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The Viridian Entente


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Before anyone refers me to people saying how great VE is as allies, or Ejay giving me a low down on how VE were great allies and he'd defend them if he had the chance, this is not to attack VE's people rather its history. One ensteeped in irony and such hypocrisy I found it too good to pass up. One that has been buried deep under the surface. Well.. time to bring it to the surface.

[b]Timeline of the First Viridian Entente:[/b]
- On the 26th of July, 2006 the Viridian Entente comes into existance.
- On December 15th, 2006 the Viridian Entente becomes a signatory of the World Unity Treaty (WUT) becoming one of the original 9.
- Second Great War, January 9th 2007 the [url="http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=43365"]Viridian Entente declares war on the NAAC via The Initiative.[/url]
- May 24-26, 2007 results in the Viridicide of the Viridian Entente in what was one of the most unjustified wars in history. Asked to move from green the Viridian Entente refuses as a coalition of alliances attack them. Among them being [b]GOONS[/b].

[b]Timeline of the Second Viridian Entente:[/b]
- September 17, 2007 the Viridian Entente reforms shortly thereafter declaring war on the Unjust Path.
- The Viridian Entente, not fully allowed on green due to the GGA, stay half on blue and half on green not fully a green alliance. They sign treaties with Pacifica and the Grand Global Alliance.
- Before the onset of the War of the Coalition, VE issues a proclamation of a ZI peace pact: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/ZI_Peace_Pact in an attemtp to end EZI and widespread forms of ZI. (Didn't carry over into many of those that were prosecuted in what would be the WoTC, VE allowed IRON/GGA to carry on their EZI's as they saw fit.
- 14 August, 2008 [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31286"]VE declares war on MK in defense of NPO[/url] in the War of the Coaliton.
- To the lead up of the Karma War the Viridian Entente cancels its treaties with all ties to GGA, IRON and NPO declaring war on the NPO.
- 27 August, 2010 The Viridian Entente signs the [url="http://www.viridianentente.com/showthread.php?25488-The-Zen-Accords-VE-GOONS-ODP"]Zen Accords[/url], Zen, jokingly referring to VE often being called GOONS antonym.

Much of the Viridian Entente think of themsevles as an alliance now over four years old not discounting the time they were disbanded. So this is an accurate timeline of VE events. What does this say to you? To me, it says hypocrisy.

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285854594' post='2469710']
Before anyone refers me to people saying how great VE is as allies, or Ejay giving me a low down on how VE were great allies and he'd defend them if he had the chance, this is not to attack VE's people rather its history. One ensteeped in irony and such hypocrisy I found it too good to pass up. One that has been buried deep under the surface. Well.. time to bring it to the surface.

[b]Timeline of the First Viridian Entente:[/b]
- On the 26th of July, 2006 the Viridian Entente comes into existance.
- On December 15th, 2006 the Viridian Entente becomes a signatory of the World Unity Treaty (WUT) becoming one of the original 9.
- Second Great War, January 9th 2007 the [url="http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=43365"]Viridian Entente declares war on the NAAC via The Initiative.[/url]
- May 24-26, 2007 results in the Viridicide of the Viridian Entente in what was one of the most unjustified wars in history. Asked to move from green the Viridian Entente refuses as a coalition of alliances attack them. Among them being [b]GOONS[/b].

[b]Timeline of the Second Viridian Entente:[/b]
- September 17, 2007 the Viridian Entente reforms shortly thereafter declaring war on the Unjust Path.
- The Viridian Entente, not fully allowed on green due to the GGA, stay half on blue and half on green not fully a green alliance. They sign treaties with Pacifica and the Grand Global Alliance.
- Before the onset of the War of the Coalition, VE issues a proclamation of a ZI peace pact: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/ZI_Peace_Pact in an attemtp to end EZI and widespread forms of ZI. (Didn't carry over into many of those that were prosecuted in what would be the WoTC, VE allowed IRON/GGA to carry on their EZI's as they saw fit.
- 14 August, 2008 [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31286"]VE declares war on MK in defense of NPO[/url] in the War of the Coaliton.
- To the lead up of the Karma War the Viridian Entente cancels its treaties with all ties to GGA, IRON and NPO declaring war on the NPO.
- 27 August, 2010 The Viridian Entente signs the [url="http://www.viridianentente.com/showthread.php?25488-The-Zen-Accords-VE-GOONS-ODP"]Zen Accords[/url], Zen, jokingly referring to VE often being called GOONS antonym.

Much of the Viridian Entente think of themsevles as an alliance now over four years old not discounting the year they were disbanded. So this is an accurate timeline of VE events. What does this say to you? To me, it says hypocrisy.

May 2007 to September 2007 is only four months.

Edited by Bill Wallace
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What hypocrisy? Seriously.

VE were destroyed in a not great way. It's reformation had original members, but it wasn't the original and specifically didn't have the originals loyalties.

