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Forcing alliances to disband is back


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Fortunately, I don't think you will find very many people from any side of the treaty web or ideological spectrum that actually think that's even close to what Sardonic was saying.

This type of transparent garbage is why you will never fully accomplish any of your little smear campaigns.

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Hilarious, voted 5.
Seriously don't we have enough threads about us, at least make the new ones good please. Out of context quoting just makes you look sad and desperate.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1285869294' post='2469935']
If they dont want to pay they will suffer GOONS concenceques. No one has a gun to GOONS head forcing them to fight on until these alliances cease to exist.

If they disband its their own fault, thats what they get for attacking GOONS. We have a reps price and if they refuse to pay it see part one. It was a clear threat from a GOON gov member to take this war to the point where this alliance will cease to exist if they dont meet GOONS price.

I think you need help, dude. Seriously. It's very sad that you're continuing your little fit of self-importance here. It was an ill-advised thread to begin with, but the fact that you're continuing acting like some crazed lobbyist is just making people scratch their heads. We're people too, you know. Attempting to use OOC influence to force IC opinion is just absurd.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1285869294' post='2469935']
If they dont want to pay they will suffer GOONS concenceques. No one has a gun to GOONS head forcing them to fight on until these alliances cease to exist.

And quite frankly, that's no less than they deserve. They should be expected to pay reparations for their actions. Also, you don't attack GOONS and expect to get away without paying reps, that's not how it works. Anybody who has watched the OWF for the last few weeks can tell that. I can only imagine a few people to be so stupid to expect anything less. Hint: I don't think FnKa are one to fall in this category.

Tell me this Alterego: Is it acceptable for an alliance to attack another alliance with the stated intention to change their charter?

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1285867537' post='2469901']
If you think waiting for something to happen before you act is the way to go you wouldnt have attacked TPF for not spying on you. You would have waited for them to spy on you. They didnt neither did you. The lesson is a suggestion is fact that something was to happen or will happen and a DoW is an acceptable response.
huh? As much as I'd love to hear you rehash all your complaints from last December I see no parallels.

You're preemptively complaining about terms for a war that hasn't been going for 48 hours...
I'd like to take this opportunity to show solidarity with Alterego and express my disgust with all future terms. Beer reviews are especially heinous. Immediate promises of white peace are the way to go. Aggressors rights must be protected!

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ktarthan, that's just MEAN. :P

Alterego, I probably like you more then most of the people on these forums, considering the sort of replies you usually get, but if you keep firing off at every thing you see you are going to be out of ammunition when it actually matters. You and The Boy Who Cried Wolf have something in common.

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Let's break this down.

[quote=Sardonic]Really, they'll probably just disband, but that's on them for engaging us.[/quote]

Translation: The Ninjas declared an aggressive war with a CB of "We don't like you" (the same CB TOP used on CnG, and hey! The majority of CN said was an awful CB back then, and TOP got rolled. Double standards much?), and aren't seeking to pay reps. Being there's only 11 or so of them, they'll get overrun easily, and have no power to win the war. They stated they aren't going to pay reps, so either they're going to go into a VietFAN type situation or they'll choose a different route of disbanding to get away from reps altogether. [i]Or[/i] they change their position and pay reps, in which case their alliance will continue to exist.

[quote]There is a price to be paid in attacking us, and if they're not interested in paying it, the war will continue.[/quote]

When an alliance declares an aggressive war, and loses, they're expected to pay reps. If they don't want to pay reps, why should they get off free of charge with no wrongdoing? There has to be consequences for your actions. If The Ninjas don't own up to them, they're just trying to avoid the consequences altogether. No alliance should get away without sacrificing something for declaring an aggressive war with a terrible CB, and then losing.

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I think if GOONS did try to forcible disband The Ninjas or FnKa there would be several people standing up to them. If GRE who at the time was a fairly respected alliance at the time couldn't convince people to support their unconditional surrender; I doubt GOONS who many people despise would be able to do it.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1285871916' post='2469987']
I think if GOONS did try to forcible disband The Ninjas or FnKa there would be several people standing up to them. If GRE who at the time was a fairly respected alliance at the time couldn't convince people to support their unconditional surrender; I doubt GOONS who many people despise would be able to do it.

GOONS won't forcefully disband anyone. They aren't TPF.

Will they hold them in war until Ninjas surrender to terms? Of course. They should.

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1285872183' post='2469993']
GOONS won't forcefully disband anyone. They aren't TPF.

Will they hold them in war until Ninjas surrender to terms? Of course. They should.

I was just pointing out I don't think they'd even try since it would more than likely end very badly for them.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1285872347' post='2469995']
I was just pointing out I don't think they'd even try since it would more than likely end very badly for them.

Impressive. I think Alterego was expecting all the GOONS-haters to bandwagon on yet another thread. Glad to see your hatred for us actually includes thought.

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The second part of the second sentence makes this entire thread useless. Why would he indicate a possible end to the war if the price was disbandment? He obviously means reps, but I suppose your excitement every time you find a snippet of a post of any possible importance you stumble as quickly as you can to start a new topic on it before you even understand the context and actual meaning of the quote.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1285872791' post='2470009']
Impressive. I think Alterego was expecting all the GOONS-haters to bandwagon on yet another thread. Glad to see your hatred for us actually includes thought.

I was unaware I was a GOONS hater. :wacko:

I just speak out against evil as often as I can. That's why I shouted down Athens when they raided KofN (despite it being my favorite alliance on planet Bob) and was supporting Echelon when their protectorate was raided by PC. However, it seems I'm known on the other side as being a raving anti-NPO lunatic. Either way I've never really carried a hate for any of you guys. I just hate bullies.

As for Alterego he has a tendency to make a big fuss about things out of context. Just take a look at that UPN thread (although everyone seemed to have fun with that one), the thread about \m/ trying to coup that small pathetic alliance, and now this one.

Alterego, I understand your concern but it's probably best to let GOONS dig their own grave. If you start digging it for them you'll just end up burried.

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[quote name='Iserlohn' timestamp='1285866650' post='2469878']
If anything has come full-circle, it's from Bi-Polar, where TOP and co. warred with CnG until they had to pay reps for preemptively attacking.

I [i]suppose[/i] TOP could have disbanded instead?

What circle was completed? I know a lot of toilet alliances that still need to be flushed.

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[quote name='Horatio Longworth' timestamp='1285881091' post='2470178']
I will be watching and waiting to see if Ninjas disband. If they do, I will blame GOONS for it. I'm also a bit skeptical they will be able to pay any reps.
I guess it depends on how long they want to fight. I believe one of theirs said they had the funds to fight for a couple of years at mid-range. So unless they actually do fight for a couple of years, at least that one should be able to pay some reps, although I'm sure others of theirs are similarly prepared.

Edit: Also thanks for not blaming us for something that hasn't happened. That's actually a rational way to approach things.

Edited by ktarthan
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