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Announcment from ADI

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='26 March 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1269637575' post='2237652']

Couldn't have happened to a classier alliance.

And here I thought they attacked ADI and not GOD :wacko:

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Well i don't know ADI and i am not privy to what happened to make people dislike ADI.

I do know i dislike the whole nuclear rogue (sp?) approach and therefor i wish ADI the best of luck.

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[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 02:35 AM' timestamp='1269588911' post='2237183']
You sound like an extremist suicide bomber. Not once in the history of Earth or Bob have suicidal zealots destroyed a nation. Likewise, you will fail to destroy ADI.
Vox destroyed Pacifica. :awesome:

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[quote name='Earogema' date='26 March 2010 - 06:28 PM' timestamp='1269642521' post='2237790']
Vox destroyed Pacifica. :awesome:

And that ladies and gentlemen is the ballgame.

Seriously, good luck Phil.

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[quote name='shadeslayers09' date='26 March 2010 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1269666380' post='2238104']
wow, lost all my respect I had for you guys now
That's funny, that's what we said when you guys backed out of our MDoAP at the onset of war.

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[quote name='Jeb the Wise' date='27 March 2010 - 12:21 AM' timestamp='1269670865' post='2238135']
That's funny, that's what we said when you guys backed out of our MDoAP at the onset of war.

That's because it was optional aggression and not in ADI's best interests. But go ahead, deny that it was an aggressive war. From ADI's perspective, RoK was just helping Athens and friends in an aggressive war against TPF. Whatever though. Believe what you want to believe.

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[quote name='Jeb the Wise' date='27 March 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1269670865' post='2238135']
That's funny, that's what we said when you guys backed out of our MDoAP at the onset of war.

Whats funny is, how RoK members are [u][i]making[/i][/u] this about them.

Once again, best of luck ADI.

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[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='27 March 2010 - 06:32 AM' timestamp='1269671540' post='2238138']
That's because it was optional aggression and not in ADI's best interests. But go ahead, deny that it was an aggressive war. From ADI's perspective, RoK was just helping Athens and friends in an aggressive war against TPF. Whatever though. Believe what you want to believe.

Well if you get into technicality's it was defensive since TPF spied on them. Therefore technically its a defensive one. What is more funny is when you have a MDoAP treaty, your allies come first.Though that is another argument and probably shouldn't be brought up here.

Anyways, good luck in handling these rogues. I personally dislike rogues whatever the alliance getting hit.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' date='27 March 2010 - 03:13 AM' timestamp='1269677581' post='2238171']
Well if you get into technicality's it was defensive since TPF spied on them. Therefore technically its a defensive one. What is more funny is when you have a MDoAP treaty, your allies come first.Though that is another argument and probably shouldn't be brought up here.

Typically its based on who declares war on who. For example, when my alliance MCXA declared war on MHA, we were the agressors, but then when FOK declared on us to defend MHA (though FARK), MCXA became the defenders and FOK was the aggressive alliance. Normally it has nothing to do with the original CB.

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[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1269576826' post='2237013']
Furthermore, these rogues never have been active in the alliance or members of our government at ADI. They should not be respected nor regarded as representing ADI.

It is not honorable to change to another alliance and start attacking that alliances members under any circumstances. If you want to be a coward maybe. If a real man or woman wants to stand and fight, let them do it as part of an alliance rather than resort to loathsome roguery.

Any alliance based or team sanctions (especially aqua at this point) is appreciated.

-Nathan Grant, Arbiter
Aqua Defense Initiative
I don't think anyone is going to think that people nuking your alliance are government. The fact that you felt the need to mention that makes me think pretty lowly of you. Did your members get fooled?

[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 06:13 AM' timestamp='1269580367' post='2237077']
Ghosting an alliance while doing it rather than starting an alliance with three or four of your friends is what is dishonorable. How would you feel if a couple million NS worth of nuke rogues joined Poison Clan for a few months and then started targeting your largest nations? Bet you wouldn't be so smug then.

