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Announcement of Alliance Creation

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[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1290139898' post='2517077']

It would appear the south has risen again.

This made me lol hard for some reason. Well played, sir. Well played.

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[quote name='Rob Holmes IIi' timestamp='1290136175' post='2517044']

- The Following flags are forbidden to be flown by members of The South:
Soviet Union
[color="#FF0000"]North Korea[/color]


Why is this? Why can people not show their love of Kim Jong Il? Are you saying that The South does like not like Kim Jong Il, and the paradise he has made for his country men? Kim Jong Il does not like this if you do, and we will threaten you with our nukes. And while you know that we will do nothing, because planet bob frowns upon people doing things worth while, we will still cause fear in the hearts of all of your members until such a time that you bow down to Kim Jong Il and say the following line. "Kim Jong Il is my friend, my father, my god. I shall follow the will of Kim Jong Il no matter where it leads me, and from this day forth I will never utter a false lie about the paradise that my countrymen live in. o/ Kim Jong Il." We will be waiting for you.

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[quote]This was certainly a dumb thing to say![/quote]

^^ That

I don't see why Germany or Japan are banned flags considering they're the United States allies now and considering they never did anything to the Confederacy. Just giving yourself and the real south a worsened "bad name."

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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1290188494' post='2517489']
If you need a protectorate come to www.WorldFed.net

or find us at #wF on coldfront.irc.net
Oh, please do this for the ~drama~ alone.

Edited by Banksy
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[quote name='Britishdude' timestamp='1290223920' post='2517930']
don't see why Germany or Japan are banned flags considering they're the United States allies now and considering they never did anything to the Confederacy[/quote]

The South isn't "The Confederacy" it's The South. Similar theme, but not the same thing.

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[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1290139898' post='2517077']

It would appear the south has risen again.

I think you (Rob) should pay Drai for rights to this flag.

Edited by James IV
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[quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1290247428' post='2518124']
So will the South force non-aligned nations from the black sphere to join? You could place them into tech farms (plantations) and make them do 3mil/150tech deals for the rest of their lives.

I was trying to think up some sort of joke like that, or ask if cotton was an available resource for trade, but it appears you have won the thread.

Good luck, Rob. You really should use that flag.

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