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Official Announcement from The Order of the Paradox


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Oh LM you wound me D:

Well I still don't consider you on the other side. Even if your treaties say you are. You're always with me and others over here even if you are lost (not saying VE is a bad place to be at all, hi VE!) so come back to the way of tech and nooks. It's in your blood. And yes I'd get more then [ooc] a beer with you. I'd let you ride in my helipcopter [ooc].

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There are other citadel alliances too :v

The main point i'm driving at is that you can't call this the same conflict, this is an entirely new war between us which is completely fine with me. [ooc] Good analogy by the way, i laughed[ooc]

No really I can call it the same conflict. It's the same conflict. See, just did. If I truly believed it was a separate conflict, I'd just tell you it was, I'm not exactly big on beating around the bush.

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No really I can call it the same conflict. It's the same conflict. See, just did. If I truly believed it was a separate conflict, I'd just tell you it was, I'm not exactly big on beating around the bush.

Of course you can say what you want, but you can not just blatantly disregard the fact that neither of us was involved in the original conflict to begin with.

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Of course you can say what you want, but you can not just blatantly disregard the fact that neither of us was involved in the original conflict to begin with.

Involvement is subjective. You say neither of us were involved. I say we were both involved. To be honest this point will be argued back and forth for the next year or more and no one will agree. So lets agree to disagree and come up with more analogies that are awesome.

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Involvement is subjective. You say neither of us were involved. I say we were both involved. To be honest this point will be argued back and forth for the next year or more and no one will agree. So lets agree to disagree and come up with more analogies that are awesome.

Alright thats fine by me.

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This is where someone tells you that that propaganda went way over your head... and there we have it. That piece of propaganda isn't that hard to understand and doesn't not make sense. The fact that TOP was considered a NPO lapdog is completely irrelevant. The point is: IRON answered to NPO before, and now they are answering to TOP. See how uncomplicated that is?

I've been hearing a lot of "TOP needs to stop letting IRON push them into doing what IRON wants."

So, all you maligners need to get together and get on the same page regarding who is the servant, and who is the master.

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I've been hearing a lot of "TOP needs to stop letting IRON push them into doing what IRON wants."

So, all you maligners need to get together and get on the same page regarding who is the servant, and who is the master.

I am not talking about the real scene. I'm talking about what the propaganda was hinting. Learn2propaganda.

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It was mighty obvious that CnG was going to attack TOP. Plus the giant hailstorm in #mushroom after the fact and everyone thanking CnG for setting up TOP/IRON pretty much confirmed it. Stop trying to get some moral high ground like TOP is the big bad school bully and you are an innocent bystander that he decided to punch in the face.

You realize that they were actually mocking you over that terrible piece of propaganda from the last war with Darth Vader and the Owl right? Please tell me you are not that thick.....

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You realize that they were actually mocking you over that terrible piece of propaganda from the last war with Darth Vader and the Owl right? Please tell me you are not that thick.....

To be fair, not everyone remembers last war as vividly. I know I have no clue what you're talking about, but alas, I don't keep up with CN much.

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To be fair, not everyone remembers last war as vividly. I know I have no clue what you're talking about, but alas, I don't keep up with CN much.


There you go. It was voted the worst propaganda of Blue Balls and has become quite the meme.

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Ha, I kinda hate us for that too. Did we give you an interview?

*Goes to browse old applications.

Vlad better had interviewed them! or Buller... anyway if they didn't I'm yelling at Sky! :D

The only reason they are fighting those odds because instead of waiting for the conflict to progress, they attacked out of the blue. If they would have stayed put they would have been fighting on the statistically stronger side.

So since they jumped in without a "reasonable" casus belli and because they're out numbered still makes them cowards? That's as much of a joke as me calling you an infra hugger earlier today :D

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Vlad better had interviewed them! or Buller... anyway if they didn't I'm yelling at Sky! :D

So since they jumped in without a "reasonable" casus belli and because they're out numbered still makes them cowards? That's as much of a joke as me calling you an infra hugger earlier today :D

Not once have I ever referred to TOP as cowards. Stat whores yes. Cowards no.

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