Either way, ADI is not an isolated alliance. We have friends out there who are willing to stand up for what is good and right and true. No one in the Cyberverse with any honor would condone nuke roguery, even if it was against an enemy.
A couple million NS of nuke rogues would be amazing. Good luck to whoever is that charismatic to organize that.

Also, I condone it. :smug:

[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 07:14 AM' timestamp='1269584066' post='2237142']
At the very least, ADI demonstrates that friends are indeed greater than infrastructure; unlike those that merely pay lip service to the idea.

Are you standing up for an ally, or something? No, you're crying about a rogue attack. How are you demonstrating that?

[quote name='Geoffron X' date='26 March 2010 - 08:06 AM' timestamp='1269587167' post='2237167']
Wow, the Corporation is a terrible alliance. I didn't realize it before.

Good luck, ADI. Have fun with the rogues.
Hey, now, Corp is awesome. At least they aren't so desperate for treaties that they fall for joke MADP offers, from an alliance that dislikes them.

Now who would I be talking about there? :smug:

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[quote name='HalfEmpty' date='27 March 2010 - 10:07 AM' timestamp='1269680844' post='2238180']
Neutral crowd shifts to ADIs favor after previous post.
With TPF in it's corner, ADI is unstoppable. :smug:

I'm not even sure what being on their side accomplishes, here.

Edited by Starfox101
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Some of the posts in this thread by Corporate Employee's went over the top in their aggressive nature. I may not like ADI, but I still do admit that the conduct seen was not befitting of our good name. ADI, good luck in getting this sorted.

Any Corporate member who wishes to post in here run it by myself or an Executive first.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='27 March 2010 - 08:44 AM' timestamp='1269679476' post='2238177']
Typically its based on who declares war on who. For example, when my alliance MCXA declared war on MHA, we were the agressors, but then when FOK declared on us to defend MHA (though FARK), MCXA became the defenders and FOK was the aggressive alliance. Normally it has nothing to do with the original CB.

Point being? When RoK and Athens heard of this plan they were still the defenders. Espionage is an aggressive action so therefore Athens and RoK were defending themselves. I don't see how they are the aggressors. Nevertheless lets stop going off topic :P

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[b]I request that ADI membership (including gov) cease posting in this thread. This is merely a request, not an order.[/b]

The world has heard our side of the story, we have great friends, and we have our fun-filled enemies. Now, I will once again let all of you know, that the offer of civil discussion is always a standing offer with me. If you have the ability to slander us here, I'm sure you can muster up the ability to speak with me personally on IRC or via private message.

[i]Lord Tri of Tribathia[/i]
Lord High Sentinel of ADI

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[quote name='Lord Tri' date='27 March 2010 - 04:48 PM' timestamp='1269704893' post='2238326']
[b]I request that ADI membership (including gov) cease posting in this thread. This is merely a request, not an order.[/b]

The fact that this has to be said in every of your topics suggests that maybe you should just keep your members from posting at all times..

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[quote name='Da DreadLord' date='27 March 2010 - 05:32 PM' timestamp='1269707539' post='2238356']
The fact that this has to be said in every of your topics suggests that maybe you should just keep your members from posting at all times..

I don't need your personal opinion on how to lead my alliance, Da DreadLord. This thread has served it's purpose and has, yet again, devolved into senseless argument over the TPF War. Hence why I request that my membership cease posting and not get involved in the same old dance we've been doing for three months now.

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[quote name='Da DreadLord' date='28 March 2010 - 02:32 AM' timestamp='1269707539' post='2238356']
The fact that this has to be said in every of your topics suggests that maybe you should just keep your members from posting at all times..

The reason they need to post such requests of their own membership in their threads, is because of the way your alliance, and your allies act toward and treat them. Seriously, build a bridge and get over the past and come into the present, its embarrassing for your alliance.

o/ ADI

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