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What is your most hated memory of CN?


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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1281925620' post='2417337']
Allowing BAPS and CMEA to get rolled and become Q puppets is probably my single most hated memory. But if we would have taken MK into war then.....we might have never had the victory we scored in Karma.

Congrats, you managed to convince yourself the worst things you did was for the greater good years later. Im sure its a classic case of something. Announcing the worst thing you did and immediately making an excuse is in the very least a strong case of denial.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1281941121' post='2417669']
Oh come off it. You're not slinging your !@#$%^&* from atop a white horse, you're doing it from upon a jackass and in doing so you invite comparisons between yourself and the latter.

The fact is there was no premeditation within Polar during in the last war, only reaction laced with confusion and poor communication.
It doesnt need to be weeks before to be premeditated. It just needs to be before the TOP offensive. We've all seen the logs from grub.

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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1281874949' post='2416589']
Disbanding my alliance. However, I don't regret it because it took me to Olympus.


This, though when the whole Legion - Hydra spat started and the fallout from it was pretty bad too

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1281952082' post='2417768']
Congrats, you managed to convince yourself the worst things you did was for the greater good years later. Im sure its a classic case of something. Announcing the worst thing you did and immediately making an excuse is in the very least a strong case of denial.

You don't know even 10% of the crap that we went through back then so get off your donkey. And ffs, you are the only one that hasn't put this behind you. I have talked with many members of BAPS and the past is now in the past but you bring it up like it is currently happening. How about instead of blaming MK for your issues you take some responsibility for what Tumin did as a member of your gov. IT WAS A BAD TIME that you were not around for. I made no excuses.

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its a toss up for me, both related to the same incident. either staying in Peace Mode for a few months and missing out in the NoCB war, or not sticking through the entirety of talks with Slayer about getting Norden Verein peace/disbandment because at the time I refused to agree to his terms and just left after a short period of time rather than try to discuss them more.

I dont look back very fondly on either of those two memories.

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Not leaving with Sir William and crew back during the 2007 Milcom Rebellion in the New Pacific Order. Probably would've had a lot more fun then I had when I stayed. Instead I became the poster boy for the "old Milcom" of Anthony's day.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1281981120' post='2418051']
Not leaving with Sir William and crew back during the 2007 Milcom Rebellion in the New Pacific Order. Probably would've had a lot more fun then I had when I stayed. Instead I became the poster boy for the "old Milcom" of Anthony's day.

In fairness, Anthony is the poster boy of the MilCom Rebellion, since he caused it and all. Poor kid gets a bad wrap, man. It's kinda funny because he's actually considered to be the most reserved and conservative of all the Sith Lords in NSO. How times change. Or maybe the rest of us on the Darth Council are just reckless loose cannons, I dunno.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1281982586' post='2418067']
In fairness, Anthony is the poster boy of the MilCom Rebellion, since he caused it and all. Poor kid gets a bad wrap, man. It's kinda funny because he's actually considered to be the most reserved and conservative of all the Sith Lords in NSO. How times change. Or maybe the rest of us on the Darth Council are just reckless loose cannons, I dunno.

I think you misread what I intended to say. After they all left, I was one of the leftovers from his day, I shared his humour at the time, all that stuff, so I was considered a poster boy for that group of Milcomers after they left and I stuck around. Needless to say it didn't work out

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1281982741' post='2418071']
I think you misread what I intended to say. After they all left, I was one of the leftovers from his day, I shared his humour at the time, all that stuff, so I was considered a poster boy for that group of Milcomers after they left and I stuck around. Needless to say it didn't work out

I just wanted to talk about Anthony. :wub:

But yeah you're correct. You never quite "fit" in Pacifica. Not from my perspective, anyway. I too started to feel like a bit of an outcast there. It happens.

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[quote name='zoskia' timestamp='1281865547' post='2416558']
When the NPO started to act silly with the NpO and I wrote to an NPO IO telling him... "let Polaris get attacked and Pacifica will face the same situation soon"... and this person wrote back saying "there are no precedents about that situation".

Hmmm... when Pacifica got rolled I wrote back to this person telling him: "hi. now there are precedents. bye".

Old story.

Their choice lay between losing Polaris or losing Q. In the event, they sacrificed a huge amount of political capital protecting Polaris from the rest of Q, and they never really got it back.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1281982971' post='2418077']
I just wanted to talk about Anthony. :wub:

But yeah you're correct. You never quite "fit" in Pacifica. Not from my perspective, anyway. I too started to feel like a bit of an outcast there. It happens.

Nope. Never fit in from day one. Why I stayed is still a cause of e-concern for me at least.

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Some of my most hated moments (in retrospect):

[*]Being caught in that terrible situation during the UjW
[*]Deciding to continue on in government after the WotC, at which stage I was---after serving 12 of the last 14 months in government---very burnt out
[*]Making a bunch of stupid decisions during the Karma War, and in general not managing diplomacy very well
[*]Acting like something akin to a madman towards Kronos during their disagreement with STA
[*]Deciding to run for government in December of '09; I wasn't (in the mental health sense) fit to be running a hot dog stand at the time, but I was too addicted to TOP to realize this
[*]Making a bunch of poor decisions during the last war
[*]Any instance in which I feel I let TOP down while serving in government; I expect myself to be borderline-perfect when serving in a position of responsibility


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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1281952082' post='2417768']
Congrats, you managed to convince yourself the worst things you did was for the greater good years later. Im sure its a classic case of something. Announcing the worst thing you did and immediately making an excuse is in the very least a strong case of denial.

The ends justify the means, and watching you try and act like some kind of white knight of honour and integrity is definately worth it.

I have no most hated memory really.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1281981120' post='2418051']
Not leaving with Sir William and crew back during the 2007 Milcom Rebellion in the New Pacific Order. Probably would've had a lot more fun then I had when I stayed. Instead I became the poster boy for the "old Milcom" of Anthony's day.

You became the Emperor's stool pigeon.

Gamma 2 and 3, destroy Gamma 1 now.

(inside joke)

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1281942756' post='2417698']
Thats about what alot of people say your former-leader amounts to, isn't it?[/quote]I don't think I've ever seen people accuse Grub of being ignorant (and lord knows people have accused him of being many things), but I will gladly cast you into the same group as Alterego.

Edited by cookavich
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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1281985864' post='2418127']
I don't think I've ever seen people accuse Grub of being ignorant (and lord knows people have accused him of being many things), but I will gladly cast you into the same group as Alterego.

My time observing your behavior leads me to believe that this concept will be lost on forever, cookavich, but I'll note to you anyway that labeling people as morons doesn't objectively alter the validity of their arguments.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1281874412' post='2416586']
The Continuum-NoV War. I wasn't involved in it, but I saw a lot of players just pack up and leave afterwards. The war itself was launched for 100% OOC reasons which happened to be wrong from the start. TPF's leader got away with publishing photos of NoV members, personal information and so on. He then got away with dictating how people were supposed to dispose of RL property, in this case NoV's forum.

Slayer later demanded -- and was given -- full admin access to another alliance's forum in order for him to snoop around and try to concoct the same kind of phony CB. Of course he found nothing, since the whole issue existed only in his mind from the beginning.

He had a lot of people play along with him, and I haven't forgotten 'Who's Who'. Some have done their best to atone for it, and have admitted they made a mistake. Others would like to think that the matter is long-forgotten. It isn't.
I certainly won't forget it, it was great fun.

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