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Imperial Assault Alliance Declaration of Frustration


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Very nice IAA. Swear that you're on NpO's side, come into their private war channel with all of their defenders, and then jump to the other side. Truly honorable.

I'm very disappointed, I thought you were better than that.

IAA doesn't have to follow their oA clause of the Polar treaty. They DO have to follow their MD clause of their treaty with Nemesis. It's not their fault they're FORCED to do this.

Edited by Penkala
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If an alliance has the issue of "friends fighting friends", shouldn't that alliance take a neutral standpoint in the conflict? Just a thougt...

Are you saying they should have just ignored the fact that they had treaties with defense clauses and should have chosen to neglect all of them in favor of neutrality?

Because if that's what you're saying, you're underestimating the Imperial Assault Alliance's honor.

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IAA doesn't have to follow their oA clause of the Polar treaty. They DO have to follow their MD clause of their treaty with Nemesis. It's not their fault they're FORCED to do this.

I agree, it isn't their fault for that.

What IS their fault is that they pretended to be on NpO's side, coming into our restricted channel, and otherwise spying on us.

If they were going to be on this side all along, they should have manned up and admitted it instead of being backstabbing spies.

I've always thought IAA lived up to their word, I'm truly disappointed to see that they don't.

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So, allow me to retract my earlier statements about treaty issues. It seems that the legalities have caused the IAA to be forced to make this declaration of war. However, if this whole spying thing is true, I would hope IAA has an apology to make soon. None of my business, though, so I'll leave that up to you all.

Good luck.

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For everyone who is posting here please read what I am going to say with an open mind.

Genesis is a good group of people, how ever we hold no treaties with them what so ever, THEY attacked Nemesis who is like a borhter to the IAA, When Nemesis called we had to pack up our family and friends, place them in a bunker and go to war, this is not easy for anyone.

We have a treaty with NpO this is true, but we have many treaties we do our best to make sure we Honor our friends and loved ones, We will still honor our treaties as we have always done, but we will not and i say this with a clear mind, we will not sit back and let our friends die, you may not like it but thats what we are about we support our friends and loved ones.

This was not easy for us.


Edited by Timeline
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IAA had a choice, up until a short time ago, even their closest allies, believed that they would fall on the side of npo. Had they done so we would have respected them for that. But When Nem was attacked, they did what there honor required of them. To defend there brothers. I also know that no matter what information IAA may have learned they would not have spread it around.

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IAA had a choice, up until a short time ago, even their closest allies, believed that they would fall on the side of npo. Had they done so we would have respected them for that. But When Nem was attacked, they did what there honor required of them. To defend there brothers. I also know that no matter what information IAA may have learned they would not have spread it around.

i can back that up, i thought that IAA would help NpO and we were fine with that and i as i was personally involved in planning i can say they gave no info, i know i asked a couple times what polar was doing i was told they didnt know. you people that go after IAA your not saints either this war was stupid it screwed everbody but even though i think the CB was probably the stupidest thing ive ever seen, the IAA was fully prepared to take the Optional part of their treaty with the NpO and fufill but when nemesis was attacked they HAD to fufill the mutual. they anquished over their decision so you people that dont know what happend behind the scenes leave them alone because there better allies than youll ever be

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hell Chim didn't even give me any info other than they were asked to hit FOK. So any claims of spying are ridiculous at best. They were prepared and ready and more than willing hit FOK that and then their good pal Nemesis got involved on the other side. Chim was badly torn in this. What sealed the deal was the way IRON and TOP did their thing. He was still trying to talk me out of the Genesis gig 15 minutes after we were supposed to DoW. He didn't want any of this to happen like it did. I don't think Chim wanted to get involved with people like that and I don't blame him. Polaris peaced out anyway, so I think Chim did the right thing here.

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Chimaera did the right thing here. All of you can baww as much as you'd like, but you should have thought about the way you handled this situation. Unlike NpO's false claims, Chimaera actually followed his moral convictions and followed what he felt was right. At one point he might have thought that Polar was right, but the way things played out obviously changed his mind. I personally witnessed him stress about what to do because not only did we have conflicting treaties, but the members of IAA did not have one set opinion and he was trying to please everyone. Maybe you shouldn't completely blind side other alliances and this wouldn't be happening, then again we all see where that went.

o/ Chimaera. You were put in a difficult position, but in the end you made the one that was best for the Empire.

