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Players you've always admired


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[quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1282444129' post='2426205']
Rebel Virginia, hands down.
[quote name='Killswitchengage' timestamp='1282444459' post='2426214']
Has to be Rebel Virginia, How this one man can make such an impact and offend so many people at once is worthy of anyone's respect
[quote name='Aimee Mann' timestamp='1282444995' post='2426224']
Rebel Virginia.
[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1282447847' post='2426270']
Artic, Rebel Virginia, and Moo Cows are names that come to mind.
[quote name='rabonnobar' timestamp='1282453122' post='2426363']
Bob Janova, Doitzel, Rebel Virginia, Ivan Moldavi.
[quote name='HalfEmpty' timestamp='1282469743' post='2426510']
Frans Josef, RV, AlterEgo, Tyga and Azaghul.

Edit to add killer dwarf.
[quote name='deathman1212' timestamp='1282474302' post='2426535']
Schattenman, Rebel Virginia and Electron Sponge all spring to mind.
[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1282488245' post='2426613']
Schattenmann, Mhawk, Vladimir, Peggy_Sue, Sal Paradise, Rebel Virginia.

And me hehe.

Oh and that annoying guy that visits #Avalon once in a while hehe.
[quote name='Stefano Palmieri' timestamp='1282491805' post='2426639']
Demag, EGrievous, Kingzog/Ashoka the Great and I think thats it. Oh and RV.
[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1282518841' post='2427005']
Sponge, RV, Hungchang, Doitzel, Schat, and Archon.
Also Stumpy.
[color="#0000FF"]I must hand it to my loyal fans. Remember that I do it all for you, and as a token for all that you have done I will in return post a blog entry. It will be a detail of my tale. The full story.

Though I must say, what has surprised me the most is the gratitude shown towards me by one Bob Janova. I always knew that one day he would break down and profuse his undying love and admiration for me, but never had I imagined it would happen so soon. I applaud Bob for this. It takes a lot of guts to come out and say something that you've longed to say, but out of fear for the respect of your peers have held back. I imagine that quite the load has been unburdened Bob. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Remember, the truth will set you free.[/color]

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[quote name='Opethian' timestamp='1282542572' post='2427376']
I can't believe I forgot Senor Virginia. He's pretty awesome because he eventually realized that I was playing the game the right way all along.
[color="#0000FF"]You are a shining beacon of light my good man. Many a soul has been saved from the darkness by your efforts.[/color]

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[color="#0000FF"]Now, who does Rebel Virginia admire? Opethian for one. Starfox, Doitzel, Schatt, MegaAros, Chief, Sponge, Stubbs, Srqt, and anyone else in Vox has already gotten my respect. Most in NSO and NPO I have a good amount of respect for. Outside my allies, Xiph (surprisingly) and Hoo I can have respect for. They have pairs and personalities that defines their alliances. Those are always boons in my book.[/color]

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282443459' post='2426190']
Like most of the rest of the world, I have players I like and respect more than others. As for looking up to? Im not sure I look up to anyone. Doitzel probably is the closest I come to looking up to someone.

You wound me.

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In no particular order

Scorponok - You're my longest friend in CN, if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be here now (you can all blame him for my being here )

Londo - Another of my long time friends, I have a lot of respect for you ;)

Opethian - For sticking with his alliance after all this time by himself, I admire that

Tygaland - General Tygaism and such, you know the rest

Sentinal - Word's can't express my reasoning :wub:

Edited by Skippy
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in no particular order

ES Never have i seen someone be able to stir so much tin foil by a simple return.

Xiphosis many will face palm on this one im sure but take a look at what hes done in the game love him or hate him he had a large impact on me early on in my CN career

Ashoka no need to even explain

Stumpy for his sheer tenancity to see something accomplished

Chefjoe for being just so damn good.

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[quote]Though I must say, what has surprised me the most is the gratitude shown towards me by one Bob Janova. I always knew that one day he would break down and profuse his undying love and admiration for me, but never had I imagined it would happen so soon. I applaud Bob for this. It takes a lot of guts to come out and say something that you've longed to say, but out of fear for the respect of your peers have held back. I imagine that quite the load has been unburdened Bob. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Remember, the truth will set you free. [/quote]
Wait, what? I didn't mention you.

