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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='27 February 2010 - 10:29 PM' timestamp='1267338795' post='2207789']
Hello. Welcome to an era of CN where warchests are the norm. TOOL can consider this a favor; the ones without warchests will be readily apparent.

And TPF's reason for doing it to him was what again? :smug:
I wouldn't know if he was zi listed or not as we didn't have one when I came to TPF and certainly not when I took over. You might recall Sparta cited our defense of him against you as one of the points to dropping the TPF treaty.

Enough of your attacks on TPF. I think it is pretty sad to take the position bob was in being upset at those NOT requesting reps. TOOL has always been a very amiable alliance, it is disturbing to see people trying to portray them as needing some sort of retributive punishment.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='27 February 2010 - 10:31 PM' timestamp='1267338902' post='2207793']
Come to think of it, should you find yourself in a similar situation again, neither will you.

Derp. Never expected, nor got, anything different. And never will give you anything better.

[quote]I wouldn't know if he was zi listed or not[/quote]

He was. And NoV disbanded for Slayer's little quest. I at least had a bone to pick with him, TPF had none and you're in no position to talk by consequence.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 12:29 AM' timestamp='1267338795' post='2207789']
Hello. Welcome to an era of CN where warchests are the norm. TOOL can consider this a favor; the ones without warchests will be readily apparent.

yeah because after fighting 7 alliances for a few weeks, the majority of the alliance will have huge WCs left...

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[quote name='Gamemaster1' date='28 February 2010 - 04:23 AM' timestamp='1267331200' post='2207480']
I suppose we deserved this. We did destroy a lot of Spartan nations, and we attacked them. However, Monos Archien and Nemesis, you guys really have no excuse. Outnumbered and I still destroyed you personally, as did many of my comrades. Shows who fought well in this war, having to take so much reps to rebuild all that damage we did because you couldn’t fight back. And I thought we were outnumbered, strange. :smug:
Sparta, if you had actually built those war chests many of you could have fought much better. I bill-locked 2 of you and got a 3rd to surrender. No improvement from last war at all. Learn your lesson, for crying out loud. All those high level nations and they all have no war chests. Even your bank only had 300 million to start the war. The 3 others I fought began the war with sub-60 million war chests. Pathetic. Crack the whip, get them to be able to fight for you for longer then 2 or 3 days. Anything less then that is just pitiful.
After all this ragging, a few shoutouts. A shoutout to LoSS and RIA, you guys fought well and it was an honor. I particularly enjoyed fighting Tamarinde and King69. And Poyples, you knew you were getting destroyed the moment you chose to stagger 3 of us TOOLs, yet you did it anyway. For the alliance. Props. And get down to ZI already, I was so close! :P

Are you mental? Your nations were turtle mainaics. My first tool guy is in bill lock ( you wanna teach em warchests better) and my second guy didn't even land battle me a single time. Classy in victory ohh thats right you lost, enjoy and thanks for the reps :D

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' date='28 February 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1267338902' post='2207793']
Come to think of it, should you find yourself in a similar situation again, neither will you.

Thanks for reminding me why I have never fully appreciated the angst in these halls over removing leaders from government as a surrender term. :P

Now, personally, I would not request such a thing since I believe leaving bad leaders in power is a much more damaging punishment to their alliances than any amount of cash or tech reparations.

Back on topic, o/ peace.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1267338241' post='2207767']
TOOL has 200 members. This is piss-easy to pay. If it was 1.7b for a smaller alliance it'd be a problem. You or any of our other opponents getting all choked up about it changes !@#$ and just makes you look like sensitive little girls.
$1.7 billion is nearly 570 slots that could have gone to TOOL nations, which while certainly not TERRIBLE, is a pretty big cramp on rebuilding efforts. Namely, it would take all of their Top 50 nations more than 2 aid cycles to send out that cash, assuming maximum efficiency.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='27 February 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1267339244' post='2207804']
yeah because after fighting 7 alliances for a few weeks, the majority of the alliance will have huge WCs left...

You say seven alliances but let's be realistic, it's 3 defensive wars for a few weeks. Not enough to drain any decent warchest.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='27 February 2010 - 11:34 PM' timestamp='1267331865' post='2207511']
Kudos to the alliances who are not !@#$%*^ and willing to request reps. To the rest of you, *roll eyes*.

I am interested to see how you justify MCXA et al getting total White Peace and TOOL (of all alliances -- one of the more decent alliances out there, in my view), which came in via Defense clauses much like MCXA et al, received reparations.

So, please enlighten me. Offer up some evidence or some justification for it. I'll be available through the usual channels for a little while. I promise I will be civil. And maybe even nice.

Also, :wub: Mia :wub:

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 01:43 AM' timestamp='1267339619' post='2207830']
You say seven alliances but let's be realistic, it's 3 defensive wars for a few weeks. Not enough to drain any decent warchest.

You're assuming people did not declare on targets as well which is foolish to do so.

