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Everything. Must. Die.


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Dear MK and its lackys,

Your asshattery is now complete. I fully expected that this war was a ploy to draw the NPO out in the open, and when they failed to take your weak, weak bait you decided to take it upon yourself. I've stated time and again that your alliances are pieces of absolute gutter trash, and today you prove me right. So, to GOONS, MK and Umbrella, go $%&@ yourselves.


o/ NPO

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295928182' post='2597896']
Pacifica attacked for existing, how.. convenient?

Yeah, they didn't conveniently roll over and die after Karma, so now Doomhouse will resort to using 'NPO' tactics to defeat NPO again.

Pathetic. Not a word I would normally associate with MK, or the other Dommhouse alliances. . .but I'll make an exception here.

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WEEEE ... And !@#$ just got fun :awesome:

[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']We cannot allow any chance of a return to power by the New Pacific Order. For years they ruled with an iron fist. They engineered a multitude of first strike "curbstomps," the most grossly abusive among them being the glibly named Woodstock Masscre against the Green Protection Agency. Never one to face an enemy with an even remote chance of victory, and always one to beat on the weak and the vulnerable, the New Pacific Order was a true master of the first strike attack. They could not only beat down the weak, but they had maneuvered the politics of the day such that they could do so with impunity.

This was my favourite part. It was so wrong for them to do it, but it's so right for you and your friends now.

At least there was finally an honest declaration tho - to prevent their re-rise to power. I'll give you props on the honesty.

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[quote name='PumpkinFunk' timestamp='1295928746' post='2598018']
With absolutely all offense intended to my friends remaining in NPO... it's about time. Things haven't changed enough since Karma. Unfortunately.
I agree, just new faces....

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Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother.
And my sister and my brother
Lo, there do I see the line of my people
Back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them
In the halls of Valhalla
Where the brave may live forever.

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Now isnt this interesting. TOP ZOMG YOU FAIL PRE EMPT ATTACKS ARE TERRIBLE oh wait you know it does seem to have a certain strategic value. How bout you give back the big reps you pushed out because they did what your doing now.

Oh well I have no love for NPO but this is just amazing.

o/ Nukes i guess

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295928541' post='2597969']
I love the CB "We declare war against NPO because the power now belong to us and we don't want to lose it.

To be fair, it is a better CB than Viridia's. After all, superior Pacifican skill is such a threat to MK, that even with us as an international pariah they need to act.

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