GOONS are not even really remotely close to the Neutral Shoving GOONS in almost anything except for a very few members.

Clearly the GATO of today are a bunch of hypocrites because they're an alliance whose membership, loyalties and priorities have changed due to circumstance over 4 years? I'd really like some level of competent argument from this before there are any more posts at all. As is, it is ridiculous.

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VE gets destroyed by GGA and GOONS. VE then reforms allying with GGA and NPO, who basically created the Viridicide. They declare war on the Unjust Highway citing that they were pretty much polar opposites of them then cancel their treaty with the GGA and NPO and allying with much of the Unjust Highway later on.

[quote]I follow your train of thought. VE are just as bad as GOONS. [/quote]

No, GOONS is consistant.

[quote]GOONS are not even really remotely close to the Neutral Shoving GOONS in almost anything except for a very few members.

Clearly the GATO of today are a bunch of hypocrites because they're an alliance whose membership, loyalties and priorities have changed due to circumstance over 4 years? I'd really like some level of competent argument from this before there are any more posts at all. As is, it is ridiculous. [/quote]

GOONS isn't remotely close to the old GOONS? So you're rejecting the fact they're trying to emulate them? The mentality is the same, the objective is to be [i]GOONS[/i].

Also your GATO comparison is a strawman. GATO never stood for being anti-raider or believing in something so strongly as VE has in the past. VE basically decided to ally with those whom sought to destroy them and again with those who stand for the antithysis of what they stand for. Did GATO do that? Hardly.

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285856037' post='2469733']
GOONS isn't remotely close to the old GOONS? So you're rejecting the fact they're trying to emulate them? The mentality is the same, the objective is to be [i]GOONS[/i].

Also your GATO comparison is a strawman. GATO never stood for being anti-raider or believing in something so strongly as VE has in the past. VE basically decided to ally with those whom sought to destroy them and again with those who stand for the antithysis of what they stand for. Did GATO do that? Hardly.
I haven't seen emulation. Old GOONS tried to rule Black. Old GOONS Attacked people for speaking out against them in forums. These GOONS don't. They will tell you to do something about it if you don't like what they're doing, but they clearly aren't going out of their way to antagonize people. You're antagonizing them and they say "Fine. We understand, but we're going to do it anyways." These GOONS didn't have the grudges of the old ones, heavily because much of the old GOONS leadership disappeared through acts of the almighty Admin and most came from another world into this one.

VE has always stood for what they believe in, including their allies. When they signed the no-PZI pact, what did they say? GOD is our closest ally and they believe in the PZI. We don't, but we believe in GODs ability to choose their path and we respect and stand by them even if we disagree.

EDIT: V and W confuse me evidently.

Edited by Kroknia
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I don't think the word [i]hypocrisy[/i] means quite what you think it means.

Also, if you're calling out VE, why haven't you also considered GATO, Legion, NpO, MK, or a host of other alliances? Each of them is now allied to at least one alliance they have historically opposed. Even then, VE, while being somewhat similar to its original self, allied GOONS, which bear almost no resemblance in the form of shared members with the former GOONS.

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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1285860339' post='2469773']
Congratulations, you have stumbled across the fact that alliances change their direction a little bit over the course of four years.
I agree with this.

Just because an alliance did something 2-3 years ago doesn't mean that they have to stay on the same loop for the rest of their existence. Alliances and the people in them evolve throughout there time here on Planet Bob.

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MVP timeline

noCB- On the losing side, Misr whines on the OWF and posts tons of stupid topics and polls (i think he rage quit after that?)

Soldier-TPF war- mhawk attacks his protectorate for harboring theAUT a.k.a Misr. theAUT, shortly after the war becomes great friends with the hegemony just in time for..

Karma War- losing side, whines a lot, posts tons of stupid topics and polls against karma.

Blueballs war- losing side, whines a lot, posts tons of stupid topics and polls against karma.

BiPolar war- losing side, whines a lot, posts tons of stupid topics and polls against karma.

Present- More crying, losing and poo-posting!

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1285862334' post='2469802']
Where is this hypocrisy? To me (and apparently everyone else) that just looks like a normal timeline with a few events on it.
AUT is being lazy, he's hoping somebody out there will take this list of facts and make a semi-coherent argument out of them. Somebody named Schatenman probably.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285868407' post='2469920']
AUT is being lazy, he's hoping somebody out there will take this list of facts and make a semi-coherent argument out of them. Somebody named Schatenman probably.

...but then who would come along and take Schattenmann's arguments and make them semi-coherent? :unsure:

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AUT, check the VE/GOON ODP thread or Ardus thread and you'll see that both points was already discussed [i]Ad nauseam[/i].

Also, just to make my opinion clear, VE do sucks and the route they are taking since the end of Karma war represents it very well.

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