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The Initiative Memorium


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[quote name='Sal Paradise' date='07 July 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1278530412' post='2362614']
Ah yes, the Initiative. What a solid group of like-minded alliances united in common purpose. They certainly didn't tear themselves apart as soon as there was no external threat like the Continuum did.
The Initiative was the only group to ever truly dominate the CN World. That was its sole and only purpose: win CyberNations. And it pretty much did. Continuum may have been bigger but it was never as truly dominant, it was always more susceptible.

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The Initiative was fun, but let's not delude ourselves. The reason it stayed together was because of The League and AEGIS, and as soon as they were gone with no chance of coming back, the bloc went after VE, CIS and FAN. NPO and NpO had differing objectives. GOONS and \m/ became examples of bad behaviour due to the actions of a few of their more prominent members. There was no way that was going to last, and watching it die was just as much fun as watching it rise.

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I started the game in November and I think GW2 started around Jan? I was in ACID, all I remember is us reporting the damage we were doing and being like "Dude we are kicking serious $@!!" Then marxus told us all the league surrendered and we were all dumbfounded. Great times, I know ACID had an awesome community, and we were smaller then everyone else in League or TI I believe so the other alliances must of been just great.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasnt GW2 around Jan, then GW3 around April, then FAN getting owned was...June, UJP was August/Sept? And we had Karma around May/June...then this TOP/CnG stuff in Jan...here we are in July with nothing...

Agreed, TI days were the good days, even for the losing side.

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Somehow, there were more nations, yet fewer alliances back then.

To add to it, war was not quite as devastating back when 50 tech was all you ever needed and nations with 3999 infra was considered upper tier. Not to mention that nukes weren't used.

The wars, espescially GW2 (and GW1 to some extent) are very often looked back upon with "what if?" questions. Would League win if nukes were used? If Legion joined the fray? GW3 gave the second answer, the first answer nobody can agree upon.

Additionally, I think we sort of all have grown up in the meantime as well, how many of us were teenagers then but not now? CN itself hadn't been around for as much as a year when WUT formed, it was an era of political pioneering, the wheel was invented basically, we've added rubber tires and so on later, but that development pales in comparison to the difference between wheel and no wheel.

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I wish I was more involved with politics back in the day instead of just attacking whoever my superiors told me to.

Everything was so much easier back then. The treaty web was actually readable. The two opposing sides in a war were nearly equal in strength, War was very common, Raiding was alot easier, and there were plenty of rogues.

I felt a stronger sense of comraderie in those days as opposed to now.

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Some links of interest...

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=875 <--- interesting stats

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=1025 <--- perhaps the last official WUT announcement

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=1078 <--- GOONS apologizing for participating

Ultimately the collapse of the Initiative set off a chain reaction that didn't end until very recent times.

I have mixed feelings about the Initiative, some good memories, a few not good at all. It was an era of abuse as well as being a "grand empire". I have no desire to go back there unless someone has a spare time machine so that I can convince a few people to change their mind about some decisions they were about to make.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='07 July 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1278552927' post='2362972']
Some links of interest...

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=875 <--- interesting stats

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=1025 <--- perhaps the last official WUT announcement

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=1078 <--- GOONS apologizing for participating

Ultimately the collapse of the Initiative set off a chain reaction that didn't end until very recent times.

I have mixed feelings about the Initiative, some good memories, a few not good at all. It was an era of abuse as well as being a "grand empire". I have no desire to go back there unless someone has a spare time machine so that I can convince a few people to change their mind about some decisions they were about to make.
The Ring Cycle! :wub:

BLEU :wub:

Damn those were the days

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' date='06 July 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1278407505' post='2360992']
Damn it, looks like it's time for me to dust off this old sig from a few months back and ascend.

Stumbled across a nice piece of memorabilia though;



I have been sporting my TI sig for almost 3 weeks now, no "johnny come lately" allowed!!!!

On a different note, I liked my time in TI but the golden age of the game for me was the first 6 months or so after NPO sucker punched us while we were under terms with them (disarmed and under their protection HA!). from that point on we could really go no-holds-barred and I never had as much fun, before or since.

Edited by Jocko Homo
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[quote name='Dilber' date='07 July 2010 - 08:17 PM' timestamp='1278559060' post='2363066']
It's me. I'm the guy that helped make it.
Yeah, and Pump named the treaty if I remember correctly.

You could say that the two of you were the fathers of the Initiative.

Edited by Chron
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Anyone have a link to a history of this? I unfortunately was not around then, joined in Jan 08 after the Unjust War and only became active after the NoCB War. I would say the best time for me personally was the prelude/beginning of Karma, but once again wasn't around for GWII or III.

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[quote name='Devilyn Caster' date='08 July 2010 - 07:41 PM' timestamp='1278614468' post='2363633']
Anyone have a link to a history of this? I unfortunately was not around then, joined in Jan 08 after the Unjust War and only became active after the NoCB War. I would say the best time for me personally was the prelude/beginning of Karma, but once again wasn't around for GWII or III.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' date='06 July 2010 - 10:53 PM' timestamp='1278471210' post='2362021']
No, I don't mean CIS having its own spies as an alliance. I mean CIS's government being notoriously easy to get into as a new member, and those people having access to top level discussions.
[color="#0000FF"]I had access to CIS's top levels of government discussion. True story. Not because I was a CIS member. Merely because I was in the NPO and we decided CIS needed watching over in order to be marginally functional. CIS really was a terrible alliance.