Edit: Maybe you're a Vox founder? I don't remember all 11.

Also, even if you are, admiration is not love. I don't love any of the people I listed, in fact I have greatly disliked most of them.

Edited by Bob Janova
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1282490203' post='2426624']
There is a distinct and erroneous lack of me being mentioned in this thread.

Chop, Chop, people, I'm not going to get worshiped all by myself, you know.

Who do I look up to? Plenty. I'll add someone later.

Making Zenith workable for as long as you did was fairly impressive....i'll admit. :)

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[quote name='mike717' timestamp='1282584005' post='2427872']
Making Zenith workable for as long as you did was fairly impressive....i'll admit. :)

Holy cow, mike, I'm actually writing a response with you in it as we speak! Synchronicity ftw!

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[quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1282574949' post='2427728']
In no particular order

Scorponok - You're my longest friend in CN, if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be here now (you can all blame him for my being here )

Londo - Another of my long time friends, I have a lot of respect for you ;)

Opethian - For sticking with his alliance after all this time by himself, I admire that

Tygaland - General Tygaism and such, you know the rest

Sentinal - Word's can't express my reasoning :wub:

$%&@ you, Skippy, $%&@ you.



...let's see....




Alright, let's go with respected.

[u]Duncan King[/u] for the tremendous amount of work she is capable of handling.

[u]mike717[/u] for his supreme tactical skill and the ability to be both a nice guy and a hardass at the [u]same time.

Alfred von Tirpitz[/u], a really class act.

[u]Dame Hime Themis[/u], for the same reason. (In fact, she's probably the only person who I'd actually accord her alliance appointed title.)

[u]Earogema[/u], ditto.

[u]Vladimir[/u], I can't help it, I've been propagandized.

[u]Lusitan[/u], smart and respectable.

That [u]wampler[/u] (terrorists) guy who's sole purpose it seems is to stomp the !@#$ out of anything in his range.

[u]Delta[/u], for the most part.

[u]Schatt[/u], for, well, y'know.

[u]ChairmanHal[/u], insightful guy.

[u]TheAUT[/u], one of the most honest people ever

[u]nippy[/u], cause he's funny

[u]mpol[/u], same

[u]Archon[/u] I don't actually like him, as I find him a slimy demagogue, but you have to admit that he is close to the total package of what a leader should be.




And much much more coming soon.

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I like a great many people in CN, but admire? That's a much smaller group:

Syzygy: Was a great help and inspiration with nation building early on.
Cataduanes: Honourable, courageous, and a gentleman to boot. I can't believe he is a commie.
Moridin: For usually saying what I was thinking, and having buckets of common sense.
Jarkko: Quietly consistant, a great ghost-buster, always charming, and for being able to keep his mouth shut.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1282576199' post='2427746']
in no particular order

ES Never have i seen someone be able to stir so much tin foil by a simple return.

-snip myself-

Ashoka no need to even explain

Stumpy for his sheer tenancity to see something accomplished

Chefjoe for being just so damn good.

It's a good list. Stumpy and ES definitely deserve mentions, but while I respect them I wouldn't call it admiration. Fine line, but there.

Edited by Xiphosis
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I'm not sure "admire" is the correct term, but it's a short list none-the-less (relative to the number of persons who inhabit these parts).

Captain Flinders - lots of reasons, more than most, but all-around a really stand up guy.

Chron - restored my faith in the undercurrent of the 'verse.

Cortath - classy, diplomatic and well-spoken.

James Maximus - while you can be a real pain in the posterior, no one can doubt your passion or commitment to your alliance, something which is often found to be sorely lacking.

Kzoppistan - level head, always a good intellectual contributer.

The MVP - we've had our ups and downs, but I still think of you as one of the betters around here.

Weirdgus - no matter how bad things get, you're always there to make with the laughter. It's hard to find such consistent positivity.

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Kill Joy and Rebel Virginia.
the former for being an awesome leader of an awesome alliance and the latter for speaking his mind, standing up for what he believes in and taking into consideration things other people say.

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