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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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I'd still like to know what size alliance constitutes NpO automatic protection. I'd hate to be put in the same position as \m/. Is it a sliding scale depending on how well connected the alliance is?

As long as you are as connected as Athens and FoB you should be just fine.

To the Sith who are endorsing this moralist crusade:

I know it is tactical. I know it is for your own benefit. But it is disgusting, and an embarrassment. Just remember; if you give the moralists back their power, if you support the crusades that they embark upon, they will bring their guns against you in the last. They cannot tolerate free people; we must be slaves, or we must be dead. Remember that you too are a force for the self and the self alone, and the people you support today will be calling for your hanging tommorow.

The Sith should be fine until they run out of lipstick or until NpO finds someone else to worship them.


There tears are delicious though...damned delicious.

Mocking your allies. I heard from someone that is a brilliant political move. Misread part of the quote.

Edited by Daikos
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So this is an attempt for Polar to get their jolling off for rolling \m/ a second time?

Poor show Polar. Poor show.

There a reason you quoted my post?

Really? When did I ever spout off that "a sovereign alliance can do whatever they want"?

Out comes the fight, gotta love that in you. I never said you stated such a thing, I merely made a general statement. Feel free to ignore it.

well, I have to give you that one, good show.

Enjoy your war and the fights on the OWF, mate. :D

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I don't know your ways and I won't pretend to. I can't comment on the past this community has shared, because I don't even completely understand it's present, but I promise if you want there to be a future standards must be set. This conflict has many chapters and many more pages missing that I will probably never understand, but what I don't understand is why? Why are so many so eager to support \m/. Bigotry, racism, the holocaust are not things to be made jokes of. Some have claimed that if you don't want to hear it don't be around it, but why? Why is it so acceptable to you as individuals that instead of calling a spade, spade. You parade around it like a medal to be shown proudly. Even within the attempted apology there was no sincerity, the whole thing was made out to be a joke and those who were hurt by it were the ones being persecuted. You don't find it offensive when racist words are used, when others make jokes at the expense of one racial group, but it hurt somebody. I don't mean a physical pain, no your words won't cause blood, but sometimes the tongue is mightier than the sword. Instead of asking yourself does this offend me, ask yourself at who's expense am I having this cheap laugh. I don't understand this game yet, but I am learning to. I don't know your culture and with what I have read about alliances like \m/. I am not sure I want to. I suppose I should consider myself lucky to have joined an alliance that has morals and a back bone. I am proud that my alliance has such a knowledgeable members that have flooded to praise our allies in Polaris, but I think tonight I am most honored that the people of the New Polar Order have marched to war for a cause and a just one at that.

Hail my allies, New Polar Order.

Edited by Prince Maverick
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IMO, NpO didn't Declared on PC because they didnt want to invite FOK! and Umbrella to come to PC'S aid on an instant..if that's happen, Polar will be bleeding all over they're body..

that's why they want to play safe just by Declaring On \m/, indeed by declaring on \m/ they might invite PC to the battle too, but then again i doubt that PC will bring FOK! and Umbrella on an instant...

am i right daddy ?? :huh:

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The ability to spell is the first step on the road to being able to debate. :v:

Its late here in Merrie Melodies, and there are all these planes and bombs, its hard to concentrate. But if you want to use poor spellling as a CB against us when your freed I would accept that as a better CB than what we have now.

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Yeah yeah yeah, this always happens. Even FAN came on the forums and said stuff against their attacks, and they were at war for a really, really long time.

I don't know why people go "Hurr, you're just crying" over these sorts of deals.

That's true, but I think it's the predictability of it all that makes it amusing more than anything else. The rapid 180 degree shift in the sort of statements being peddled on the OWF, and the hypocrisy associated with it, just delights me every time. Perhaps that makes me too much a man of simple pleasures.

Edited by heggo
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Its late here in Merrie Melodies, and there are all these planes and bombs, its hard to concentrate. But if you want to use poor spellling as a CB against us when your freed I would accept that as a better CB than what we have now.
I couldn't pass that one up, even if I've done it before as well :P
Technically, he spelled "whole" correctly. It would be his diction and, grammar, that is the issue. :v:
Touché ^_^ Edited by F15pilotX
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So you can't back up your own argument at all is what you're saying. And these other people who are "more informed" are just leaving you out to dry instead of presenting that valid reason you keep claiming is there.
My argument is that it doesn't matter.

I guess logic needs a citation now?

So there was a "reason" yet no one claims to know it. And the second part I've already agreed they were dicks about. I also agreed that they apologized for it.
Clearly whatever was done was not enough.
You have nothing to back up your argument. That's what it means.
No, what I'm saying is that you're all over the place trying to find any nook and cranny to argue your position of "Omg Grub = Walford, hypocritical villain, etc" from. And it's showing.
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As long as you are as connected as Athens and FoB you should be just fine.

The Sith should be fine until they run out of lipstick or until NpO finds someone else to worship them.

Mocking your allies. I heard from someone that is a brilliant political move.

I am starting to fall in love with you.

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Gotta back farther than that.

You know this very well of course. Please put this conversation on a tape loop so I don't have to keep rehashing my part.

So you're not gonna say it instead you're going to make some witty comment about this being repetitive just because you don't want to say what you want to say?

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it worked for Genmay in declaring on BotS to get the UjW started. seems that GOONS and \m/, at least their former incarnations, did not mind that CB so much when they used it last.

So you're saying that Polar is basically the same as the Unjust Path? That's not exactly stellar praise coming from you.

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IMO, NpO didn't Declared on PC because they didnt want to invite FOK! and Umbrella to come to PC'S aid on an instant..if that's happen, Polar will be bleeding all over they're body..

that's why they want to play safe just by Declaring On \m/, indeed by declaring on \m/ they might invite PC to the battle too, but then again i doubt that PC will bring FOK! and Umbrella on an instant...

am i right daddy ?? :huh:

Sort of like not declaring on RoK right? Even though they were one of the main aggressors?



edit: link added

Edited by omfghi2u2
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That's true, but I think it's the predictability of it all that makes it amusing more than anything else. The rapid 180 degree shift in the sort of statements being peddled on the OWF, and the hypocrisy associated with it, just delights me every time. Perhaps that makes me too much a man of simple pleasures.

That's true I suppose.

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