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from an objective point of view the nation of state would like to expess a few things.

peace is good. many people died in this war. many nations were not prepared for war. the nation of state would like to send its humble condolances to those who sufferd the most dammage on both sides.

unfortanatly, a deal is a deal. this has less to do with defending a treaty partner and more to do with the individual alliances involved. i do not belive TOOL is being punnished for defending IRON. if anything the the reps are for the sustained dammage these alliances have faced in numerous wars, and since TOOL was the first one to surrender, they will have to bear the burden of paying reps for their allies. either this, or they did enough dammage to warrent such reps. nukes hurt, irregardless of how your troops do on the ground.

i would like to make a shout out to TOOL though, to set up a war chest requirment, so that your nations are better perpared. indeed this will hurt the stats, but will better prepare you for any war you may face in the future. it will take some time to pay reps, so its possible that in the long run you may save time and money.

all in all, there are warriors and cowards in all alliances, on both sides of the conflict. the war of words here about who sucked more is irrelavent, actions speak louder then words. we all have eyes, and we have all seen the same thing.

edit:fail kaliph spelling

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1267339619' post='2207830']
You say seven alliances but let's be realistic, it's 3 defensive wars for a few weeks. Not enough to drain any decent warchest.

so you forget the offensive wars that TOOL most likely fought, as well as the nuclear war that i am sure they partook of? if it was just 3 defensive wars without nukes, WRCs, spying, and all of that, i could see your point. but since you fail to take nukes, WRCs, and spying into account and just seem to think this war was all just GAs, AAs, and CMs it is understandable that you think decent WCs would last so long.

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[quote name='Salmia' date='28 February 2010 - 04:47 PM' timestamp='1267339845' post='2207836']
You're assuming people did not declare on targets as well which is foolish to do so.

Yeah to be fair we had quite a large number of offensive wars declared on us, so TOOL fought damn hard

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 06:43 AM' timestamp='1267339619' post='2207830']
You say seven alliances but let's be realistic, it's 3 defensive wars for a few weeks. Not enough to drain any decent warchest.

Now if we were talking about GOD, you know the alliance which probably has one of the worst wars per member figure, your statement would be true. But for standup alliances like TOOL there is a thing called offensive wars as well.

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I have not been a fan of TOOL since Karma, I have been very outspoken about actions taken place which TOOL is apart off, something that Mia would agree on.

But these reps are beyond belief, to punish someone for helping out a ally and friend. To Sparta, MA and Nemesis...what a joke seriously. You could not just walk off the battlefield with your head held high and say you fought a good fight you have to kick them while they are down.

To RIA, LoSS, VE and LOUD, well done you showed the true spirit and deserve the recognition of holding your head up high.

Edit: spelling fail

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='28 February 2010 - 01:36 AM' timestamp='1267339183' post='2207802']
Derp. Never expected, nor got, anything different. And never will give you anything better.[/quote]

Not asking for "better". But I do find it interesting that you would presume to begin dictating surrender terms to TOOL before the next war is even in the planning stages.

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No idea what ten pages said, but yay epoace. fighting tOOl is fun. wheeee.

[quote]Sushi is truly a disgusting food. Not only is the main ingredient uncooked flesh. It's the uncooked flesh of a slimy sea dwelling creature. Wrapping it in a bland sticky carbohydrate and a leaf of the sea equivalent to tumbleweed improves nothing. Sushi is perhaps the least appetizing food ever to be conceived.

It is important to understand the history of this so called food if we wish to understand how such an atrocity became worldwide cuisine. It was created in a Japanese fishing village long ago when they had run out of wood and they were stuck with that days catch and no way to cook it so they tried to disguise the appalling texture and taste with what ever they had handy. This being a poor fishing village they had to choose between seaweed and rice or dirt and grass. A dialogue was recorded from the time:

Fisherman one: But seaweed is disgusting and rice barely covers the
Fisherman two: Well it's better than the taste of it raw.
Fisherman one: We won't have to worry about this as soon as we get some more wood
Fisherman two: Thank god. I would hate to be remembered for creating this abomination.
Fisherman one: Maybe we should try dirt and rice?
Fisherman two: How I long for a cheeseburger

Sadly, this culinary travesty did not die out with the next wood shipment. A couple of visitors from Edo saw the locals eating it and thought it would make them look more authentic if they partook. They brought the idea back with them raving about the "interesting texture" and the "unique flavor." Not wanting to miss the next big thing, the local elites took up the regrettable concoction. None were willing to be the first to denounce such a rare and authentic food. And so it spread like an ill smelling plague throughout Japan and then the world. And so it continues. The sad need of a poor fishing village has turned into a worldwide gastronomical tragedy.[/quote]

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Even after the vitriolic spewing from the leader of GOD, I will still be adamant that reparations are bad even if GOD were on the receiving end. Reparations was the most egregious wrong that the Hegemony did. I salute those who never ask for reparations.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='27 February 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1267339183' post='2207802']
He was. And NoV disbanded for Slayer's little quest. I at least had a bone to pick with him, TPF had none and you're in no position to talk by consequence.
Slayer's actions are his and his gov at the time's issue to deal with. The fact I joined half a year after the events you talk about happened doesn't disqualify me from stating it is ironic you calling people complaining about reps sissies, when you have a history of going ape over reps.

Fact is if GOD had to pay back the reps they've taken over the years, they'd probably just disband. TOOL has been pretty good about this whole mess. Only more reason to respect their determination, no matter that I disagree with what is trying to be done to them.

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Simply put, this is over. Terms are set and agreed upon. TOOL, as well everyone involved agreed to them being fair. Dochartaigh, I'm not sure you have any stake or say so in the matter. Although we feel your pain?? and enjoy being treated to such a fine alliance as IAA. Lets not take what was a good show of diplomacy on all parts and run it though the gutter.

edit: learn to spell!

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So you basically gave them harsher reps then IRON got in Karma? For what?

[quote name='That-one-place' date='27 February 2010 - 10:59 PM' timestamp='1267340598' post='2207859'] TOOL, as well everyone involved agreed to them being fair.

I swear to Admin, if I hear one more person use the argument "Oh they agreed to them so it can't be that bad" I'm going to punch a !@#$@#$ baby.

You act as if they really had a say. It was accept terms or continue to get destroyed.

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