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STA Official Statement


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There goes that sterling reputation of STA...

Yep, we're doomed now. :rolleyes:

But really ya'll should be glad for your relative detachment to the treaty web. We've had a hell of a time navigating all these conflicting treaties. We weren't perfect but thats because there was no one true answer to this mess. In the end I think we did pretty darn well. I'm also impressed at how well everyone else caught up in these wars have handled everything. For you to come in here and look down on us or anyone else involved in this is just silly.

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We don't sign treaties of convenience. Never have and never will. That said, had the situation been the other way around I would have happily declared war in defence of any in our coalition provided it wouldn't mean attacking our own treaty partners. The only alliance in the coalition prepared to do the same for us was NSO, and they weren't exactly in a position to provide any meaningful assistance.

I can understand the fact of not signing treaties of convenience. I was not involved in the highest levels of military planning, so I do not presume to know what they were thinking at the time. However, I know that a lot of different ideas were thrown about in order to get help to you guys, and that we certainly were not just ignoring your plight. I would have personally been happy to declare war on anyone that was needed.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we were not just letting STA get beat up for some malicious reason or apathy or whatever. I personally find it insulting that there is some implicit idea here that we were not ready to lay down everything we had for this war.

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For everyone hear moaning about how STA handled this....stfu...seriously. Many alliances were put in a position where they had to choose over their allies. Infact, I would say that is why IRON/TOP/TSO pre-empted C&G because their allies were tied up on THEIR side.

STA took an impossible situation and dealt with it the best they could. If the 2 options that you have are both the wrong choice how can you make the right one?

EDIT: You all should be so lucky to have allies as great as STA.

Edited by AirMe
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Well I dont mind the Athens comment at all... I actually appricate the war and the idea. Its like a little gift and Pez tried to wrap it for us in the way that would give STA the least amount of paper cuts.

It also lends to the idea that DoW's and treaties do matter. That in war there may be fronts but not everyone is at war with all on the other side. If it wasnt for this truth then people would just declare on a side and not against one alliance or a couple.

Edited by angryraccoon
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For everyone hear moaning about how STA handled this....stfu...seriously. Many alliances were put in a position where they had to choose over their allies. Infact, I would say that is why IRON/TOP/TSO pre-empted C&G because their allies were tied up on THEIR side.

STA took an impossible situation and dealt with it the best they could. If the 2 options that you have are both the wrong choice how can you make the right one?

Stop making sense. You're ruining the discussion.

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STA took an impossible situation and dealt with it the best they could. If the 2 options that you have are both the wrong choice how can you make the right one?

A strange game. The only "winning" move was not to play. Maybe would should have just sat around and played a nice game of chess with ourselves. :P

[Edit]/me dares TheNeverender to figure out which alliance he is in based on the above quote alone :P[/Edit]

Edited by Ragashingo
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As a government of Vanguard I appreciate your honesty STA. You were in a rough position, we were in a rough position, and I dont blame you. I also whole heartedly agree that since we have an MDP, not an MADP, attacks on our treaty partners is far different than attacks on us directly (one triggers our treaty while the other doesn't). I dont understand what people find so hard to understand about that last statement.


Coming from the person who puts out a commentary on the actions of various alliances on planet bob, this is rich.

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A fun game to play is to read a post in this thread, then guess the poster's AA. It's very enlightening, if nothing else.

I do that in just about every thread. It's very fun.

@On-topic: !@#$%* situation for you to be in, STA. !@#$tier with rumours flying about

Edited by Sargun
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A strange game. The only "winning" move was not to play. Maybe would should have just sat around and played a nice game of chess with ourselves. :P

[Edit]/me dares TheNeverender to figure out which alliance he is in based on the above quote alone :P[/Edit]

Clearly the New Pacific Order :awesome:

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