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And this is what happens when you align with hegemony alliances. You chose to fight alongside Valhalla, GGA, Legion, TPF, FEAR, TOP, then wonder why you're stuck in a horrible situation. Well $%&@, it's not hard to figure out.

You have a lot of gall calling Londo a dangerous alliance leader with Grub's dick in your mouth.

Actually we chose to defend our ally Polaris. I don't remember us defending or requesting support from any of the alliances you mentioned.

Also, the vulgarities you express say a lot more about you and your alliance than what you are trying to say about ours.

Thanks :smug:

Edited by lakerzz8
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Extremely funny thread.

MK members certainly ginned up a ton of either outrage, or as this whole thing turned out, probably faux outrage over Polaris attacking the ally, of an ally, of an ally yet generally have no problem for the most part over STA pretty much telling TOP to roll Athens, a direct MADP partner of MK.

Oh well, either way the world burns and the former Karma coalition paints a clearer and clearer picture of the world they actually intended rather than the flowery prose from Archon at the start of that war.

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' date='31 January 2010 - 01:21 AM' timestamp='1264900868' post='2146072']
EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.
Prehaps you now finally understand that alliances only care for the people they ally with, not the people their allies care for.... so i dont know why you take offense to people disliking you, im sure you hate (infact i know) certain alliances which are allied with your allies that you couldnt careless for if they "burned to the ground"

So i dont see your problem...

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[quote name='Vol Navy' date='31 January 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1264946885' post='2147491']
Extremely funny thread.

MK members certainly ginned up a ton of either outrage, or as this whole thing turned out, probably faux outrage over Polaris attacking the ally, of an ally, of an ally yet generally have no problem for the most part over STA pretty much telling TOP to roll Athens, a direct MADP partner of MK.

Oh well, either way the world burns and the former Karma coalition paints a clearer and clearer picture of the world they actually intended rather than the flowery prose from Archon at the start of that war.

Are you attempting to insinuate that the world prior to Karma was better?

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' date='30 January 2010 - 07:21 PM' timestamp='1264900868' post='2146072']
Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

You should know right. UED, just sayin.

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[quote name='Choader' date='31 January 2010 - 03:21 AM' timestamp='1264908068' post='2146393']
And this is what happens when you align with hegemony alliances. You chose to fight alongside Valhalla, GGA, Legion, TPF, FEAR, TOP, then wonder why you're stuck in a horrible situation. Well $%&@, it's not hard to figure out.

You have a lot of gall calling Londo a dangerous alliance leader with Grub's dick in your mouth.

[quote name='Choader' date='31 January 2010 - 03:29 AM' timestamp='1264908596' post='2146412']
The truth usually is.

The truth is we fought beside Polaris. You can try to attribute all the rest to us but you just make yourself foolish because everyone knows exactly why STA went to war. Your method of prose is most definately not going to change any minds about that.

[quote name='Vol Navy' date='31 January 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1264946885' post='2147491']
Extremely funny thread.

MK members certainly ginned up a ton of either outrage, or as this whole thing turned out, probably faux outrage over Polaris attacking the ally, of an ally, of an ally yet generally have no problem for the most part over STA pretty much telling TOP to roll Athens, a direct MADP partner of MK.

Oh well, either way the world burns and the former Karma coalition paints a clearer and clearer picture of the world they actually intended rather than the flowery prose from Archon at the start of that war.

Perhaps we should have told them to have some members make a splinter alliance and try to get a protectorate with Athens instead?

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' date='31 January 2010 - 01:21 AM' timestamp='1264900868' post='2146072']
Good to know.

EDIT: Encouraging an unprovoked attack on my alliance because you don't like me is completely inappropriate and will not be forgotten. Not cool.

Do something about it chump...:ehm: Athens will burn and I will dance in the flames soon enough...:awesome:

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[quote name='Stonewall14' date='31 January 2010 - 11:01 AM' timestamp='1264953718' post='2147659']
Do something about it chump...:ehm: Athens will burn and I will dance in the flames soon enough...:awesome:

Perhaps showing some humility and taking the high road is in order for you given the circumstances.

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[quote name='Stonewall14' date='31 January 2010 - 11:01 AM' timestamp='1264953718' post='2147659']
Do something about it chump...:ehm: Athens will burn and I will dance in the flames soon enough...:awesome:

No. This is not acceptable. I apologize, Athens.

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[quote name='Choader' date='30 January 2010 - 09:21 PM' timestamp='1264908068' post='2146393']
And this is what happens when you align with hegemony alliances. You chose to fight alongside Valhalla, GGA, Legion, TPF, FEAR, TOP, then wonder why you're stuck in a horrible situation. Well $%&@, it's not hard to figure out.

You have a lot of gall calling Londo a dangerous alliance leader with____________________.

Choader, may i ask a favor of you? Please remove the Sparta pip from your avatar. Your lack of class and use of profanity in a forum that can easily be seen by children sullies the name of my alliance.

