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What's your government type?


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After going over the structure of my government. I began wondering how others RPed their governments.

In my case, Koryo is a mixture of Belgium and Switzerland. It's a confederation of states, each retaining its own military. There is the central government, but the only thing it does at the moment is trying to coordinate the states and attempt to make a united stance on foreign affairs. I expect things to be more centralized as I add more states.

The states are:

1. Republic of Daehan (OOC: Based on RL South Korea)
2. People's Republic of Chosun (OOC: Based on RL North Korea)
3. Nanyo (OOC: Japanese majority state)

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Canuckistan is practically an anarchy. The powers of the state are extremely limited in the constitution

[quote]Article IV- Powers

The Government of the Republic shall provide security for the citizens, protect the lands of the Republic from foreign influence, represent the Republic's and Citizens' interests abroad, and raise funds and a military to facilitate this.

The Government of the Republic shall have no powers other than the above.[/quote]

But the state gives contracts to private companies to maintain the military and citizens purchase policing services. So all the state really does is diplomacy and collect taxes.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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That sounds like pure Distopyanism.

Pretty much, for my nations, it's been:
First Republic of Distopya (Caucasia): Pure Distopyanism
Second Republic of Distopya (Baltic): Distopyan Republic (Distopyanism with ad hoc and after-the-fact legislature)
Third Republic of Distopya/Forstellen (Canada): Distopyan Republic, then a Nordic Socialist state.
Republic of Norsvea (Scandinavia): Nordic Distopyan Republic (Mix of Nordic Socialism and Distopyanism under a Kaiser and Parliament)
Kingdom of Normandy: Constitutional Monarchy with Distopyan elements
Austervanian Empire (East Russia): Nordic Fascism
Varangia (Ukraine/Belarus): Nordic Socialism
Distopyan Crimea: Distopyan Republic
Vestfjara (Spain): Rational Communist
Fourth Republic of Distopya (Crimea): Pure Distopyanism
Republic of Cascadia (US): Distopyan Republic
North Tahoe: Libertarian Republic

Heh heh.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1280300417' post='2392293']
Canuckistan is practically an anarchy. The powers of the state are extremely limited in the constitution

But the state gives contracts to private companies to maintain the military and citizens purchase policing services. So all the state really does is diplomacy and collect taxes.

It sounds like a night watchman state to me. Besides, J Andres is a federal, semi-presidential republic.

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The Kingdom of Cochin has a meritocratic governance system controlled by an absolute matriarchal monarchy. The local area governance is purely democratic, thus ensuring democracy where it has most impact and efficiency and using meritocratic bureaucracy in larger administrative divisions where greater complexity of administration is required.

Without the structure of a democratic election structure, a representative system is in practice whereby every citizen has the right to express their views on issues local, national and international which forms the Citizen's Representative System which will be followed by the higher government structure to make sure that the governance truly reflects the need of the citizens.

Thus I consider my form of governance as the best of all worlds, :D

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Pretty much a totalitarian state here, with slightly limited freedoms in the form of cultural taboos. You COULD label it a highly militant Abrahamic cult showing the characteristics of a religious movement (in an extremely limited fashion) with quasi-fascist tendencies and a strict social hierarchy where military service or participation is emphasized and encouraged.

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I RP a government structure that is a mixture of the Westminster System and the American system. Which I suppose would make it a Constitutional Semi-Presidential Federal Republic.

I have a president and prime minister, a unicameral legislature and unorganized territories directly under federal control in addition to states (in the American sense). However, the Field Marshals in my army also wield some political power, I have an American-style checks and balances system, and strict societal senses of morality and nationalism keep the government rather conservative.

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I'll list all my nations...

