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[quote name='Louis Balfour' date='11 February 2010 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1265941240' post='2176115']
trs4ece and stockhunter from IRON both deserve props. TRS for the nice blitz and stock for popping my nuke cherry. Both showed class and humour in our PMs...

Kudos to Louis Balfour of ODN, you were my most friendly and funny opponent ever :).

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To my new friends at Nordreich: Medraut, Wilhelm 1908 and Kerjala.

When those guys come a knockin all hell breaks loose. It is slam, bam thank you mam all the way. These dudes are fast and coordinated. And never sleep, damn their hides.

But, we are having a grand old war. It is great doing business with you guys. Thanks.

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[quote name='legalluc' date='14 February 2010 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1266175884' post='2181061']
To my new friends at Nordreich: Medraut, Wilhelm 1908 and Kerjala.

When those guys come a knockin all hell breaks loose. It is slam, bam thank you mam all the way. These dudes are fast and coordinated. And never sleep, damn their hides.

But, we are having a grand old war. It is great doing business with you guys. Thanks.
It was fun, it was destructive, it was war. Just the way we like it. You were a great opponent and gave us a run for our money.

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A shoutout to greegarrett of Hydra, I feel a bit sorry for you. Started out the war with a nice warchest, but it seems you've been away as you've not read anything to come from me, so I've cut that down considerably by now. Sorry, but it's just business and all. :P

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Firstly, to the two nations of Troy from earlier in the war; great battles, you guys coordinated great.
Secondly, nations of ODN, in this war and in previous wars, I have fought with a few of you and almost every time I wind up messaging back and forth while destroying each other. You always seem to have a good attitude, don't take things personally and have fun with it. Thank you.

Now last but not least, without giving any names.

A special thanks goes out to this nation, (and you know who you are.) In our messages back and forth, seems I made a few typos and grammar mistakes. He, ever so kindly, took the time to not only point these mistakes out to me, but post one of them in his nation bio. Typos like "one" when I should have said "won." The best was my own line, "I am inflicting greater damage on you than you am I."
"YOU AM I?" Seriously? Who makes such mistakes? At my age and education, I have no excuse. So thank you for pointing them out to me. I promise I will work harder to improve my typing skills, spelling and correct my occasional poor grammar.
So if I may return the favor, let me help you as well.
When you attack someone, you may want to look over their nation first.

Day one after his initial attacks I received this message;
"Send me 3 million dollars and we'll call it even."

By day three, I receive this message;
"I obviously don't have nukes, so I would prefer a cease fire."

Remember my friend, "Know thine enemy."

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Hey hey hey! A big shout out to my Invicta fellas!!!

Yo Warning of VoodooHippies - keep them cruise missiles coming, man, but send me some soldiers! My soldiers are itching for a fight! :P

Yo yo ding dong SaberVamp of Ashford - send me a bullet, a cruise missile, even one soldier or a few tanks ...something! Let's get this party started! My soldiers are ready to pounce, and my air force is getting bored with destroying your infra.

Hey Hey baby boo Zartoxis from Valhalla ... come back sweetheart, ... I miss you already, darling! Please buy some defending soldiers, and let's you and I take it to the next level, know what I'm sayin??? ;)


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[quote name='Takku' date='13 February 2010 - 11:19 AM' timestamp='1266070777' post='2179191']
Oh and my shout out goes to Alan90. He's pretty much the only one that actually fights back.

Oh thanks Takku, and a shout out for you back for providing me a really fun war :P

Edited by AlaN90
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This is a shout out to Goali-kun from NpO. Thank you for a great time, it was awesome talking to you again after all this time. One for Rotalo from NpO as well. Your compliment was warming. My Supernaturally Designed Irradicator prevails! Thank you for a great time. Lastly to Pepper311: Your comments made me laugh, it was fun to destroy your nation :D

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[quote name='Alterego' date='12 February 2010 - 04:44 AM' timestamp='1265978679' post='2177461']
@ Caliph: At 30k NS $24m isn't going to get you too far fighting BAPS.
@ Alterego your 400 mill warchest is much bigger than mine, I'll admit, but aside from that I've had a blast taking nukes and responding back in kind.

At the beginning of this war you hadn't done anything but a few GA's, and it appeared you were turtling. If you can't take my comment to you then, you really don't deserve my respect.

I have remained respectful to you, to Leahcim, and to Sheltonius.

Suffice to say ...too bad you can't get over your hate of \m/ to post something praising any of us.

@ Sheltonius : Our little war has been most fun. You have been very pleasant in our PM's back and forth and good to see that you can rise above petty IC squabbles and have fun with this :)

Edited by Caliph
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[quote name='Commisar Gaunt' date='13 February 2010 - 06:25 PM' timestamp='1266085525' post='2179448']
Thanks necant, you were the most enjoyable opponent I've fought.
thanks man, the last week was quite boring and refreshing for me, as my aircastleopponent didn´t do much exept sending me a nuke evry 2 days, and eating defeat alerts and nukes on a daily basis in return, after he blocked like 10 in the first night, wtf.
But looks like i got some more fun now with [b]jjukil of Valnain from Vanguard[/b], who i wish to greet with this, lets see what what kind of dance you like, tango or cha cha cha?

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