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Everything posted by ToySoldier78

  1. Firstly, to the two nations of Troy from earlier in the war; great battles, you guys coordinated great. Secondly, nations of ODN, in this war and in previous wars, I have fought with a few of you and almost every time I wind up messaging back and forth while destroying each other. You always seem to have a good attitude, don't take things personally and have fun with it. Thank you. Now last but not least, without giving any names. A special thanks goes out to this nation, (and you know who you are.) In our messages back and forth, seems I made a few typos and grammar mistakes. He, ever so kindly, took the time to not only point these mistakes out to me, but post one of them in his nation bio. Typos like "one" when I should have said "won." The best was my own line, "I am inflicting greater damage on you than you am I." "YOU AM I?" Seriously? Who makes such mistakes? At my age and education, I have no excuse. So thank you for pointing them out to me. I promise I will work harder to improve my typing skills, spelling and correct my occasional poor grammar. So if I may return the favor, let me help you as well. When you attack someone, you may want to look over their nation first. Day one after his initial attacks I received this message; "Send me 3 million dollars and we'll call it even." By day three, I receive this message; "I obviously don't have nukes, so I would prefer a cease fire." Remember my friend, "Know thine enemy."
  2. yes, it did say trade bonus when I accepted it, maybe he did change teams and change back. I'll message him and see about resending the trade. Thanks for the info. I'll post back again if it doesnt work.
  3. I recently got a new trade with someone from the same team color. At first everything was fine, but later in the same day I made the trade, it changed to saying "no team bonus". If we are on the same team, how come Im not getting the bonus?
  4. Inflating tech was part of the game, a part I believe makes sense. More tech you have, the stronger of a force you will be. It's that simple. Those of you who lost thousands of nation strength and are complaining have every right. Those of you who think this is a great idea only seem to be thinking of themselves. What about us smaller nations? Sure I only lost just over 1000 nation strength. Not a big deal to most of you, but when you're a small nation like myself, a 1000 is a big deal. Not to mention, all of you who have sold tech to build your nation when you started out. How is it fair that I now cannot do the same. Sure tech still has value, sure some people will still buy. But I seriously doubt Im going to get the same price you did when you were small and trying so hard to grow. You guys were high in strength before this change, you still are. Us smaller nations are now just that, smaller, even smaller than before. My best chance at growth is now gone. you already enjoyed that day, where you sold your tech for INFRA. We all know infra is the bloodline, thats what you start out trying for, even before your first level of tech. But tech gave us a chance at that infra. Go ahead, be all high and mighty, "Im big, I lost strength but its a good idea because Im still big and now nations that were larger than me are more reachable" Now my goals are unattainable.
  5. The whole idea of tech increasing strength made sense to begin with. A change is fine, but on this level? I agree that if a change had to be made, such a drastic one should have been avoided. from 20 to 10 maybe, or if going down to 5, a heads up first, and then maybe a slow step by step drop to allow nations to prepare for it. But tech should inflate NS, no matter how large an army is, they wont be effective against an army more technologically advanced than themselves. You can't shoot down an F-22 Raptor with a slingshot ya know. Change is fine, just not so drastically. I am one of the newer nations, now Im cheated of the advantages older nations had.
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