UDCR: Constitutional Federal Republic based on the RL USA
Xi'an Empire: Absolutist based on historic Chinese Empires
United Francoist Empire: Absolutist Francoist Federation
Republic of the Seven United Netherlands: Republic based on UK, with President as Head of State instead of Monarch
Union of Western Europe: Same as above, with more power in executive branch
Wästerdyskreich: 1984 Oceania
Czech Kingdom: Constitutional Monarchy
Polish-Czechoslovakian Commonwealth: Constitutional Dual-Monarchy (Poland-Lithuania based)
Third Republic of the Netherlands: Same as RSUN
Revolutionary Socialist Syndicate of the Netherlands: Democratic Socialism
Republic of Vietnam: Same as RSUN and Third Republic of the Netherlands.

Edited by Mergerberger II
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[color="#000080"]On the surface Transvaal is presented to the world as a multi-party republic.

OOC: However, when you look behind the sense, in a sense the country is actually a monarchy with a single-party government. We have a president-for-life (Staatspresident Botha, me) who oversees everything in a paternalistic manner but is distant from the day-to-day macheries and really doesn’t do much actual ‘governing’ anymore. And the electoral system is rigged to maintain rule by the National Party – which also controls practically all aspects of the national media and state policy.[/color]

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Tahoe has always been a multi party federal republic like the United States with the exception that it has a Prime Minister (which basically combines the American offices of House/Senate Majority leaders with Speaker of the House) that has extensive legislative power. If the President and Prime Minister are of the same party then things will be fairly smooth and if they aren't then the President and Prime Minister are going to be locked in a power struggle. The main dynamic is between the right wing Nationalist/Religous party and the centrist/libertarian party. The left wing is fairly irrelevant.

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[quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1280343712' post='2392706']
Tahoe has always been a multi party federal republic like the United States with the exception that it has a Prime Minister (which basically combines the American offices of House/Senate Majority leaders with Speaker of the House) that has extensive legislative power. If the President and Prime Minister are of the same party then things will be fairly smooth and if they aren't then the President and Prime Minister are going to be locked in a power struggle. The main dynamic is between the right wing Nationalist/Religous party and the centrist/libertarian party. The left wing is fairly irrelevant.

Cool! J Andres and Tahoe has something in common! :awesome:

/[i]J Andres has a president and prime minister, y'know[/i]

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The Altarian Republic is a Federal Republic with two parts. Executive (headed by the Grand Chancellor) and Legislative (the unicameral Republic Council). My nation itself is a combination of warring tribes that generally despise each other and the main purpose of the federal government is to keep the nation together and deal with a variety of other things. The states themselves are different tribal regions and each state has two Councilmen on the Republic Council. The [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89293&st=0&p=2378338&#entry2378338"]database[/url] provides a better account of history and organization.

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Well the Athenian Federation has a complex government of several layers with democratic and dictatorial elements.

At the top of the government is the Empress of the Athenian Federation. She has absolute executive powers. Then there are 2 houses, the Council consisting of 500 randomly chosen citizens and the Assembly of the People consisting of 5000 elected Assemblymen. The 2 houses have legislative power and the ability to make binding laws on a Federal level.

Then there are 6 regions; Athens, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania and Hellenic Antarctica.

Each of these regions with the exception of Athens has a governor assigned by the Empress and an elected body similar to the 2 houses on Federal level. On a state level the 2 houses can make laws binding to their region. Athens however as it is a special region is directly governed by the Federal government.

The regions with the exception of Athens are then again divided into several provinces with an Imperial Envoy assigned by the governor and one house with the power to make laws binding to the province provided they are within regional and federal law.

Finally each city(again excepting Athens) has a city council and mayor.

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Slavorussia is a constitutional monarchy which invests considerable power in the Emperor over all facets of the government. The Prime Minister, his deputy and the cabinet run the day to day operations of the government, with a fair amount of guidance from the Emperor. It has a bicameral parliament, half of the Upper House is appointed by the Emperor and signed off by the Prime Minister and the Lower House is entirely composed of elected officials. Decades of communism has left a long lasting mark on the country’s society. The ruling party of Constitutional Democrats controls over 70% of the legislature followed by the Conservatives and the Communist Party.

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