Edit: I believe SirWilliam also had access, as well as a djbaron (or baronvondj, or barondj....something like that). Yes, the CIS forum was crawling with NPO for awhile, until CIS thought we wanted to spy on them. We weren't.

We really were desperate to try to make CIS a marginally functional alliance, and to keep them from defecting to ODN (whom they had some sort of psuedo-academy program pact with, in which CIS members would graduate into ODN or something). It got to the point Philosopher wanted CIS to merge with VE, they were that bad.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='08 July 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1278622598' post='2363812']
We really were desperate to try to make CIS a marginally functional alliance, and to keep them from defecting to ODN (whom they had some sort of psuedo-academy program pact with, in which CIS members would graduate into ODN or something). It got to the point Philosopher wanted CIS to merge with VE, they were that bad.[/color]

You really need to pay attention more. Also, you saying this completely discredits everything you've ever said before. (Because if you stated this as a fact, then what else have you made up) Because absolutely EVERYTHING in this paragraph is a flat out lie. All of it. Not one word of it is legit. KasMage is the one who wanted CIS to merge with VE, hell NPO was encouraging for Kas to get the boot because he supported it. Guess what? Kas did get the boot, I followed. As far as CIS-ODN academy goes, why don't you go ahead and read my previous post about that, because that too is untrue. Also interest in ODN didn't even exist until I rejoined, and by that time you no longer had as much access as you previously did. So you aren't just skewing words, you're flat out lying.


How about you read for a change, instead of spewing off at the mouth. This is the one topic that is touchy for me, because even to this day some people believe it to be true ("CIS being ODN's colony) even tho the actual logs are still in existence and have been shown to disprove this thought.

Edited by Kevanovia
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[color="#0000FF"]You're right, you are touchy. However, I fail to see how possibly being wrong about CIS discredits anything I ever said. Believe or not CIS was not that important in history, and it is by no means the only thing I ever talk about.

First things first though. So you admit that CIS, or KasMage anyway, wished to merge into VE. You also say that the NPO supported that move. So, have you not confirmed everything I said?

Secondly, you admit there was a bit of a relationship between CIS and the ODN. I was right again. Perhaps a bit off on the details, but still true, as that is what was being said at the time, and that is what I remember.

Lastly, I had no need to read everything. Do not forget I was around, and also rather involved, at the time. I am here simply relaying my memories of this era. I have done you no wrong, and I do not deserve this kind of hostility.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='09 July 2010 - 02:23 AM' timestamp='1278638564' post='2364067']

First things first though. So you admit that CIS, or KasMage anyway, wished to merge into VE. You also say that the NPO supported that move. So, have you not confirmed everything I said?[/quote]
Read again, I said NPO was encouraging for Kas to get the boot (as in they didn't support what Kas supported)

[quote]Secondly, you admit there was a bit of a relationship between CIS and the ODN. I was right again. Perhaps a bit off on the details, but still true, as that is what was being said at the time, and that is what I remember.

Lastly, I had no need to read everything. Do not forget I was around, and also rather involved, at the time. I am here simply relaying my memories of this era. I have done you no wrong, and I do not deserve this kind of hostility.[/color]

It offends me when people talk as if the CIS-ODN thing is true. Because CIS was a great home and it collapsed because of a lie. Every time I hear people talking about the lie as if it were the truth, I can't help but to feel responsible for the destruction of CIS, even if I didn't do anything wrong. Again, it is a touchy topic for me, I apologize for the aggressive behavior.

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[quote name='Kevanovia' date='08 July 2010 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1278639241' post='2364080']
Read again, I said NPO was encouraging for Kas to get the boot (as in they didn't support what Kas supported)[/quote]
[color="#0000FF"]Come to think of it you may or may not be right. I just know my job was to get CIS in order, although towards the end we began thinking it wouldn't matter if CIS merged into VE or not. Although I do not know what Philo told you, nor do I care. CIS was not thought highly of, and was seen as a burden. Because it was.[/color]

[quote]It offends me when people talk as if the CIS-ODN thing is true. Because CIS was a great home and it collapsed because of a lie. Every time I hear people talking about the lie as if it were the truth, I can't help but to feel responsible for the destruction of CIS, even if I didn't do anything wrong. Again, it is a touchy topic for me, I apologize for the aggressive behavior.
[color="#0000FF"]CIS collapsing had nothing to do with any lie. I saw all CIS had to offer when I had my mask. It had a nonsensical military set up (ranges of battalions made no sense), and it was generally inactive (compared to other WUT alliances) and unstable, and very incompetent. CIS was not a good alliance, no matter how fondly you may remember it.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='08 July 2010 - 09:43 PM' timestamp='1278639788' post='2364089']
[color="#0000FF"]Come to think of it you may or may not be right. I just know my job was to get CIS in order, although towards the end we began thinking it wouldn't matter if CIS merged into VE or not. Although I do not know what Philo told you, nor do I care. CIS was not thought highly of, and was seen as a burden. Because it was.[/color][/quote]

I can at least partially confirm Kevanovia's interpretation of events. KasMage wanted to merge CIS into VE. VE wasn't at all opposed. The plan was eventually rejected within CIS and Kas fell from influence, departing it for VE. I don't recall what anybody in NPO had to say about it.

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