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The Amazing Immorality Race

Jack Diorno

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Good thing NPO has paid for our sins with the Karma War so we are back down to 0.

Oh and


[quote]Van Hoo III of Ragnarok was made viceroy of The Illuminati after the Illuminati War.[/quote]

Edited by Bilrow
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This could actually be quite an interesting list if someone cared enough to compile it objectively.

[quote name='Bilrow' date='22 February 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1266872213' post='2197764']
Good thing NPO has paid for our sins with the Karma War so we are back down to 0.

Yeah, add something like if you lose a major war your immorality score is reduced by the percentage of alliance score you lost.

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[quote name='Leigon' date='23 February 2010 - 04:42 AM' timestamp='1266864135' post='2197567']
Honestly I like the concept. One of the more interesting ideas you've had over the last years. It will be tough to make it work though. But I think it's worth a shot. Worst thing that can happen is it might evolve into a flamefest and get buried. But if you improve the ranking and manage to stay halfway objective it might be a statistic I'll actually enjoy.

Some ideas for improvement:

* Over time points should diminish. As a totally arbitrary percentage I'd say make them lose 25% of their value per year.
* Some objective criterias would be nice. Maybe length of the forum thread, which is easily manipulated though, and/or a group of neutrals judging it. I could think of several good candidates for that. And no I don't mean Bob Janova.
* Update things as they come until you've worked through history. Later on you can easily go back to updating once a month. Those immoral things usually don't happen everyday.

In any case good luck with this.
Yes, yes and yes.
All great ideas, who would the group of neutral judges be though? The best we could really do is a third from karma minded representatives, a third from hegemony minded representatives and a third from sitting on the fence minded representatives.

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-Established the Pro Piracy Act ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=69210"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=69210[/url])
-Raided FoA
-Extracted reps from UCN, NATO, LSF, and ADI (Reps seem to be pretty immoral in general nowadays, although getting them from NATO whom we entered in on an oA is [i]especially[/i] immoral)
-Declared what seems to be eternal war on GOONS ([url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79058&st=0&p=2125870&fromsearch=1&#entry2125870]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79058&st=0&p=2125870&fromsearch=1&#entry2125870[/url])

It is an outrage that GOONS not be included in an immorality race!

Edited by ktarthan
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Instead of complaining about the ones he listed, make it fun and submit your own suggestions. Or just turn this whole thread into a flamefest...

Honestly, it's a fun concept. Every alliance has a list of immoral actions.. so let's let the beans start spilling.

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[quote name='Lukapaka' date='22 February 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1266877537' post='2197934']
Instead of complaining about the ones he listed, make it fun and submit your own suggestions. Or just turn this whole thread into a flamefest...

Honestly, it's a fun concept. Every alliance has a list of immoral actions.. so let's let the beans start spilling.

Exactly. Don't just critize it. Try to improve it instead.

I think the judges from all three sides would be a good idea. I was thinking of asking respected neutrals (GPA,WTF,Grey Council) and a mix of old players who're known for being mostly impartial. Hyme Themis is the first one that springs to my mind. But I think some older players would be important as some of those events go back a while.

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[quote name='Hydro' date='22 February 2010 - 05:14 PM' timestamp='1266876872' post='2197911']
So, this is basically a list of Jack's least favorite alliances. I must admit, I'd be dissapointed to see we weren't #1  :awesome:
MK would have more if that was true.

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[quote]Exactly. Don't just critize it. Try to improve it instead. [/quote]
Improve what? One thing having fun with this, another actually taking it seriously like you just did lol

That being said I have a suggestion and its better then yours (:P);
We should form a "council of elder nations" chosen because they are elderly and nations and we all know that means wisdom. Then they would come up with the most ingenious thing ever--- not only coming up with universally accepted definition and standards of morality but also a metric system that could quantify it.

Now that is how you make a realistic suggestion :smug: xD

Anyway, the list is perfect as it is B-) I see no need to "fix" it. We win again.

Edited by Branimir
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My favorite part was Athens at zero. C'mon, if you're going to pretend to be objective you have to at least put your own alliance down for a 1.

Also with half this stuff it's obvious you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Don't feel bad, almost no one else does either.
[quote name='MagicalTrevor' date='22 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1266855871' post='2197360']
You're literally the worst member of CnG.

I agree with this fine gentleman

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On the section about forcing alliances to disband i feel this is a bit in correct. While both of these alliances disbanded under war with NPO i am not sure its fair to say we forced them to do it. I don't think we would ever had actual made them disband. CIS actual choose to disband before the war even began so maybe we influenced their choice but we didn't "force them". GS also choose to do individual surrender terms. I feel we probably would have gave them surrender terms too. So why i agree its fair to say we had a part, i am not sure we can solely be blamed.

I also think every alliance that tech raids should be counted as an evil and NPO and FAN to some degree should be counted for protecting nations from tech raiding.

Also under "Attacking an alliance for accepting a member on a 'ZI list'" For the WoTC section NPO attacked due to treaty obligations not that so remove us from that.

Edited by applesauce59
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[quote name='ktarthan' date='22 February 2010 - 04:32 PM' timestamp='1266874357' post='2197817']
-Established the Pro Piracy Act ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=69210"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=69210[/url])
-Raided FoA
-Extracted reps from UCN, NATO, LSF, and ADI (Reps seem to be pretty immoral in general nowadays, although getting them from NATO whom we entered in on an oA is [i]especially[/i] immoral)
-Declared what seems to be eternal war on GOONS ([url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79058&st=0&p=2125870&fromsearch=1&#entry2125870]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79058&st=0&p=2125870&fromsearch=1&#entry2125870[/url])

It is an outrage that GOONS not be included in an immorality race!
Maybe the old GOONS, but not you guys. You guys are like poor imitation of your former GOONS.

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[quote name='applesauce59' date='22 February 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1266892661' post='2198352']
On the section about forcing alliances to disband i feel this is a bit in correct. While both of these alliances disbanded under war with NPO i am not sure its fair to say we forced them to do it. I don't think we would ever had actual made them disband. CIS actual choose to disband before the war even began so maybe we influenced their choice but we didn't "force them". GS also choose to do individual surrender terms. I feel we probably would have gave them surrender terms too. So why i agree its fair to say we had a part, i am not sure we can solely be blamed.

It's a testament to your evil and immoral ways that alliances disbanded at the rumor of your coming. :v:

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[quote name='kevin32891' date='22 February 2010 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1266894660' post='2198386']
Maybe the old GOONS, but not you guys. You guys are like poor imitation of your former GOONS.

Come on, we [i]tech raid[/i] and get [i]reps[/i]. If that isn't the epitome of immoral I don't know what is.

Really though, we're trying. We aren't nearly big enough to get away with what old GOONS did. Give us some slack!

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