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I wish those of you casting judgment on IAA would take a step back and look at the big picture. Chimaera was faced with a difficult decision, and I think he did a fair job of balancing the needs of his allies in Nemesis with his own conflicting desires. You may have noticed we have white peace all around. I still consider Chimaera and IAA friends, regardless of their actions in this conflict.

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Seriously, anyone coming down on IAA over any of this, should probably seek to get a clue. They are in an utterly impossible situation, and some of their allies fell on the side in which they didnt think they would fall. Sometimes, impossible situations force people to make the most difficult of choices. When all is sorted out, 2 things will be clear.....

1) Some will judge IAA, and shy away from them.

2) Athens will LOVE IAA.

You guys know, we ALWAYS have your backs, even when it looked like you were falling the other way. Friends truly are greater than treaty obligations.

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Very nice IAA. Swear that you're on NpO's side, come into their private war channel with all of their defenders, and then jump to the other side. Truly honorable.

I'm very disappointed, I thought you were better than that.

I understand the frustration and disappointment, Duncan. Hell, I welcome it - I certainly don't think this was a perfect decision (in my eyes, one didn't exist).

Truth be told, I had planned to be on NpO's side until, well, about 15 minutes before this declaration of war. Then all of a sudden half of my allies are getting smashed with zero cause and I realize that all of a sudden the sector of the war I was about to get involved in wasn't going to last much longer. Indeed, I was even asked by a few people from a couple alliances specifically not to defend Polar because that obligation was about to be nullified by a peace.

I understand the accusations of spying; in your shoes, I'd assume the same. But I must say you are incorrect - I shared zero information from the war channels I was in a few days ago to anyone on the "other" side in order to keep whatever dignity as a ruler I have left. You may assume quite a few things about myself and our Empire after what we've been forced to do, but never assume we would stoop so low as to betray our friends and allies on either side by sharing information with their enemies or soon-to-be enemies. You may not believe me, but that simply isn't how I work.

There's the whole story - you can ask any of my personal friends and contacts around Planet Bob to corroborate it if that would make you feel better.

I am sorry that in this whole ridiculous war, IAA's reputation had to be tarnished. I will do whatever I can to ensure that this tarnish is made clean again in the eyes of the international community.

Edited by Chimaera
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I understand the frustration and disappointment, Duncan. Hell, I welcome it - I certainly don't think this was a perfect decision (in my eyes, one didn't exist).

Truth be told, I had planned to be on NpO's side until, well, about 15 minutes before this declaration of war. Then all of a sudden half of my allies are getting smashed with zero cause and I realize that all of a sudden the sector of the war I was about to get involved in wasn't going to last much longer. Indeed, I was even asked by a few people from a couple alliances specifically not to defend Polar because that obligation was about to be nullified by a peace.

I understand the accusations of spying; in your shoes, I'd assume the same. But I must say you are incorrect - I shared zero information from the war channels I was in a few days ago to anyone on the "other" side in order to keep whatever dignity as a ruler I have left. You may assume quite a few things about myself and our Empire after what we've been forced to do, butnever assume we would stoop so low as to betray our friends and allies on either side by sharing information with their enemies or soon-to-be enemies. You may not believe me, but that simply isn't how I work.

There's the whole story - you can ask any of my personal friends and contacts around Planet Bob to corroborate it if that would make you feel better.

I am sorry that in this whole ridiculous war, IAA's reputation had to be tarnished. I will do whatever I can to ensure that this tarnish is made clean again in the eyes of the international community.

My friend, the tarnish of your reputation will only come from those whom are too irrational to stop 2 minutes and look at your side. Those who are truly your friends, understood from day 1. We loved you then, we love you now, and we will love you tomorrow.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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My friend, the tarnish of your reputation will only come from those whom are too irrational to stop 2 minutes and look at your side. Those who are truly your friends, understood from day 1. We loved you then, we love you now, and we will love you tomorrow.