In regards to the thread, This "[13:55] <Uhtred> if IRON wanted to hit Athens they'd get nothing but cheers from STA" seems to be the only thing (in my opinion)that was not handled well by the STA. I think its obvious that anything you say in game or on irc can (and most likely will) be log dumped on these forums. There is a [b]big[/b] difference between not wanting your allies to get hit and cheering at the prospect of one of their close friends getting stomped. It seems like an FA nightmare but (other than Londo) no one involved seems to be too upset by it. The first rule of diplomacy should always be if you dont have anything nice to say about someone than say nothing at all.

Edited by the damned
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[quote name='the damned' date='31 January 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1264954986' post='2147705']
Choader, may i ask a favor of you? Please remove the Sparta pip from your avatar. Your lack of class and use of profanity in a forum that can easily be seen by children sullies the name of my alliance.

In regards to the thread, This "[13:55] <Uhtred> if IRON wanted to hit Athens they'd get nothing but cheers from STA" seems to be the only thing (in my opinion)that was not handled well by the STA. I think its obvious that anything you say in game or on irc can (and most likely will) be log dumped on these forums. There is a [b]big[/b] difference between not wanting your allies to get hit and cheering at the prospect of one of their close friends getting stomped. It seems like an FA nightmare but (other than Londo) no one involved seems to be too upset by it. The first rule of diplomacy should always be if you dont have anything nice to say about someone than say nothing at all.

He makes a statement about the fact that irc comments will get dumped and you go and dump one. Well played Uhtred.

There is no way around being opportunistic, when you are you simply are. It does not make you appear to be the man with all the info, just makes it look like you were idling in the right place.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='31 January 2010 - 02:56 PM' timestamp='1264949810' post='2147542']
Are you attempting to insinuate that the world prior to Karma was better?
If you go back far enough it certainly was. Although, to be fair, NAAC was around back then as well.

[quote name='rsoxbronco1' date='30 January 2010 - 11:26 PM' timestamp='1264893986' post='2145843']
Chron-esque response goes here I guess.
I would [i]love[/i] to know what that would look like.

Edit: Well, considering STA was forced to be on the opposite side of some of it's treaty partners in the past war, I can hardly blame them. They've done a good job throughout this entire mess, so my hat's off to them.

Edited by Chron
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[quote name='pezstar' date='31 January 2010 - 11:16 AM' timestamp='1264954580' post='2147696']
No. This is not acceptable. I apologize, Athens.

Oh I see, [i]that[/i] comment crossed the line.

If you don't like us badly enough that you would "cheer" someone attacking us, then maybe you should come talk to us about that. It's clear that it's not only STA's government that feels that way, so come talk to us on IRC sometime. You'll probably find out that we're pretty nice guys.

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[quote name='Mathias' date='31 January 2010 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1264958581' post='2147816']
Oh I see, [i]that[/i] comment crossed the line.

If you don't like us badly enough that you would "cheer" someone attacking us, then maybe you should come talk to us about that. It's clear that it's not only STA's government that feels that way, so come talk to us on IRC sometime. You'll probably find out that we're pretty nice guys.
I think a bit back Pezstar said something about disliking Londo more than Athens as a whole. I'm sure a lot of you are good people, but Athens as a whole has done some things that people rather disliked (the raiding of an entire alliance for example).

I really find it interesting how some people think they should stick up for their allies' allies. The only obligations come with friendship/treaties in my opinion (Of course the argument could be made that if two alliances are truely friends defense is not an obligation but an honor).

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='31 January 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1264960424' post='2147864']
Blah blah blah, Upright Tigers Brigade blah blah o nardblarg?

Maybe you shouldn't have entered Polaris' moral imperialist crusade in the first place.
Oh quit harping on that already, it's done and over with. STA was honoring their treaty and relationship with Polaris, etc etc.

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[quote name='Chron' date='31 January 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1264960560' post='2147870']
Oh quit harping on that already, it's done and over with. STA was honoring their treaty and relationship with Polaris, etc etc.
Maybe when everyone stops !@#$%*ing and moaning about the awful, uncomfortable, terrible, odious position--excuse me while I wipe a tear--they were dragged kicking and screaming into then I'll stop bringing it up. STA knew what they were getting into, Tyga's not a helmet-wearing retard, he picked one set of allies over another in a 100% discretionary war of imperialist aggression.

So everyone please shut the hell up about the awkward positioning anywhere except your private halls when it might be neccessary to explain to members why they're helping some allies and not others.

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It would be nice if these things could be removed/resolved to the embassies of Athens and STA instead of on the BBs. I do not enjoy watching my allies throw threats and accusations at the other.

To Athens: STA was well within its bounds to suggest what they did. Being offended isnt going to change the course and shouldering this grudge is only going to put your allies in the middle of all of this. Im not saying I support their actions but I at least understand where they are coming from.

Edited by tamerlane
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