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You know your in an epic war when...

Overlord Shinnra

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You know your in an epic war when...

1. You've lost over 50k NS and still can't get on the "Top 7 day smallest nations gains" list.
2. "GPA applicant" and "World Task Force applicant" Have both doubled in NS since the start of the war.
3. You can't remember what kind of stats you had before the war without looking at your charts.
4. You've looked at a DoW from an alliance and honestly gotten confused over what side their on, and your supposed to be on the planning committee.
5. NPO Declares neutrality.
6. Your alliance has lost over a quarter of its former numbers but your still no where close to surrendering.
7. It's been a week of war and you still have no idea where this is going.
8. The people you report to in your "coalition" have changed at least three times.
9. Anarchy is catching up as the most popular government type choice.
10. Your flirting with the idea of offering a 3m/150 tech deal after the war is over because you think someone might take it.

Just a little list I had fun with and I thought you might enjoy. Let's here some of the ones others come up with.

Edited by Overlord Shinnra
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[quote name='Griff' date='04 February 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1265345014' post='2160253']
When being outnumbered 8-1 actually [i]raises[/i] morale :awesome:

You'd be surprised how those odds raise morale actually. Seen it happen a lot.

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[quote name='ratonbox' date='05 February 2010 - 01:00 AM' timestamp='1265349650' post='2160762']
When Nordreich and The International are on the same side. :blink:
Not only the same side. We're literally coming to their aid by attacking those who are attacking them.

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[quote name='President Obama' date='05 February 2010 - 01:12 AM' timestamp='1265350357' post='2160857']
When NpO on TSO are on the same side.

One upping is fun. :P
How about MCXA and TSO on the same side of a war? Heh? :P

- When being ZI'ed doesn't even matter much

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[quote name='AmpaSand' date='04 February 2010 - 11:30 PM' timestamp='1265347819' post='2160495']
When you nuke a 12kNS nation [i]who is larger than you[/i].

Otherwise, when the treaty web snaps and falls apart, and we are left with a sticky mess.
That was an excellent one.

When you have the same alliance fighting for different sides of the same war.

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When stuff like this happens:

[quote name='Frozenrpg' date='05 February 2010 - 01:32 AM' timestamp='1265351560' post='2160958']
DT activated their defense clause with Nordreich to attack Invicta & Olympus, which activated the MA clause with PC, which activated FoK's oA clause with PC, which activated the oA clause in LEO to declare on BAPS, Invicta and Olympus, which also activated the MA clause between FOK/iFOK, which activated the Stickmen oA clause on Invicta.

There, I think we have it straightened out now. :smug:

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