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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282246252' post='2423371']

You have been declared a rogue and therefore this doctrine applies to you. No amount of wrangling or e-lawyering will change that in my mind, so you can either try to convince the one person in VE who can overrule this declaration, or you can accept your punishment and make the most of it.

Well technically two people could over rule you, but I bet Sol just doesn't care :P

enjoy your ZI Meth.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1282246137' post='2423370']
Just stop this pointless debate already. Meth, if you're fine with being at war, just give it all until you're tired then apply for peace to VE and hope they're less demanding than GOONS.

This exchange is just useless and does nothing to advance your cause, comrade.

I wish you luck and hope you can get out of this mess without much harm,
He had to write a story, not too demanding

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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1282256543' post='2423527']
We even consistently softened the terms and he kept screaming and stamping his feet the whole time. It was really something to behold.
Thats not what happened, but save it for another thread. I'd appreciate if GOONS stop making so many pointless posts in this thread as it doesn't involve you guys. Also this situation is not comparable to the war with you guys and comparing them is an undeserved insult to VE.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282264463' post='2423651']
Thats not what happened, but save it for another thread. I'd appreciate if GOONS stop making so many pointless posts in this thread as it doesn't involve you guys.

You get to make pointless posts, why can't the GOONS?

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1282264611' post='2423654']
You get to make pointless posts, why can't the GOONS?
They can post where they want, but I'm just requesting they stop doing it in this thread. They've already made clear they think the situations comparable, but they really aren't and debating it would just cause this thread to become off topic without anybody changing their minds.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282265108' post='2423682']
They can post where they want, but I'm just requesting they stop doing it in this thread. They've already made clear they think the situations comparable, but they really aren't and debating it would just cause this thread to become off topic without anybody changing their minds.

Oh well in that case, I'd also like to request that you stop making pointless posts in this thread too.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282264463' post='2423651']
Also this situation is not comparable to the war with you guys and comparing them is an undeserved insult to VE.

Wow, that's a surprisingly good backhanded remark, Methrage. I'm impressed. He just said that comparing us to VE is an insult to VE.

So there's some wit in that head. But I guess stupidity wasn't really the problem. Just unbridled lunacy.

I'll grant you that this situation is not the same as what happened with us and maybe it's unfair to draw a parallel between them. But you can't say they're not "comparable" because there are a few common threads.

1. In both cases you are being called a rogue and are flat-out denying it to your dying breath. Obviously we don't want to debate what a rogue is, but we can at least agree you are a very small force taking on a very large force.
2. While we can debate endlessly about who "started it" you are the first to actually attack.
3. You are claiming moral superiority and that this is about your personal crusade for truth and justice.
4. You were given a chance to negotiate and you absolutely would not agree to any of the terms you were given and made up your own terms so you could have your own way. Then you go on to claim that the terms you were given were abhorrent and unjust even though even simple math is not on your side.
5. You try to involve the entire world in your little skirmish, trying to rally support for your actions, which ultimately falls on deaf ears because absolutely no one can relate to you. With the possible exception of Rebel Virginia. I haven't heard from him lately. Why isn't he all over this?

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282281862' post='2424085']
Oh wow man, interdepartmental burn.

well that WAS somewhat of a silly remark. I mean the whole thread is about him. Either way, nuke him till he glows VE.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1282271012' post='2423829']
You're VE Secretary of State?

My, the standards have fallen low.

Hes a rogue were ZIing, I can't taunt him? Did people forget how to have fun? He did something stupid and now hes getting taunted.

[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282271266' post='2423836']
To be fair VE SoS standards have never been really high.


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I am voting VE. I'll put it like this:

A pirate boat runs up to a DaSouth heavy cruiser. In DaSouth, we usually spin around our 8"/50's and blow it out of the water. However, we listened to the pirates. Saying 'Humor me', we listened to him. But he was taping it. He taped his demands for the DSN Haynesville Shale's surrender and fed it to the world. Then, the DSN Haynesville Shale spun around the 8"/50's and.....

The pirate is Methrage, the CA is VE. Figure it out.

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