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Look, I've been a long standing supporter of the idea that alliances should be able to defend whom they want regardless of their treaty status. NpO entered the FoA-\m/ without a defense clause, and most of the opposing side have (or will soon be) taking advantage of some option or non-optional aggression chain to enter as well. The whole talk of who should and should not be able to enter what war, outside of those who technically obligated themselves to enter by signing an MDP that's been triggered, is silly. It's just amusing that by the anti-NpO validating the idea they (i.e. certain alliances within the "coalition") can defend unassociated alliances they feel have been attacked unfairly they're at the same time implicitly supporting the idea NpO had every right to join the \m/-FoA war. That is to say both sides had every right to attack each other and let's just get to the fighting without all the morality business.

I read every last response from page one up until this one. And I stopped here to finally reply because I found one that makes absolute sense.

\m/ should have known someone would use their tech raid/war as an excuse to finally see some military action especially after the WWE incident.

NpO knew that defending FoA could lead to a war with \m/

And despite how unpopular \m/ is most people had a feeling that someone would stop in to defend and happily accept support from those they were allied as well.

There is no conspiracy here, there is no coalition that was created to plot the destruction of NpO everything that comes with it is nothing more than a bonus or an opportunity that comes after the fact.

Speaking from my experience with my alliance.. we didn't expect FoK to enter the war but it was no surprise that they did because FoK honors its treaties and it was a no brainer that R&R would soon follow. So GOD joining is also simple common sense..

GOD may love war, GOD may dislike NSO they may even dislike NpO but none of that matters. Everyone can speculate over peace mode nations and ridicule GOD for their blitz but nobody knows all the facts accept each alliance directly involved.

War is hell, war isn't pretty, war can be fun, war can be annoying, confusing, and the list goes on and on. So happy hunting GOD, I fully expect you guys to come out guns blazing when the time is right.

Tell Viking I said hi :P

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I am quite pleased to see this declaration. My Sith brothers, I salute you in having an opportunity to rid the world of one of its largest sources of hot air, uncouth "leaders", and general unpleasantness.

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I thought you guys said Coalitions weren't real, and therefore Athens and TPF were never at war during Karma.

Guess my memory was off.

No, Dilber, some people are even more full of crap than you, if you can believe it. :smug:

But I had forgotten that one.

Edited by Chron
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