The sentiment is most appreciated. IAA has prided herself on standing up for all her allies since we were formed in 2006, and having to choose between two great allies last night was more painful than anything we have ever done - worse than the war to ZI and expulsion from Planet Bob, worse than undergoing extortion, worse than having to speak to Jgoods on a daily basis.

I hope that the rest of Planet Bob understands, though perhaps our unique situation is uniquely incomprehensible.

If anyone wants to speak to me about my decision and the process that led to it, speak to me today. I should have most of this afternoon available to chat.

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Wow, the Polar bawwing in this topic is amazing. Great friends you are, putting your friends in bad positions and complaining that they can't defend you because of said positons. :rolleyes: And, as always, MD > oA.


Well, I can´t say I hate to see this, but I hope IAA and Genesis can sort it out.


I wish those of you casting judgment on IAA would take a step back and look at the big picture. Chimaera was faced with a difficult decision, and I think he did a fair job of balancing the needs of his allies in Nemesis with his own conflicting desires. You may have noticed we have white peace all around. I still consider Chimaera and IAA friends, regardless of their actions in this conflict.


I understand the frustration and disappointment, Duncan. Hell, I welcome it - I certainly don't think this was a perfect decision (in my eyes, one didn't exist).

Truth be told, I had planned to be on NpO's side until, well, about 15 minutes before this declaration of war. Then all of a sudden half of my allies are getting smashed with zero cause and I realize that all of a sudden the sector of the war I was about to get involved in wasn't going to last much longer. Indeed, I was even asked by a few people from a couple alliances specifically not to defend Polar because that obligation was about to be nullified by a peace.

I understand the accusations of spying; in your shoes, I'd assume the same. But I must say you are incorrect - I shared zero information from the war channels I was in a few days ago to anyone on the "other" side in order to keep whatever dignity as a ruler I have left. You may assume quite a few things about myself and our Empire after what we've been forced to do, but never assume we would stoop so low as to betray our friends and allies on either side by sharing information with their enemies or soon-to-be enemies. You may not believe me, but that simply isn't how I work.

There's the whole story - you can ask any of my personal friends and contacts around Planet Bob to corroborate it if that would make you feel better.

I am sorry that in this whole ridiculous war, IAA's reputation had to be tarnished. I will do whatever I can to ensure that this tarnish is made clean again in the eyes of the international community.

God I love you Chim. :wub:

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I understand the frustration and disappointment, Duncan. Hell, I welcome it - I certainly don't think this was a perfect decision (in my eyes, one didn't exist).

Truth be told, I had planned to be on NpO's side until, well, about 15 minutes before this declaration of war. Then all of a sudden half of my allies are getting smashed with zero cause and I realize that all of a sudden the sector of the war I was about to get involved in wasn't going to last much longer. Indeed, I was even asked by a few people from a couple alliances specifically not to defend Polar because that obligation was about to be nullified by a peace.

I understand the accusations of spying; in your shoes, I'd assume the same. But I must say you are incorrect - I shared zero information from the war channels I was in a few days ago to anyone on the "other" side in order to keep whatever dignity as a ruler I have left. You may assume quite a few things about myself and our Empire after what we've been forced to do, but never assume we would stoop so low as to betray our friends and allies on either side by sharing information with their enemies or soon-to-be enemies. You may not believe me, but that simply isn't how I work.

There's the whole story - you can ask any of my personal friends and contacts around Planet Bob to corroborate it if that would make you feel better.

I am sorry that in this whole ridiculous war, IAA's reputation had to be tarnished. I will do whatever I can to ensure that this tarnish is made clean again in the eyes of the international community.

>_> Perhaps I spoke overly harshly on the first page. An understandably difficult decision. I can only hope that your word is true. Best of luck to the IAA

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I hate the fact IAA was put in such a bind. I was glad Chim came to Nemesis's defense of course, but I would not have held any grudge if he had been forced into declaring neutrality. This is how close Nemesis is to IAA. I saw him agonize over this in the channels. Don't anyone out there in Planet Bob question this man's integrity. Hails to IAA, LoSS, and CoJ.

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