to everyone and let there be no flaming or whining on the OWF. Don't worry about your infra: everyone will lose a great deal of it. Anyone who stays in peace mode through this thing will be forever a coward, regardless of what they do in the future.

On another note, I think this is a chance for many alliances to rethink their position on Planet Bob. Be warned that if you fight those who fight NpO/NPO and their auxiliaries, [i]you are on their side[/i] whether you intended it to be that way or not. I hope to see some white peace treaties in the near future.
I look forward to Ya'll declaring on Sparta later,NV is lucky to have allies such as you

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[quote name='Cao Pai' timestamp='1295930746' post='2598368']
Due time is now, Meshaal.

If this coalition is not stopped now, I'm afraid CN will drop to new lows in nation count, unable to recover and unable to rebel against the oppressors we will find ourselves facing. Now or never, every effort after this will be in vain.

Hopefully, we will all be able to sing this together, sooner rather than later.
We're already at new lows, dude. So let's see if the fireworks attract a few people. At the very least let's go out with a bang.

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[quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1295930299' post='2598317']
I still can't wrap my head around someone calling us cowardly in a declaration of war. Someone explain it to me, seriously.

I called you cowards because you are scared of losing your power to Pacifica and need to preemptively hit them. The same behavior that was reprehensible not so long ago. sorry if you couldn't see that.

If you have more questions, feel free to send a message.

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You know, as much as I have disliked the NPO throughout my years here, I cannot help but think that this is unwarranted aggression by Doomhouse.

I mean, I STILL am not the HUGEST fan on the NPO, but GATO and the NPO have worked on bettering our relations, and they've done no wrong in this war. I'll say it again. This is unwarranted aggression.

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